Просмотров: 932 UDC 159.9 DOI 10.25688/2223-6872.2020.34.2.0
E. S. Romanova, MCU, Moscow,
The article is about the relationship between a man and society in F. M. Dostoevsky's works. Trying to understand the nature of the human soul, he put the question of people's actions and motives first. Dostoevsky continuously analyzed the thoughts and actions of peoples' characters, thereby reminding readers about their responsibility for the actions. The purpose of the article is to analyze the ways of interaction between a person and society in F. M. Dos-toevsky's works. It is known that Dostoevsky defended humanistic positions in his novels. He convincingly proved that murder can not be justified by any theory. Attention is drawn to the fact that F. M. Dostoevsky raised the question of ways and methods of person's self-reflection before others, it is mentioned that people use self-reflection to overcome life's difficulties and criisis situations. Nature has given man the mechanism of internal dialogue for communicating with himself as a tool for self-organization and self-programming. According to F. M. Dostoevsky's statement, to live means to constantly communicate with oneself, and in this case reflection means as a way of understanding life within oneself. The adaptive role of this kind of mental activity will increase in the future, and the further development of humanity will require even more subtle reflexivity. At the same time, F. M. Dostoevsky convincingly showed that religious feeling is a «breeding ground» for the development and improvement of person's life. The article also considers other points of view noted by F. M. Dostoevsky, and these views are consonant with the ideas of forming mechanisms of person's mental self-regulation, — this is the moment of person's appeal to religion. The background of the internal dialog for communication with oneself dates back to humanistic religions. In conclusion it is stated that Dostoevsky-as-the artist was a preacher of the humanistic religion and declared a new philosophy, based on the moral law and the view of the world of the Renaissance epoch.
Keywords: personality; society; humanism; internal dialogue; psyche; values; morality; religious feeling; relection. For citation: Romanova E. S. Self-reflection and interaction between individual and society in F. M. Dostoevsky's heritage // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2020. № 2 (34). P. 21-30. DOI: 10.25688/22236872.2020.34.2.02 Romanova Evgeniya Sergeevna, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Acting Director of the Institute of Psychology, Sociology and Social Relations at the Moscow City University, Head of the Department of General and Practical Psychology at the Institute of Psychology, Sociology and Social Relations of the Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: RomanovaES@mgpu.ru; ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9032-6869 |
Просмотров: 1232 UDC 159.9 DOI 10.25688/2223-6872.2020.34.2.01
B. N. Ryzhov, MCU, Moscow,
The article is devoted to the description of the new scheme of systems diagnostics of motivational and values personality sphere. The methodological basis for the elaboration of the proposed scheme was the systems typology of motivation which allows to outline eight key types of motivation including four types of motivation of the development and preservation of the species and society, and four types of motivation of the development and preservation of the individual and personality. This work contains the description of the methodology of self-evaluation of the motivational personality profile providing — in combination with the test of the systems profile of motivation (SPM) — a number of mutually reinforcing, substantive characteristics of the motivational core of personality. These features include "real self, or the systems profile of motivation (SPM) defined on the basis of the SPM test data; "ideal self, or the systems profile of self-evaluation of motivational tendencies based on the described methodology and reflecting the pressure of the accepted social norms and regulations on the motivational core of personality; and "hidden self, or the profile of motivational dispositions built on the basis of the superposition of "real self and "ideal self reflecting the compensating pressure on the motivational core of personality of individualistic impulses aimed at the development and preservation of the individual and personality. To verify the suggested psycho-diagnostic scheme, population research of the relative characteristics of "real self and "ideal self was conducted. The research took place in 2019-2020, with 187 participants, both male and female, aged 18-48. The results obtained demonstrated the presence of a sustainable, long-term impact of social pressure on self-evaluation of motivational tendencies postulating the appropriateness of self-evaluation data interpretation as "ideal self. The work also notes the possibility of using the identified structures of the motivational core of personality for systems interpretation of personality instances accepted in the psychoanalytical tradition. The suggested diagnostic scheme allows to obtain the quantitative evaluation of the influence of various system factors on the structure of motivational dispositions of personality; the scheme can be recommended for use in consultative and psychotherapeutic practice.
