Журнал 2 от 2024 года №50
Б.Н. Рыжов - Системная психология
Б.Н. Рыжов - История псих-ой мысли
Содержание №50 2024
Психологические исследования

Миронова О. И. Подходы к исследованию коммуникативных барьеров в деятельности начинающих психологов

Истомина Е. В. Взаимосвязь профессиональных установок и образа телесного «Я» лиц с нарушениями опорно-двигательного аппарата

Мухина С. Е., Федосеева Е. П. Жизнестойкость родителей детей с аутизмом в контексте системного подхода

Курдин Д. А., Жамбалова Х. Б., Савина Т. В. Подходы к исследованию коммуникативных барьеров в деятельности начинающих психологов

Суворова И. Ю., Дубовец Л. Я. Особенности выдвижения социометрических звезд и изгоев в нормативных и девиантных группах

Прюс Ф., Перевозкина Ю. М., Перевозкин С. Б., Мороз М. И. Психологические критерии цифровой грамотности: системный анализ

Yaqoob M. D., Zhang Q., Saleem K., Anjum K., Dou M., Feng X., Chattha H. The relationship between social media use and adolescent mental health: a systematic review

Бредун Е. В.Трансспективный анализ концепта времени: теоретическая реконструкция


Сведения об авторах журнала «Системная психология и социология», 2024, № 2 (50)
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» » » Belashina T. V. Systemic features of personality motivation in the context of the manifestation of a dominant mental state

Belashina T. V. Systemic features of personality motivation in the context of the manifestation of a dominant mental state

Английская версия журнала » Journal 39 : Belashina T. V. Systemic features of personality motivation in the context of the manifestation of a dominant mental state
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UDC 159.9.07

DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2021.39.3.5





T. V. Belashina,

NSPU, Novosibirsk,



The article is devoted to the study of the systemic features of personality motivation. An empirical study, the purpose of which is to identify the relationship between motivation and the dominant mental state, is presented. Motivation diagnostics was carried out using the “Dominant Motivation” technique of V. N. Kolutsky – I. Y. Kulagina and T. Ehlers tests for motivation to success and motivation to avoid failures. To measure the dominant mental state, the method of determining the dominant mental state of L. V. Kulikov was used. The study involved 100 employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Novosibirsk region. 50 of them are men and 50 of them are women.

Data analysis has shown that EG-1 subjects (male employees) are more characterized by the manifestation of an active life position, which largely depends on the comfort of the situation and the circumstances of performing a particular official task. The subjects of EG-2 (female employees) are distinguished by their desire to achieve personal merits in their professional activities and establish effective relationships in the service team. The EG-3 subjects (employees with less than five years of service experience) are more characterized by a high level of activity, the desire to respond in a timely manner to emerging difficulties, a sense of inner concentration, reserve of strength and energy. EG-4 respondents (employees with more than five years of professional experience) tend not to take any particular risks in order to achieve certain goals, but they may take a conscious risk if this allows them to receive financial remuneration, increase their status or position in the team. The study of the relationship between the parameters of motivation and the dominant mental state showed that male employees, despite a sufficient level of self-confidence and their capabilities, prefer to behave with sufficient restraint and caution, especially in high-risk situations. Female employees tend to demonstrate confidence in their own abilities and capabilities. Also, with an increase in the length of professional activity, the tendency to preserve one’s own emotionally stable attitude, adequacy and effectiveness of mental self-regulation by avoiding those situations that can lead to failures in personal and professional terms, the desire to experience positive states was found.


Keywords: system features; motivation; personality; dominant mental state; system analysis.


For citation: Belashina T. V. Systemic features of personality motivation in the context of the manifestation of a dominant mental state // Systems psychology and sociology. 2021. № 3 (39). P. 61–71. DOI: 10.25688/2223- 6872.2021.39.3.5


Belashina Tatiana Valentinovna, PhD in Psychology, Associate professor of the Department of General Psychology and History of Psychology of Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia.

E-mail: tatyanabelashina@mail.ru

ORCID: 0000-0002-4656-0439




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