Sh. R. Khisambeev, The Kosygin RSU,
The article attempts to consider the genesis of voluntarily execution of various actions as a stage of subjectivity development in anthropogenesis and ontogenesis. Voluntarily performance of an action as a stage or stage of subjectivity formation is identified with volitional regulation of behavior. The transition from imitation to voluntary performance of an action is a phase transition that qualitatively changes behavior. The main part of the article consists of three sections. The first section provides a brief overview of the formation of ideas about the appearance of will from the pre-scientific period to the present. Russian and foreign approaches to voluntariness are considered, and its connection with the development of higher mental functions is substantiated. The second section describes a hypothetical reconstruction of the appearance of volitional regulation in the course of anthropogenesis. The essence of the hypothesis is as follows: the emergence of a social environment in ancient people, allowed to preserve artificial behavior programs and broadcast them to new generations through the mechanism of imitation. This contributed to the suppression of animal instincts, forcing to imitate repressed actions formed in society «duplicates»: facial expressions, gestures, shouting and articulate sounds. The appearance of proto-speech created the possibility of replacing the visual sample with a sound symbol, which in the situational context was accompanied by intonation and indication for concretization. Speech as a regulator of behavior, even in its rudimentary form, served as a prerequisite for the coordination of their own actions and the social microenvironment. Thus, the speech format was able to initiate various protocols of behavior of a group member and already in the team feed itself became an act of will. The third section is devoted to consideration from the standpoint of developmental psychology of the problem of the appearance of volitional regulation in modern children. It is noted that in early childhood, when a child develops speech rapidly, one of the first children learns the imperative form of speech: commands given by adults «give me!», «Bring me!» and etc. Then, in the course of interiorization, the order from the outside turns into self-order, and the word-imperative becomes a means of self-government. In conclusion of the article it is said that when person’s speech appears for the first time in human both in the course of anthropogenesis and in ontogenesis, he acquires an instrument of activity regulation — it’s volition. The emergence of arbitrariness of actions becomes a decisive moment in the formation of subjectivity.
Keywords: will, action; voluntariness; autonomy; subjectivity; human; personality; nature; speech; environment. For citation: Khisambeev Sh. R. Voluntarily Execution of an Action as a Stage of Subjectivity Development // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2019. № 4 (32). P. 30–38. DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2019.32.4.03.
Khisambeev Shamil Raisovich, PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor at the Department of Clinical Psychology, Philosophy and Manusologii of the Kosygin Russian State University, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: khisam@mail.ru |
I. N. Kormacheva, N. М. Klepikova, NSPU, Novosibirsk,
The article is devoted to the study of the problem of procrastination and proposes its definition as a phenomenon in terms of various methodological approaches. Analyzing the nature of the inclusion of procrastination into the reality of the mental world, the following aspects are shown: the boundary between procrastination and similar behavioral manifestations (laziness, conscious strategy); the relationship of procrastination with self-esteem, ineffective coping strategies, perfectionism and other personal characteristics as well as the lack of connection with nationality, gender, level of education and intelligence. In the study of procrastination as a system, psychophysiological, psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive, subjective, motivational approaches, theories of laziness and complex theories are considered. Procrastination is proved as a systemic structure. The psychophysiological sources of procrastination are described as well; the sign distinguishing procrastination from laziness is named; irrational and partially unconscious character of procrastination is described. The conclusions present a definition of the phenomenon of procrastination. It is noted that procrastination is reflected in practical sphere of personality and is closely related to cognitive sphere and its sources are in psychophysiology, emotional-volitional and need-motivational spheres of personality. The presence of two plans of procrastination is indicated: external (behavioral) and internal (components of procrastination). Four components of procrastination are named: cognitive, emotional, volitional and motivational. It is emphasized that only these four components of the system and typical behavioral manifestations significantly describe this phenomenon, as well as distinguish procrastination from other similar phenomena.
Keywords: procrastination; phenomenon; system; components of procrastination; mental reality. For citation: Kormacheva I. N., Klepikova N. M. Procrastination: Phenomenon and Scientific Problem // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2019. № 4 (32). P. 18–29. DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2019.32.4.02.