Keywords: systems psychology; motivation; motivational core of personality; real-self; ideal-self; hidden-self; ego; super-ego; it (Lat. "id", German "Es"); profile of motivation; value ranking. For citation: Ryzhov B. N. Real-self, ideal-self and hidden-self // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2020. № 2 (34). P. 5-20. DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2020.34.2.01
Ryzhov Boris Nikolayevich, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogical, Developmental and Social Psychology at the Institute of Psychology, Sociology and Social Relations of the Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: RyzhovBN@mgpu.ru; ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8848-3622 |
Просмотров: 692 UDC 159.9 DOI 10.25688/2223-6872.2020.33.1.10
D.V. Ivanov, NSPU, Novosibirsk,
The article considers the views and ideas focused in the theories of development and education of V. G. Be-linsky and N. I. Pirogov, which are significant for the national history of psychological thought of the XIX century. The names of these thinkers and their theories were included in the Golden Fund of Russian age (children's) psychology, pedagogical psychology, and personality psychology. However, they shared the problems of spiritual and moral psychology of the emerging and developing person. According to these thinkers, the fundamental phenomenon in describing a person, his essence, and the richness of his inner world (psyche) was the struggle, which allowed them to represent the image of a struggling person of the modern era. The reasons for the struggle were defined as personally valuable, socially useful, and army-military. Psychological theories of outstanding Russian thinkers, their constituent principles, developed on the basis of long-term observations, life experience and conclusions, allowed to describe the nature of the phenomenon of struggle in everyday life, to identify a number of laws associated with it. More important was the fact that psychological theories of development and education made it possible to anticipate the result of the influence on a person, to construct an ideal significant for the society. The presented theories remain valuable in modern psychology. They contain psychological mechanisms and ideal models suitable for identifying those attributes of a person allowing it to become successful and valuable in the society.
Keywords: the psychology of the heart; struggling person; struggle; causes of struggle; psychological mechanisms; reflection; poetry; friendship; love; inspiration; empathy; metavolya. For citation: Ivanov D. V Psychological Ideas in the Works of V G. Belinsky and N. I. Pirogov // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2020. № 1 (33). P. 120-134. DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2020.33.1.10
Ivanov Denis Vasilievich, PhD in Pedagogics. Docent at the Department of General Psychology and History of Psychology of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail: ivanovdirkutsk@yandex.ru |
Просмотров: 621 UDC 159.9 DOI 10.25688/2223-6872.2020.33.1.09
B. M. Kogan, MCU, Moscow, KoganBM@mgpu.ru, А. А. Mukhina, School № 1799, Moscow, dadeko@inbox.ru, Т. I. Khazieva, MCU, Moscow, tanya.hazieva@gmail.com
Currently there is a significant increase in the number of preschoolers and younger school children with developmental disabilities, resulting in their unwillingness to attend school. Parents of this category of children are increasingly turning to professionals for help regarding the maladjustment of their child. The article presents the results of the remedial programs using folk games in children with different degrees of underdevelopment, aimed at comprehensive development of motor and cognitive processes required for effective adaptation in society. The goal of the study was to research the effectiveness of the game method of correction of impaired psychomotor development in children with mental retardation of mild and moderate severity by different types of disturbed development. Had the study included children with various pathologies: 32 children with autism spectrum disorder, 33 — with mental retardation and 22 with mental retardation have mild or medium degree, and 44 children with down syndrome, which took the analysis of the main indicators of memory and attention. It is shown that remedial work using folk games, aiming at the normalization of psychomotor development of children with different dysontogenetic development leads to significant changes in their cognitive sphere, in the spatial orientation and scope of arbitrary regulation of activity. Children in all variants of dysontogenesis, especially down's syndrome, have a completely different initial condition indicators of higher cognitive functions, ranging from levels close to age norm, to a large extent the delay of intellectual development, moreover, the development of attention and memory in children with down's syndrome takes place dynamically and does not depend on age, as each age group was attended by children showing high, medium and low results.
