Журнал 2 от 2024 года №50
Б.Н. Рыжов - Системная психология
Б.Н. Рыжов - История псих-ой мысли
Содержание №50 2024
Психологические исследования

Миронова О. И. Подходы к исследованию коммуникативных барьеров в деятельности начинающих психологов

Истомина Е. В. Взаимосвязь профессиональных установок и образа телесного «Я» лиц с нарушениями опорно-двигательного аппарата

Мухина С. Е., Федосеева Е. П. Жизнестойкость родителей детей с аутизмом в контексте системного подхода

Курдин Д. А., Жамбалова Х. Б., Савина Т. В. Подходы к исследованию коммуникативных барьеров в деятельности начинающих психологов

Суворова И. Ю., Дубовец Л. Я. Особенности выдвижения социометрических звезд и изгоев в нормативных и девиантных группах

Прюс Ф., Перевозкина Ю. М., Перевозкин С. Б., Мороз М. И. Психологические критерии цифровой грамотности: системный анализ

Yaqoob M. D., Zhang Q., Saleem K., Anjum K., Dou M., Feng X., Chattha H. The relationship between social media use and adolescent mental health: a systematic review

Бредун Е. В.Трансспективный анализ концепта времени: теоретическая реконструкция


Сведения об авторах журнала «Системная психология и социология», 2024, № 2 (50)
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Английская версия журнала » Journal 31 : E. Yu. Korjova, A. B. Verevkina, FORMATION OF THE INDIVIDUAL’S LIFE PATH PSYCHOLOGY: WESTERN AND RUSSIAN APPROACHES
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E. Yu. Korjova,

A. B. Verevkina,

The A. I. Herzen RSPU, Saint-Petersburg,




The article presents an analysis of the western and Russian psychology approaches as the basis for the formation of the “individual’s life path psychology” approach. Human life is the subject of analysis in different cultures and traditions, where there is different understanding of human nature and purpose. In this regard, the specificity of western and Russian approaches based on the analysis of classical and modern studies is highlighted in this work. Western approaches to life path psychology are characterized by an emphasis on the elements of creativity or adaptability, as is clear from the examples of humanistic psychology and situational approach. Russian approaches are characterized by a holistic understanding of life path as an integrative formation, and it is shown in the framework of the subjective approach. The concept of a human as a subject of life and personality life path is based on the tradition of S. L. Rubinstein’s subject psychology, and now it is implemented in modern theoretical researches and psycho-diagnostic techniques made by the efforts of the members of the department of human psychology at the A. I. Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University. The identification of personality models as the most common patterns of existence allows us to show that in Russian approaches there is more holistic understanding to life path psychology of the individual in comparison with the western ones. Personality models describe the existence of a person with different life orientations. The life way is integrated by life orientations reflecting this or that personality orientation and manifesting in its relations and actions. The multidimensionality of the life path causes the study of various lines of understanding of its course.


Keywords: life path; personality; life orientations; personality direction; personality models.

For citation: Korjova E. Yu., Verevkina A. B. Formation of the individual’s life path psychology: western and Russian approaches // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2019. № 3 (31). P. 18–25. DOI: 10.25688/2223- 6872.2019.31.3.02


Korjova Elena Yuryevna, doctor of psychological sciences, professor, Head of the Department of Human psychology at the A. I. Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

E-mail: elenakorjova@gmail.com

Verevkina Anna Borisovna, postgraduate student at the Department of Human psychology at the A. I. Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

E-mail: verasovna@gmail.com





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