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Системная психология и социология » Английская версия журнала » Journal 29 |
ROMANOVA Evgeniya Sergeevna — Doctor of Psychology, full professor. Acting director of the Institute of Psychology, Sociology and Social Relations at the Moscow City University. Head of the department of General and Practical Psychology at IPSSR at the Moscow City University. Honorary Teacher of the Russian Federation, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation. Laureate of the President of the Russian Federation Education Award in 1998. Laureate of the Russian Federation Government Education Award in 2009. Honorary Professor of the Moscow City University, member of the Presidium of Educational and Methodological Consolidation of the Universities of the Russian Federation. Honorary Worker of Higher School of the Russian Federation. E-mail: RomanovaES@mgpu.ru
A. V. Tkachenko, MCU, Moscow
The article deals with the main points of sociology of religion of Auguste Comte, Herbert Spencer and other founders of sociological science. On the basis of the analysis of their scientific-methodological and religious concepts the author puts forward the thesis about the use of the system approach to study of religious phenomena by early positivists. It is emphasized that O. Comte and H. Spencer perceived religion as an integral part of the whole system of interdependent elements. Sociology of religion as a branch of sociology began its development since the emergence of this science. There were Сh. L. Montesquieu, Voltaire, I. Kant, F. Schleiermacher, H. Saint-Simon and other thinkers who lived mainly in the 18th – early 19th centuries among the ideological predecessors of the first sociologists. Their influence on the formation of sociology of religion is briefly described by the article author. At the same time, some little-known borrowings made by O. Comte and H. Spencer from T. Hobbes, A. Turgot and N. Condorcet and the parallels with views on religion of E. Littre, E. Tylor, V. Pareto, E. Durkheim, M. M. Kovalevsky, G. Le Bon, S. Freud and R. Aron are mentioned. There is the most detailed analysis of the contribution to sociology of religion by O. Comte in the present work. It is indicated that the founder of sociology considered society as a system functioning according to the laws of social statics and dynamics. Religion, in his view, as a part of society is subject to these laws and is in a position of a dynamic balance. In turn, this fact means that religion can be transformed. It allowed O. Comte to offer his own version of religion which according to his plan is capable to replace traditional denominations. Then the article analyzes H. Spencer’s sociological theory of religion. The main components of this theory are distinguished: the comparison of religious institutions with parts of an indivisible social organism and the allocation of their inherent social functions. The special attention is paid to the fact that neither O. Comte nor H. Spencer predicted the complete eradication of religion and its replacement by science. In the Conclusions and the Summary of the article the author notes the accordance of the views of O. Comte and H. Spencer with the modern perception of religion from the system approach perspective.
Key words: sociology of religion, the system approach, social system, social subsystem, social institution.
For citation: Tkachenko A. V. The Systems Approach in Sociology by A. Comte, H. Spencer and Other Founders of Sociological Science // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2019. № 1 (29). P. 109-120
O. A. Dobrina NSPU, Novosibirsk
This article is an attempt to create a system of concepts for the development of a holistic theory of social risks and threats to self-identity. To this end, we consider the research papers of the British sociologist A. Giddens devoted to the problems of late modernity, social risk and self-identity. The system of concepts presented in the scientific works of late Giddens is mainly attributive, revealing the connections between them; this allows us to present the concept of social risks and threats to identity as a holistic theory. The synthesis of the system analysis of the basic concepts and the interpretative approach is used as the methodological basis of this research. The main explanation of the processes of late modernity E. Giddens considers the process of disconnection, involving the exclusion of the individual in the social space from the relations of the local dimension and in social time – a break with tradition. Introduced by Gidens the concept of "risk environment" is analyzed at the technological, economic, social and information-mental levels. There are three components of the risk environment. The self-identity is interpreted not as a given, but as a construct. It is constantly, almost daily, constructed as a reflexive choice within alternatives: globalization and fragmentation, openness and inaccessibility, trust and uncertainty, individualization and standardization. Constructing self-identity, a person is forced to measure it with socially approved standards of material and mental consumption, creating a coherent and consistent narrative of his identity. The conducted research has allowed to draw a conclusion that works of late Giddens represent a peculiar cycle, basis of construction of the integral theory of social risks and threats of identity. The system of concepts revealed by us can be a methodological basis for their operationalization and search for indicators of future empirical research in the field of sociology of risk and identity.
