Системная психология и социология » Журнал » 2017 №22 » Содержание выпуска №22 |
Содержание выпуска №22
Журнал » 2017 №22 : Содержание выпуска №22 |
Просмотров: 2087 СОДЕРЖАНИЕ
Психологические исследования
История психологии и психология истории
Мнение Консон Г. Р. О психологии трагического в искусстве (на примере героев опер и ораторий Г. Ф. Генделя)
Информация CONTENTS
Psychological researches Romanova E. S., Abushkin B. M. Active life position of students as the leading factor of personal self-affirmation Ryzhov B. N., Mashkova L. A., Stolyarova G. I. Dynamics of motivational indicators in high school Valyavko S. M., Zhokina P. A. Self-evaluation attitude of senior preschool children with bilingualism Borisova V. A. The impact of development of creative imagination on the emotional sphere in younger schoolchildren Baranov E. G. Dynamics of the formation of the value-semantic sphere of the personality of the future officer Nemov R. S., Yatsenko D. A. Adults’ training motivation in studying Russian as a foreign language
History of psychology and psychology of history Ivanov D. V. Galyuk N. A. Psychological idea in Russia in the 17th century: to origin basic ideas about human opportunities, his struggle and labor (The continuation, the beginning is in № 4 (20) 2016)
Opinions Konson G. R. The psychology of the tragic in art (on the example of works by G. F. Handel)
Information Authors of the journal «Systems psychology and sociology», 2017, № 2 (22) Authors’ handbook |