Kormacheva Irina Nikolaevna, post-graduate student at the Department of General Psychology and History of Psychology at the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Head of the Psychological Center «Iris», Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail: irina@kormacheva.ru Klepikova Natal’ya Mikhaylovna, PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor at the Department of General Psychology and History of Psychology at the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail: nataliaklepikova@yandex.ru |
Е. S. Romanova, B. М. Abushkin, MCU, Moscow,
Psychological work with students needs great demands on diagnostic approaches that objectify their individual view of present and future interests. The article presents a diagnostic approach aimed at assessing the orientation of students in the world of personal interests that are usual for active personality, and in the world of social factors that determine the effectiveness of professional activity. The experimental study on a sample of 450 school students showed the high efficiency of the proposed methods to diagnose the features of personal self-realization of adolescents. In particular, the results of the study revealed the desirability of using diagnostic tools for working with students to include them into the creative process of self-reflection. Student self-assessment is paired with evaluating his own personal qualities and is based on the practice of comparative evaluation of the results of different techniques that diagnose various aspects of students’ personal development. The obtained data allowed to see the essence of the problem of self-development in students, based on the broad interest of adolescents to all possible demands of social and professional practice. The personal potential of adolescents that is necessary for successful orientation in all this diversity of opportunities steps aside before the brightness and attractiveness of future prospects. The contradictions revealed in the course of diagnostic, that are discussed with students in terms of desires and opportunities, require the necessary specificity to solve the task of developing the personal potential in students. The article presents statistically processed results that add to this technique extra material for its further criterion evaluation.
Keywords: social values; value-semantic orientation; personality; personal potential; professional self-determination; method of pair comparisons; socialization; self-realization; self-expression; psychological work; psychological diagnostics; students. For citation: Romanova E. S., Abushkin B. M. Value-Semantic Orientation of Students’ Personality as a Factor for Development of Their Personal Potential // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2019. № 4 (32). P. 5–17. DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2019.32.4.01.
Romanova Evgeniya Sergeevna, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Acting Director of the Institute of Psychology, Sociology and Social Relations at the Moscow City University, Head of the Department of General and Practical Psychology at the Institute of Psychology, Sociology and Social Relations of the Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: RomanovaES@mgpu.ru Abushkin Boris Mikhaylovich, PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor, Deputy Director at the Institute of Psychology, Sociology and Social Relations of the Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: AbushkinBM@mgpu.ru |
V. A. Medintsev, Kiev, Ukraine,
The article is a comment to the publication of B. Ryzhov “Three diseases and three paradoxical abilities: system-psychological interpretation // System psychology and sociology. 2019. № 1 (29). P. 5–18”. In the commentary some methodological, philosophical, diagnostic and art criticism moments of system-psychological interpretation of psychopathologies are considered. In particular, according to the author of the comment, possible different understanding of the product and the productivity of mental activity, as well as types of graphical representation of its characteristics. In particular, the mental abilities of a certain person can be determined by a point with three parameters of space: the number of elements of the system produced by him, the specific complexity of system connections and rate. Then changes in mental abilities will be represented by the trajectory of this point. In the considered methodological context, the answer to the question is also of interest: what is the nature of the transitions between the different states of the system — continuous or discrete. In the commentary it is noted that taking into account the procedural nature of all components of existence, it is desirable to take into account the variability of all system characteristics in synchrony when constructing a model of system description for the specifics of psychopathologies. At the same time, it is possible to distinguish more or less changeable characteristics of disorders and to build a typology according to this criterion, but in the future it is possible to clarify the dependencies between their changes. The development of classifications of mental disorders today is in the direction of their standardization as part of medical standards (ICD version). With many positive aspects of the ICD standard, the criteria and levels of classification used in it raise many methodological questions, and this standard is fundamentally different from the “triple” classification used in the article. The existence of present standards for the classification of psychopathologies does not devalue efforts to develop methodologically better approaches. While there are still serious methodological problems in understanding the mechanisms and diagnosing psychopathologies, much clearer criteria for distinguishing them are needed, which can be obtained, in particular, on the basis of in-depth development by the method of systemic psychology.