Key words: late modernity; reflexivity; disconnection; social risk; risk environment; self-identity; identity narrative; trust; protective cocoon; self-trajectory.
For citation: Dobrina O. A. Social risks of modernity and the threats to identity: systematic analysis of the concept of A. Giddens // Systems Psychology and sociology. 2019. № 1 (29). P. 100-108
A. A. Zych, Faculty of Education, University of Lower Silesia, Wrocław, Poland
In the times of modern technology and electronic education, it may be worth pursuing the dream of open universities for aging and old people. The article presents the assumptions, process and preliminary conclusions from the project entitled «Moscow Silver University» as part of the «Moscow Longevity» programme funded in February 2018 by Mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin. The Moscow longevity programme is addressed to residents of Moscow in old age, who wanted to lead an active lifestyle and use all possibilities of self-realization. The basic goals of this project include enabling pensioners to live a full life, finding new friends and completing free time with useful activities, developing interests. The project was developed taking into account the best international practices, with the participation of experts in the field of psychology and gerontology, sport, art and culture. This type of pilot study has largely determined the sphere of both the needs and interests as well as the educational and life aspirations of the Moscow pensioners. In this paper the author has an assessment of the functioning of the Polish universities of the third age (UTA) from the point of view of critical educational gerontology. An attempt is made to answer the following questions: what is the future of the UTA in Poland and are we watching their twilight in the second decade of the 21st century? In conclusion, the author states that the conception of the silver university, in the frame of the «senior» policy, may become alternative for the Polish solutions.
Keywords: critical educational gerontology; silver university; social policy for older people; university of the third age.
For citation: Zych A. A. Silver university as an alternative for the Polish solutions // Systems psychology and sociology. 2019. № 1 (29). P. 84-99
![]() ![]() THE GENESIS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL THOUGHT IN RUSSIA: THE IDEA OF MAN STRUGGLING IN THE AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT D. V. Ivanov, NSPU, Novosibirsk In the history of Russian psychological thought many questions are waiting for their answers. In terms of their search the genesis of psychological thought in Russia of the Enlightenment about the potential of man, the description of his essence (nature) by considering such a unique phenomenon as struggle may be of particular interest. The psychological thought of the Enlightenment, which adopted traditional approaches (cardiognostic, utopian, apocalyptic), remaining from previous times, looked at a person in a new way in accordance with the achievements of modern science, seeing in him the subject of the struggle, worthy of being happy in the life independently built by him. Man struggling in psychological gnosis is characterized as a holistic, socio-cultural individual; he is able to overcome internal and external obstacles of development and self-development, strives for physical, spiritual, moral self-improvement. Russian educators saw struggling people both in everyday life, and in the game, training, work, as well as at the limit of heroic possibilities, including a military case. The psychological gnosis of the struggle of Russian thinkers is significant for historical and psychological research, as it contains characteristics and modes, with which the image of man struggling is described. Consideration of the genesis of psychological thought in Russia in the age of Enlightenment helps to create "evenness of the fabric of Russian psychology", to place significant emphasis in the emerging ideas about it in new generations of researchers.
Keywords: psychological thought; genesis; struggle; human essence; nature; human struggling; psychological reflection; gnosis; psychological system; moral psychology.
