Журнал 2 от 2024 года №50
Б.Н. Рыжов - Системная психология
Б.Н. Рыжов - История псих-ой мысли
Содержание №50 2024
Психологические исследования

Миронова О. И. Подходы к исследованию коммуникативных барьеров в деятельности начинающих психологов

Истомина Е. В. Взаимосвязь профессиональных установок и образа телесного «Я» лиц с нарушениями опорно-двигательного аппарата

Мухина С. Е., Федосеева Е. П. Жизнестойкость родителей детей с аутизмом в контексте системного подхода

Курдин Д. А., Жамбалова Х. Б., Савина Т. В. Подходы к исследованию коммуникативных барьеров в деятельности начинающих психологов

Суворова И. Ю., Дубовец Л. Я. Особенности выдвижения социометрических звезд и изгоев в нормативных и девиантных группах

Прюс Ф., Перевозкина Ю. М., Перевозкин С. Б., Мороз М. И. Психологические критерии цифровой грамотности: системный анализ

Yaqoob M. D., Zhang Q., Saleem K., Anjum K., Dou M., Feng X., Chattha H. The relationship between social media use and adolescent mental health: a systematic review

Бредун Е. В.Трансспективный анализ концепта времени: теоретическая реконструкция


Сведения об авторах журнала «Системная психология и социология», 2024, № 2 (50)
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UDC 316.6

DOI 10.25688/2223-6872.2020.34.2.03




S. B. Perevozkin,

NGPU, Novosibirsk,


A. S. Tishkova,

NGPU, Novosibirsk,



The article considers the temporal characteristics of role behavior of individual as a factor that influences the adaptation process in society in the context of a systems approach.

The purpose of the study is a theoretical study of the temporal characteristics of role-based behavior in the process of socio-psychological adaptation of students of cadet educational institutions from the perspective of a systematic approach. Moreover, the manifestation of system temporality in a socio-psychological context is reflected in the man's understanding of his place in the system of social relations with other people and the adequate performance of the role repertoire. The perception of time plays a significant role in orienting a person to the outside world and contributes to his adaptation in various conditions. A theoretical analysis of Russian and foreign studies is presented, and it aimed at studying the specifics of the temporal perspective of adolescent cadets taking into account the level of their socio-psychological adaptation. From these points of view, it is noted that the role status of respondents is interconnected not only with the degree of social-psychological adaptation, but from a temporary point of view of personality.

These results suggest that the temporality of the role structure of the cadets in adolescence acts as a system organization and is related to a number of factors, including: the level of socio-psychological adaptation, ideas about future professional activities, features interpersonal relationships, the presence of goals and plans for the future.


Keywords: temporality; social-psychological adaptation; role behavior; cadets; time perspective; diachronic; synchronic; system; systems approach.

For citation: Perevozkin S. B., Tishkova A. S. Temporal specificity of the role structure of social-psychological adaptation of cadets // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2020. № 2 (34). P. 31-44. DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2020.34.2.03


Perevozkin Sergey Borisovich, PhD in Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of General Psychology and History of Psychology of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia.

E-mail: per@bk.ru; ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6790-4835


Tishkova Albina Sergeevna, senior lecturer at the Department of Practical and Special Psychology of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia.

E-mail: umarowa.albina@yandex.ru; ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3854-982X




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