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Системная психология и социология » Английская версия журнала » Journal 39 » Rumyantseva Z. V. The system of acmeological guidelines in the psychology of music education |
Rumyantseva Z. V. The system of acmeological guidelines in the psychology of music education
Английская версия журнала » Journal 39 : Rumyantseva Z. V. The system of acmeological guidelines in the psychology of music education |
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UDC 159.923 DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2021.39.3.4
Z. V. Rumyantseva, KSU, Kostroma, rumschmus@mail.ru
The article describes the system of acmeological aspects of music education psychology and personal development. The purpose of the study is to determine and systematize the main guidelines for the musical and psychological development of the individual in the mainstream of acmeological science. The achieving of the productivity of music and pedagogical education depends on overcoming a number of external and internal problems under the direct influence of acmeological guidelines in the search for solution of the progressive functioning problems. The definition of acmeological guidelines contributes to improving the content of music and pedagogical education quality and contributes to the achievement of the highest stage of individual development of the personality. The results of the conducted system-analytical research show that the acmeological guidelines for the professional training of teachers-musicians include: the implementation of intonation and sensory education of the individual; the expansion of the field of psychological knowledge in the direction of understanding the specifics of the musical activity content; the study of the creative development nature of the individual; ensuring the research orientation of a teacher-musician professional activity. Following acmeological guidelines as target settings, promoting self-development, self-improvement and self-realization of future teachers-musicians is a necessary condition for the systematic formation of their psychological competence in the process of professional activity.
Keywords: psychology of music education; acmeological guidelines; system analysis; principles of acmeological development of personality; musical and performing art; artistic and creative self-development of personality; intonation education; sensory education.
For citation: Rumyantseva Z. V. The system of acmeological guidelines in the psychology of music education // Systems psychology and sociology. 2021. № 3 (39). P. 52–60. DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2021.39.3.4
Rumyantseva Zoya Vasilievna, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor of Music Department at the Institute of Culture and Arts of Kostroma State University, Kostroma, Russia. E-mail: rumschmus@mail.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-4499-206X References
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