For citation: Ivanov D. V. The genesis of psychological thought in Russia: the idea of man struggling in the age of enlightenment // Systems Psychology and sociology. 2019. № 1 (29). P. 75-83
B.М. Abushkin, А.V. Meshchankin MCU, Moscow, N. S. Mertsalova, NMRC for cardiology of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow
The article deals with a new approach for the system organization of adaptive personal diagnosis and active dialogue with a teenager, aimed at the awareness and development of their personal qualities, as well as social interests and opportunities. Modern diagnostic practice in the educational sphere uses almost all methodological developments of psychology. The variety of techniques is determined by their measuring characteristics. Many of them date back to the middle of the last century and earlier. The problem of the system organization of psychologists ' work in solving modern problems of diagnostic work at the school is caused by the disparity in the use of scientific and conceptual apparatus, and in the interpretation of the results, limited to certain aspects of personal portrait. The system approach, typical for the modern stage of building practical work in psychology, involves working with students from the system-formed qualities of the emerging personality. The proposed approach for the organization of adaptive work with students, taking into account the modern computing capabilities of computers and information technology allows us to enter into a system analysis and forecast on individual aspects of the development of students To solve this problem, a tool for psycholinguistic analysis of written speech of adolescents was chosen to study the characteristics of the emotional sphere of adolescents. The paper proposes a method for finding the correlation of cognitive characteristics of a person and his writing based on modern methods of distributive semantics. When developing the methodology, work was done to substantiate a set of basic emotions and on their basis, the subjects were marked with pre-selected adjectives of the Russian language, and the statistics on the proposed adjectives were collected. Further, on the basis of methods of distributive semantics, the generalization of the basic emotions of adjectives into other adjectives of the Russian language obtained in the experiment was carried out. A selection of text and images was developed, the validation of which took place on the control group of 200 people. The collection consisted of 18 text cards and 18 pictures describing the situation of a person's life, which should excite a particular basic emotion. with instructions to the subject-to give a free written response to the proposed text. On the basis of the control sample of adolescents with known professional prospects, a neural network was trained, which puts professional perspectives in accordance with the emotional portrait and adaptively adapts to all new changes in the future. The first results allowing to judge the validity of the whole software complex are obtained.
Key words: psycholinguistics; basic emotions; distributive semantics; cognitive abilities of the brain; written speech; text analysis.
For citation: Abushkin B. M., Meshchankin A. V., Mertsalova N. S.The systematic organization of psychological work with the students on the basis of psycholinguistic analysis of written speech // Systems Psychology and sociology. 2019. № 1 (29). P. 68-74
I. A. Kibal´chenko, T. V. Eksakusto, SFU ICT and IS, Taganrog
The article is aimed at showing the “success” concept content, including cognitive, regulative and intentional, emotional and estimation components, reflecting the nature of the “success” concept content, i.e. students take it to mean the result of peculiar efforts and purposeful actions. The deductive content analysis of the «success» concept cognitive structure exemplified by the students with different understanding of the “parental family” notion was used as the main method of the research. Specific peculiarities of the concept mental map were found out in the research. Following “success” concept organization styles were specified as a result of quadri classification: “Accurate fast”, “Accurate slow”, “Inaccurate fast”, “Inaccurate slow”. The research proves that the positive experience in parental family relations leads to an emphasis of the so called “accurate” organization styles, i.e. to the cognitive maturity of a person and the ability to identify any situation in a fast and accurate way. The “success” cognitive notion is integrated with the intellectual and personal resource in this case. On the contrary, negative experience in parental family relations forms «inaccurate» organization styles, i.e. persons have distorted perception of the “success” notion and its achieving. Thus, the students with the positive experience in parental families differ significantly (φ*emp = 2.321, р≤0,01) from the students with negative experience in such styles as “Accurate fast” and “Accurate slow” (reflexive one) (φ*emp = 1.968, р≤0,05). That is why positive experience in parental family and correct upbringing promotes person’s future cognitive maturity, his/her ability to make accurate decisions, detect different reality situations and make correct decisions to solve the problems.
Keywords: style; concept; success; experience in relations; parental family.