Keywords: system psychology; conceptualization and diagnosis of psychopathology; system volume; system complexity; system formation rate. For citation: Medintsev V. A. On the conceptualization of mental disorders from the standpoint of systempsychological approach // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2019. № 3 (31). P. 124–131. DOI 10.25688/2223- 6872.2019.31.3.12
Medintsev Vladislav Aleksandrovich, PhD in Psychology, scientific member of laboratory of methodology and theory of psychology, G. S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the National Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine. E-mail: vladislav-medintsev@yandex.ru |
E. V. Bakshutova, T. K. Rulina, SSTU, Samara,
Informational and psychological security of the individual, state and society is becoming an increasingly urgent task: the information field grows extraordinarily, as the number of writers increases, whose motivation is varied – from the formulation and translation of ideas to a simple emotional «splash out», often anonymous. Communications in social networks have an enormous resource of influence and control of mass consciousness. The researchers chose three ways that can influence the group installation of network communities and also can be used as destructive and constructive depending on the motivation of the person who controls network communication. Typical tools like message automation («bot breeding») and the production of group echo chambers are known as the «secret weapon» of public opinion manipulation technology. However, even if the intentions of the initiators of applying these technologies may be noble, communicators are not always aware (or not at all aware) that they are in a controlled echo chamber or communicate with bots. In contrast to the manipulative approach, the authors substantiate the atypical tool for the contemporary network scriptorics — the script-implant. It supports the group generation of socially productive script consensus, thereby fulfilling the function of peacemaking ideas about the subject of discussion. A tool for suppressing destructive informational and psychological influences is the «script implantation» of information tools (bildmaking, texts and hypertext, categorical prototypes, memes (replicators)) into network processes and social networks.
Keywords: verbal prototypes and categories; script; network discussion; information; communication on the Internet; «script implantation»; threat of aggression; resentment; support of group consensual stereotypes. For citation: Bakshutova E. V., Rulina T. K. On the issue of network promotion of information // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2019. № 3 (31). P. 117–123. DOI 10.25688/2223-6872.2019.31.3.11
Bakshutova Ekaterina Valeryevna, doctor of Philosophy sciences, PhD in Psychology, docent. Head of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogics of the Samara State Polytech University, Samara, Russia. E-mail: bakshutka@gmail.com Rulina Tatyana Konstantinovna, PhD in Pedagogics, docent, Docent at the Department of general and social psychology of the faculty of special education of the Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education, Samara, Russia. E-mail: tatrul@yandex.ru
O. A. Dobrina, NSPU, Novosibirsk
This paper purposes to generalize, systematize and clarify the basic concepts of the theory of social risk and threats to identity in scientific creations of P. Bourdieu, French philosopher and sociologist. Bourdieu’s contribution to development of the unifying approach characteristic of modern post-nonclassical sociology is noted. Concepts of the social field, a habitus and symbolical violence are analyzed. The social field is treated as the dynamic system including positions and dispositions of subjects, filled with forces which fight crystallizes in social structures. Habitus is considered as the central backbone category in Bourdieu’s theory. It represents the system of the mental estimating installations on certain patterns of behavior, its structured and structuring motivational structures incorporated by the personality in external and behavioural characteristics. Habitus will define borders of choices and life strategy. Symbolical violence is presented as a form of the power legitimizing a relevant political ratio of forces and, at the same time, hiding mechanisms of influence on mental structures. The ideas of social risks and threats to identity which implicitly are present at Bourdieu’s theory come to light. The concept of the social field includes risks of uneven distribution of social resources, dissonances of positions and dispositions of social agents, the competing strategy of participants of a sotsialnogovzaimodeystviye. The category of a habitus contains the ideas of risks of mismatch of past experience and relevant problems of the present, unequal social and economic conditions of a sotsiadization imbalanced various social agents. Symbolical violence determines risks of the social conflicts and protest movements, social stagnation and restrictions of social mobility, decrease in creative activity of social subjects. High level of prospects of the theory of Bourdieu for development of an integrative paradigm of modern sociology, expansion of the subject field of multidisciplinary researches and opportunities of realization of a political ideal Bourdieu — an egalitarian and fair social order is emphasized.