Keywords: dysontogenesis; preschoolers; junior school students; psychomotor development; cognitive development; memory; attention. For citation: Kogan B. M., Mukhina A. A., Khazieva T. I. Game Method for the Correction of Psychomotor Development Disorders in Children with Different Variants of Dysontogenesis // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2020. № 1 (33). P. 112-119. DOI 10.25688/2223-6872.2020.33.1.09
Kogan Boris Mikhaylovich, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Clinical and Special Psychology at the Institute of Psychology, Sociology and Social Relations of the Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia. Mukhina Anastasiya Aleksandrovna, Educational Psychologist at School № 1799, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: dadeko@inbox.ru.
Просмотров: 590 UDC 159.9 DOI 10.25688/2223-6872.2020.33.1.08
B. M. Abushkin, MCU, Moscow, AbushkinBA@mgpu.ru, Ya. N. Kontsevenko, JS «MAKS», D. D. Kozikov, MCU, Moscow, daniil.kozikov@mail.ru
The representation of students' basic social attitudes is analyzed in this article. These basic social attitudes determine students' preferences in modern social practice. The study involved 62 students aged 14-15 years 9 classes of secondary school. The paper examined the content of interpersonal relationships, indicators of self-actualization of the individual, characterological features of adolescents and features of psychological protection in communication. Processing of the results was focused on selecting high indicators, linked with the values judgement and corresponded with the purpose of the social attitudes. The content (or orientation) of these settings was based on a factor analysis of primary indicators using the selected methods. These social attitudes determine the behavior of adolescents in the social aspects (according to the direction of the research methods) and can have an impact on such important social factors as self-development and relationships of a person while surrounded by others. The authors consider adolescents' social attitudes as the most significant for them in their social self-determination. Social attitudes can be considered as reliable diagnostic indicators of social preferences in school students and can reveal the content of the values in their motivational sphere.
Keywords: social attitudes; self-actualization; interpersonal relationships; features of personality; factor analysis; social practice; self-determination. For citation: Abushkin B. M., Kontsevenko Ya. N., Kozikov D. D. On the Issue of Social Development in School Students Today // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2020. № 1 (33). P. 100-111. DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2020.33.1.08
Abushkin Boris Mikhailovich, PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor. Deputy Director for Science at the Institute of Psychology, Sociology and Social Relations of the Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: AbushkinBM@mgpu.ru
Kontsevenko Yanina Nikolaevna, Head of the Department for Support and Prolongation of Treaties of the Voluntary Health Insurance JS «MAKS», Moscow, Russia. E-mail: janina25@mail.ru
Kozikov Daniil Dmitrievich, a Post-Graduate Student at the Department of General and Practical Psychology at the Institute of Psychology, Sociology and Social Relations of the Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: daniil.kozikov@mail.ru |
Просмотров: 571 UDC 159.9 DOI 10.25688/2223-6872.2020.33.1.07
V. P. Sheinov, NIHE, Minsk, The Republic of Belarus, sheinov1@mail.ru, V. А. Karpievich, UCP MES of Belarus, Minsk, The Republic of Belarus,
Victimization is an event of violence or the experience of experiencing violence, the process of turning an individual into a victim of criminal assault, bullying, aggression, as well as the result of this process. The study of victimization is relevant in view of its wide prevalence in modern society and the many negative consequences for victims of bullying. The goal was to explore the possible relationships between the victimization of Emergencies Ministry cadets and their emotional intelligence, academic performance and craving for smoking, and compare them with the results of foreign studies. It was established that four types of victimization are negatively related to the components of emotional intelligence, namely: aggressiveness is negatively related to controlling one's emotions, self-motivation, empathy, recognition of other people's emotion conditions and emotional intelligence together with uncritical behavior is negatively associated with the ability to manage emotions, self-motivation and emotional intelligence. Victimization is negatively associated with the ability to manage emotions and emotional intelligence. The craving for smoking turned out to be positively associated with aggressiveness, uncritical behavior and general victimization. Insecurity from manipulation is negatively correlated with emotional awareness. A comparison of the results with the results of foreign studies (mainly children) shows that the nature and orientation of the relationships identified for cadets as a whole does not differ from those found in foreign studies. In this study, these relationships are fleshed out by discovering the relationships between types of victimization and the components of emotional intelligence. Unlike the results of foreign studies on the negative relationship of victimization of students with academic performance, cadets do not have such a connection in Russian-speaking society. Conducted classes with cadets allowed to increase the level of their emotional intelligence in all its components.