For citation: Kibal´chenk I. A., Eksakusto T.V. “Success” concept organization stylesexemplified by the students with different experience in parental family relations // Systems psychology and sociology. 2019. № 1 (29). P. 58-67
V. P. Sheinov Republican Institute of Higher School, Minsk, the Republic of Belarus
Assertive behaviour is a constructive alternative to manipulation and aggression, so it is crucial to study a wide range of topics related to assertiveness. From the theoretical standpoint, it is paramount that assertiveness includes a relationship among values, opinions and behaviour. It demonstrates itself in practically important aspects of social interactions of assertive people with people around them. The tasks of this investigation are to identify: 1) possible links between one’s assertiveness and the following features: a chosen strategy in a conflict; communicative self-control; degree of satisfaction with one’s job, marriage and life in general. 2) mental differences when comparing the received results with similar results received by foreign researchers. In total, 421 respondents took part in the test, including 228 males and 193 females, aged 21-77. In this experimental research the relationship between assertiveness and other things have been identified, the latter including individual ways of behaving in conflict, communicational self-control, satisfaction with job, the life in general and marriage. Most of these connections are of a different nature compared to those identified in foreign research. Herewith, the results for males and females are significantly different. The common patterns of behaviour in conflict situations for both genders are a positive relation of assertiveness and rivalry; a negative correlation with strategy of obliging, no relation to strategy of integrating in conflict. An average value for choosing a behaviour of rivalry for males is significantly higher than for females, while female’s strategies of obliging and integrating within conflict are higher than male’s.
Key words: assertiveness; individual; social interaction; strategies of conflict handling; communicative self-control; satisfaction with job; life and marriage; men; women.
For citation: Sheinov V. P. Social interactions of assertive individuals // Systems psychology and Sociology. 2019. № 1 (29). P. 47-57
E. S. Romanova, MCU, Moscow
The article presents a psychological analysis of F. M. Dostoevsky’s literary works through the consideration of psychographic materials of his draft notes of the works. The author proposes to analyze the problem of the psychological identity of a person using his handwritten texts and drawings for it. The aim of this paper is to study the psychological concept of F. M. Dostoevsky in its artistic embodiment by studying the psychographic experience of the writer. In the process of the research of Dostoevsky's manuscripts the author relies on analytical comparison of the handwritten texts and drawings of outstanding writers to prove the idea that there is a common style in all graphics of the same person. The author proposes the interpretation of Dostoevsky's personality features and his creative process based on the graphic and graphology methods. The article provides examples of calligraphic notes, Gothic drawings of the author's drafts with the interpretation of their meaning. It is noted that writer’s graphics are an expression of his spiritual and emotional state at a certain moment, that is why Dostoevsky’s drawing and written word within one verbal and graphic composition are made in one graphic manner. By the author’s opinion, Dostoevsky first used visual images, marked with icons-ideograms, and then he «translated» these images into the language of literature. Dostoevsky’s wordless thinking was supported by a drawing, where the «intermediate» language has become ideographic, and here a drawing turned into a concept. Such ideograms include a lot of information, interpretations that are centered in the concept. All kinds of images and notes in Dostoevsky's diary are combined by a logical connection, by the logic of the writer's creative style. There is a general direction of this movement: from the sensually visual image to the artistic word. Thus the author pays attention to graphics in general because it clarifies the writer’s identity that can be manifested in this graphic form. A psychological study of the text helps to determine the writer's attitude to the word, his work with the meanings of lexical units and the meaning of the text in the writer's work. Drawings can give an additional information about the personality and peculiarities of thinking of a person during the study of his creative works.
Key words: psychological analysis; graphics; graphology; creativity; thinking.