Keywords: social space; social field; social agent; habitus; social capital; symbolical power; symbolical violence. For citation: Dobrina O. A. Social risks of modernity and the threats to identity: systematic analysis of the concept of P. Bourdieu // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2019. № 3 (31). P. 105–116. DOI 10.25688/2223- 6872.2019.31.3.10
Dobrina Olga Aleksandrovna, PhD in Sociology, associate professor at the Department of social psychology and victimology of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia. Е-mail: dobrina-o@mail.ru |
A. P. Romanova, ASU, Astrakhan, M. M. Bicharova, CIMRT, Astrakhan, V. S. Dryagalov, ASU, Astrakhan, helios82@yandex.ru
In recent decades, identity research has become increasingly relevant in foreign and domestic science. Many researchers note the diversity and complexity of the inter-existence and interaction of identities, their fluidity and ability to transform. As part of the study of the main vectors of religious transgression characteristic of the South of Russia and the Caspian Sea, the authors’ team analyzed the level of awareness of student youth about religious transitions and the degree of possible influence of these processes not only on the transformation of the religious identity of young people living in these territories, but also on confessional landscape as a whole. The transgression of religious identity is understood as a change, going beyond the confessional norms, creeds and attitudes towards the sacral, which are traditional for an individual. A set of sociological quantitative methods was used as the main research methods: questioning, analysis of one-dimensional and two-dimensional distributions, grouping data, etc., supplemented with data from focus-group studies. The study revealed an increase in the number of respondents who are informed about the facts of religious transgression. This is due, as the authors believe, to an increase in the facts of the transition itself, and the fact that the problem of transgression itself is not taboo. There is a decrease in the percentage of negative attitudes towards a change of faith and transitions from a state of faith to indifferentism and atheism, which may be associated with a decrease in the level of religiosity among the respondents who are young people. Revealed a certain awareness of the presence of virtual religious cults and the nascent interest in them, especially from the most active representatives of the digital culture (Digital culture).
Keywords: religion; religious identity; religious transgression; youth; student environment; Caspian Sea; South Russia. For citation: Romanova A. P., Bicharova M. M., Dryagalov V. S. Major vectors of religious transgression in the youth environment of Caspian and South Russia // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2019. № 3 (31). P. 94–104. DOI 10.25688/2223-6872.2019.31.3.09
Romanova Anna Petrovna, doctor of philosophy sciences, professor, director of the Institute of Southern Russia & Northern Caspian Region Issues Research at the Astrakhan State University, Astrakhan, Russia. E-mail: aromanova_mail@mail.ru, Bicharova Mariya Mikhaylovna, PhD in Philology, docent at the Department of the humanities and English language at the Caspian Institute for Maritime and River Transport, Astrakhan, Russia. E-mail: valkirija@inbox.ru Dryagalov Vyacheslav Sergeyevich, a scientific member (researcher) at the Laboratory of socio-political and cultural dynamics research of Nizhny Povolzhye and Caspian at the Astrakhan State University, Astrakhan, Russia. E-mail: helios82@yandex.ru |
D.V. Ivanov, NSPU, Novosibirsk,
The article discusses the leading ideas of one of the prominent figures of Russian enlightenment A. Lubkin, who contributed to the development of Russian psychological thought in the early 19th century, in the formation of the system of psychological concepts in Russia. In his creative work there are two major stages. The first of them (1792–1801) is associated with his formation as a philosopher and philosophizing psychologist, passing apprenticeship and testing himself as a teacher and mentor. The second stage (1801–1815) is, when he has an opportunity not only to generalize his hilosophical and psychological ideas and views, but also to present them textually to a wide audience. Lubkin worked on the creation of a holistic concept that can explain the world, able to determine the place of man in the world, to solve the problem of rational and sensual. Psychological questions were the basis of this concept, they gave it completeness. In their psychological reasoning he followed the tradition that came from the philosophical century (A. S. Pushkin), together with the creation of V. N. Tatishchev, M. V. Lomonosov. IA. P. Kozelsky, N. I. Novikova, A. N. Radishchev. Lubkin, who is the successor of the sensualist theory of world perception, himself formed the tradition of critical consideration of the achievements of the world philosophical (and psychological) thought, in particular, the Kantian methodological assumptions that did not allow to reach the level of building a materialistic-oriented psychological theory. In his works Lubkin uses the concept of psychology, firmly introducing it into the professional thesaurus of his time. He refers to the description of psychological phenomena (sensations, perception, ideas, memory, imagination, attention, thinking, emotions, will, speech). A system of concepts typical of the time is traced there. An important concept of Lubkin’s system of psychological views is human thinking, mental cognition. The educator was looking for ways to improve the organization of thinking and the development of correct thinking. Lubkin is confident in the very idea of the development of thinking from the simplest beginnings to the deep and true conclusions in human reasoning. It is also significant that the thinker notes clear individual differences in people with different natural potential in the manifestations of memory, imagination, thinking, etc. According to the views of Lubkin, man is able to fight for the implementation of his own life, to achieve true good, corresponding to his spiritual nature. The moral improvement of their own human nature becomes criterion and condition for the fight. The article uses historical and psychological reconstruction, bibliographic method, as well as psychological interpretation of the ideas and views of the Russian educator to systematize the main materials and sources.
