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Системная психология и социология » Английская версия журнала » Journal 39 » Romanova E. S., Ryzhov B. N., Kotova O. V. Gender and age features of self-assessment of sociocentric types of motivation |
Romanova E. S., Ryzhov B. N., Kotova O. V. Gender and age features of self-assessment of sociocentric types of motivation
Английская версия журнала » Journal 39 : Romanova E. S., Ryzhov B. N., Kotova O. V. Gender and age features of self-assessment of sociocentric types of motivation |
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UDC 159.9.07 DOI 10.25688/2223-6872.2021.39.3.1
E. S. Romanova, MCU, Moscow, RomanovaES@mgpu.ru B. N. Rizhov, MCU, Moscow, RyzhovBN@mgpu.ru, O. V. Kotova, MCU, Moscow, KotovaOV@mgpu.ru
The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of the indices of four sociocentric types of motivation: self-realization, morality, reproduction and altruism, obtained by the results of the motivation system profile test (SPM) and self-assessment of these types of motivation in the youth sample. In this paper, the term “I-real” is used to denote the motivation indices obtained using the methodology for assessing the motivational profile of a person (SPM). To denote these indices obtained using the methodology of self-assessment of the motivational profile of the individual, the term “I-ideal” is used. The purpose of the work is to study the gender and age characteristics of the dynamics of the I-ideal sociocentric motivations in the era of adolescence and youth. The materials presented in the article are the continuation of the systemic study of the gender and age characteristics of the motivational and value sphere of personality2 . The survey was conducted in the period 2020–2021. The total number of subjects was 252 people of both sexes aged 17 to 36 years. As a result of the study, significant differences in the ratio of the I-real and the I-ideal in male and female samples were revealed. In the female sample, throughout the studied period, the self-esteem of the indices of motivation for self-realization and morality significantly exceeds the corresponding indices of the I-real. At the same time, the self-esteem of the indices of reproductive and altruistic motivation both in adolescence and youth is significantly lower than these indices of the I-real. In contrast, in the male sample, the self-esteem of most indices of sociocentric types of motivation has no significant differences with the indices of the I-real. The exception is the indicators of moral motivation in adolescence (17–24 years) and late youth (30–36 years). In these age ranges, the indices of the motivation of the I-ideal morality in men significantly exceed the corresponding indices of the I-real. In general, the data obtained indicate a higher social pressure to which women’s self-assessment of motivation in comparison with men’s is subjected in adolescence and youth.
Keywords: system psychology; self-esteem; I-ideal; I-real; sociocentric types of motivation; gender and age characteristics; self-realization; morality; reproduction; altruism.
For citation: Romanova E. S., Ryzhov B. N., Kotova O. V. Gender and age features of self-assessment of sociocentric types of motivation // Systems psychology and Sociology. 2021. № 3 (39). P. 5–20. DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872. 2021.39.3.1
Romanova Evgeniya Sergeevna, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor. Head of the Department of general and practical psychology, Head of the Laboratory of Social-and-Psychological Researches in Education at the Institute of Special Education and Psychology of the Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: RomanovaES@mgpu.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-9032-6869 Ryzhov Boris Nikolayevich, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor of the Department of General and Practical Psychology at the Institute of Special Education and Psychology of the Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: RyzhovBN@mgpu.ru ORCID: 0000-0001-8848-3622 Kotova Olga Viktorovna, Expert in the Laboratory of Social-and-Psychological Researches in Education at the Institute of Special Education and Psychology of the Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: KotovaOV@mgpu.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-4399-4274
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