For citation: Romanova E. S. Psychographic aspect of F. M. Dostoevsky’s works // Systems psychology and sociology. 2019. № 1 (29). Р. 31-46
R. S. Nemov, MCU, Moscow D. A. Jatsenko, MIP, Moscow
The article critically assesses the current state of theoretical research in the field of personality psychology. It is pointed outю that these studies are still divided into many private theories, in which, in turn, not all questions concerning the individual are put and solved. An opinion is expressed and justified on the need to create a holistic, integral personality theory that would be built on a systematic basis and would cover as many issues as possible related to the psychology of the individual. The article contains ideas on the development of such a theory. It is proposed to name the theory discussed in the article, the multidimensional system metaconception of personality, understanding by the concept of a set of assumptions that require further development and verification. In the version of the multidimensional system metaconception of personality contained in the article, answers are offered to the following questions: the subject of psychological research of a person, the definition of a personality, the structure of a personality, the difference of personal properties from other psychological features of a person, the origin of a person, the formation and development of a personality, anomalies in the development of personality, typology of personalities, evaluation of the level of development of the individual, the correlation of the biological and social in the individual, consciousness and unconsciousness in the individual, cultural-historical (personality and behavior), personality and cognitive processes, personality and interpersonal relations, personality and society, methods of investigating the personality, psychocorrection of the personality. In addition to approaches to the systemic solution of each of these issues, its system-forming factor underlying this decision is indicated, and references are given to the work of psychologists, in which there are grounds for the systematic development of relevant issues. In conclusion, on the basis of the proposed systemic conception of personality, hypotheses are proposed that relate to the solution of the issues under discussion.
Key words: personality; multidimensional theory; conception; system approach; system-forming principle; system hypotheses.
For citation: Nemov R. S., Jatsenko D. A. A System Perspective on Concepts of Personality // Systems psychology and sociology. 2019. № 1 (29). P. 19–30.
B. N. Ryzhov, MCU, Moscow
The article is devoted to the justification of a systematic interpretation of pathopsychological disorders of mental system processing in three endogenous (endogenous-organic) mental diseases: a circular (bipolar) disorder, epilepsy and schizophrenia. The methodological basis of the research is the theory of system psychology and the concept of system-psychological genesis of changes in mental activity caused by these diseases. In accordance with this concept a person’ s mental potential is based on a set of characteristics such as the number of elements of a regulated system that are available to a person, the complexity of the connections established in the system and the rate of system formation. It is these three characteristics that might be subject to specific «targeted» changes in three endogenous mental diseases of traditional psychiatry and these diseases have a progredient course and they are not associated with simple involutional processes of old age. System psychological analysis reveals the predominant influence of each of these diseases mainly on a major one characteristic, that is the most vulnerable in this disease. So if it is a circular disorder, the rate of mental activity (the rate of system formation or the speed of the mind) becomes the most vulnerable characteristic; if it is an epilepsy — the number of elements of the regulated system or the breadth of the mind becomes weaker; and if it is a schizophrenia — the complexity of the links in the system or the depth of the mind becomes weaker. Methodically the work is based on the use of systematic psychological analysis of the products of a number of outstanding persons of creative professions and public persons, suffering from these diseases. The paper shows that in the depressive phase of a circular disorder the pathological decrease in the rate of mental activity may be interrupted by a paradoxical increase in the rate and efficiency of activity in the manic phase in some exceptional cases (like R. Schumann, for example). Similarly, the typical epilepsy narrowing of mental activity can cause a hypercompensation in equally exceptional cases of the talent (like Napoleon I, Van Gogh, for example), that is reflected in a paradoxical expansion of intellectual abilities due to the effect, similar to the epileptic aura. Thus the growing defect in the organization of system connections in schizophrenia in rare cases of a talent (P. Dadd, for example) leads to the «revival» connectivities of the elements of mental activity, closing them in new and valuable for society composition, providing a specific type of hypercompensation caused by this disease.
Key words: system psychology; systematic psychological analysis; mental potential; circular disorder; epilepsy; schizophrenia; hypercompensation; hypomaniacal state; depression; epileptic aura; paradoxical abilities; Robert Schumann; Napoleon I; Vincent Van Gogh; Richard Dadd.
For citation: Ryzhov B. N. Three diseases and three paradoxical abilities: system psychological interpretation // Systems psychology and sociology. 2019. № 1 (29). P. 5-18