Keywords: psychology; cardiodiagnostic principle; nature; human nature; human potential; a system of psychological concepts; the concept; disputations; fighting; man fighting; true prosperity. For citation: Ivanov D. V. Psychological thought in russia in the early XIX century. A. S. Lubkin // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2019. № 3 (31). P. 76–93. DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2019.31.3.08
Ivanov Denis Vasilievich, PhD (pedagogics). Docent at the department of General Psychology and History of Psychology of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail: ivanovdirkutsk@yandex.ru |
Е. A. Ponomareva, MCU, Moscow, D. I. Ponomareva, MAI, Moscow,
The article outlines the main stages of the creative biography of an outstanding Russian psychologist, Academician Alexei Danilovich Glotochkin (1925–2007) — a famous scientist who made a significant contribution to the development of the military, social and penitentiary Russian psychology. Methodological approaches of A. D. Glotochkin in modern conditions are in demand, being embodied in the research of a new generation of scientists. Doctor of Psychology, professor, retired Major General A. D. Glotochkin was among those unique practitioners who began to explore the essence of the socio-psychological factors of interpersonal interaction in military teams. His personal military experience, combined with the talent of a scientist, was of great importance for the actualization of psychological problems studied in the army. Already in peacetime, more than ten years working as head of the military-pedagogical faculty of the Military-Political Academy. V. Lenin, he enjoyed a well-deserved prestige among his colleagues as a person possessing invaluable baggage of professional competencies. He was one of the developers of the system of methods for effective psychological preparation of personnel for combat operations, as well as procedures for professional psychological selection in the army. A. D. Glotochkin conducted a large-scale monitoring of the socio-psychological aspects of interpersonal and professional interaction in military units and subdivisions. The data obtained, first presented in a doctoral dissertation, in a generalized and structured form, became a unique scientific and methodological platform for writing textbooks and monographs [2; 12]. Many generations of cadets and trainees had the opportunity to obtain system knowledge in the field of the psychology of military teams, as well as military psychology and pedagogy. Along with this, the work on the creation of a conceptual basis of the penitentiary theory and practice was of great scientific interest for Alexey Danilovich. Over the years, written in co-authorship, textbooks for students of higher educational institutions of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs on corrective labor psychology have been widely demanded in the educational process of training highly qualified employees of the domestic penitentiary system. The USSR Ministry of Justice highly appreciated the work of scientists. Textbooks and methodic manuals, monographs, articles and popular science essays by Academician A. D. Glotochkin are still relevant for specialists of different profiles. His science works, translated into many languages of the world, have been published in the USA, countries of Europe and Latin America, Asia and Africa.
Keywords: military team; military psychology; interpersonal relations; corrective-labor psychology; psychological support; deviant behavior; adolescent aggression; mental health; teachers. For citation: Ponomareva E. A., Ponomareva D. I. A. D. Glotochkin’s contribution to the development of the Russian psychological science // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2019. № 3 (31). P. 68–75. DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2019.31.3.07
Ponomareva Elena Alekseevna, PhD in Psychology, docent, docent at the Department of pedagogical, developmental and social psychology at the Institute of psychology, sociology and social relations of the Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: PonomarevaEA@mgpu.ru Ponomareva Diana Igorevna, PhD in Psychology, docent at the Department of sociology, psychology and social management at the Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Di37tap1@mail.ru |