Журнал 2 от 2024 года №50
Б.Н. Рыжов - Системная психология
Б.Н. Рыжов - История псих-ой мысли
Содержание №50 2024
Психологические исследования

Миронова О. И. Подходы к исследованию коммуникативных барьеров в деятельности начинающих психологов

Истомина Е. В. Взаимосвязь профессиональных установок и образа телесного «Я» лиц с нарушениями опорно-двигательного аппарата

Мухина С. Е., Федосеева Е. П. Жизнестойкость родителей детей с аутизмом в контексте системного подхода

Курдин Д. А., Жамбалова Х. Б., Савина Т. В. Подходы к исследованию коммуникативных барьеров в деятельности начинающих психологов

Суворова И. Ю., Дубовец Л. Я. Особенности выдвижения социометрических звезд и изгоев в нормативных и девиантных группах

Прюс Ф., Перевозкина Ю. М., Перевозкин С. Б., Мороз М. И. Психологические критерии цифровой грамотности: системный анализ

Yaqoob M. D., Zhang Q., Saleem K., Anjum K., Dou M., Feng X., Chattha H. The relationship between social media use and adolescent mental health: a systematic review

Бредун Е. В.Трансспективный анализ концепта времени: теоретическая реконструкция


Сведения об авторах журнала «Системная психология и социология», 2024, № 2 (50)
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Английская версия журнала » Journal 30 : E. S. Romanova, B. N. Ryzhov, BORIS FEDOROVICH LOMOV — A SCIENTIST WHO BECAME THE EMBODIMENT OF HIS TIME
    Views: 769



E. S. Romanova,

B. N. Ryzhov,

MCU, Moscow,




The rapid development of space and military technologies in the second half of the XXth century caused the development of new scientific approaches that allow to consider the human and machine as a single system. The timely answer to the challenge of time was proposed by outstanding Russian scientist Boris Fedorovich Lomov, and this year is marked by the thirtieth anniversary from the day he passed away (1927–1989). The book «The human and technologies (essays on engineering psychology)» by B. F. Lomov was published in 1963, and this book in fact was the country’s first monograph on engineering psychology. Remaining relevant, this book presented the theoretical foundations of the human interactions with technologies and other automated tools for technical process management, and also a program for further development of this direction was outlined.

A new conceptual model of psychology, based on a number of principles, that form the core of the system approach was proposed by Lomov B. F. Among them there were the following principles: a multidimensionality, diversity, multi-level nature and system determination of mental phenomena. These principles were set out for the first time in B. F. Lomov’s article «On the system approach in psychology» (1975). Later he significantly developed and expanded the ideas of the system approach in the monograph «Methodological and theoretical problems of psychology» (1984).

The multifaceted talent of B. F. Lomov appeared in the organization of experimental studies in the field of general, pedagogical, engineering psychology, management psychology and the implementation of the results of these studies in practice. He was at the origin of a number of new areas of psychology in Russia such as engineering psychology, psychology of management, space psychology. An important B. F. Lomov’s contribution to the development of Russian psychology was the creation of the country’s first Psychological faculty of Leningrad University (St. Petersburg) in 1966, as well as the country’s leading scientific psychological center — the Institute of psychology of Academy of Sciences of the USSR (now it is the Russian Academy of Sciences).


Keywords: B. F. Lomov; engineering psychology; system approach in psychology; organizational psychology; system psychology; Psychological faculty of Leningrad University (St. Petersburg); Institute of psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

For citation:  Romanova E. S., Ryzhov B. N. Boris Fedorovich Lomov — a scientist who became the embodiment of his time // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2019. № 2 (30). P. 53–65. DOI: 10.25688/22236872.2019.30.2.05


Romanova Evgeniya Sergeevna, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Acting director of the Institute of Psychology, Sociology and Social Relations at the Moscow City University, Head of the Department of General and Practical Psychology at the Institute of Psychology, Sociology and Social Relations of the Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia.

E-mail: RomanovaES@mgpu.ru

Ryzhov Boris Nikolayevich, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogical, Developmental and Social Psychology at the Institute of Psychology, Sociology and Social Relations of the Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia.

E-mail: RyzhovBN@mgpu.ru





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