Keywords: victimization; bullying; emotional intelligence; insecurity from manipulation; Emergencies Ministry cadets. For citation: Sheinov V. P., Karpievich V. А. Emotional Intelligence and Victimization of Students of the University of Emergency Situations // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2020. № 1 (33). P. 85-99. DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2020.33.1.07
Sheinov Viktor Pavlovich, Professor, Doctor of Sociology, PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Academician of the International Academy of Information Technologies, Professor of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogical Mastery of the National Institute for Higher Education, Minsk, The Republic of Belarus. E-mail: sheinov1@mail.ru
Karpievich Viktor Alexandrovich, Associate Professor, PhD in Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities of the Civil Protection University of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Belarus, Minsk, The Republic of Belarus. E-mail: karpievich68@yandex.by |
Просмотров: 956 UDC 159.9. DOI 10.25688/2223-6872.2020.33.1.06
I. S. Nikiforov, IT-company BCC, St. Petersburg,
As a result of the analysis conducted in the article, and it was found out that a specialist needs information support at various stages of his/her lifetime. The model of changing individual characteristics in dependence on the cost of a certain resource has been developed to adequately support an individual learning process. A method was suggested, and a model was developed to evaluate self-motivation of a person as applied to the process of his/her enhancement of a certain characteristic, which depends both on the already achieved level, i. e. a result-based approach, and a rate of change of such characteristic at a given moment, i.e. a process-based approach. Based on the developed model a procedure can be suggested for identifying a correct moment for intervention into the training process through managing motivation by means of a resource or changes in training technology. A multi-dimensional model was developed for characteristics specified by job requirements, and was represented as a radar chart showing both minimum and maximum requirements. Based on this representation, which is easy for understanding and very illustrative, a set of models was developed on how a certain applicant fits for job requirements, and a classification of applicants (ideal, job-ready, well-qualified, ordinary, under-qualified) was suggested. An aggregate algorithm was developed to evaluate suitability of a specialist for requirements of a certain job based on the evaluation of applicant's skills to adapt to specific characteristics and resources required. When making such evaluations it is necessary to compare existing and maximum attainable applicant's characteristics to the values of such characteristic necessary to perform specific job both minimum for mastering this job, and maximum necessary to perform successfully. We have identified issues, which are not supported with generally held scientifically proven approaches and problem solving methods now. An approach was suggested on how to arrange the information support for decision-making process (related to learning path, applicants, resource intensity) accompanying a specialist throughout his/her entire lifetime. The results obtained are an important part of methodology of the information support during the specialization process.
Keywords: models; information support; characteristics; motivation; management; evaluations; professional learning path; problems. For citation: Nikiforov I. G. Intelligent Support for Specialization // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2020. № 1 (33). P. 74-84. DOI 10.25688/2223-6872.2020.33.1.06
Nikiforov Igor Sergeevich, PhD in Technical Sciences, Associated Executive-coach at the Center of coaching of Moscow school of economics SKOLKOVO, General manager of IT-company BCC, St. Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: nis772@gmail.com |
Просмотров: 918 UDC 159.9.07 DOI 10.25688/2223-6872.2020.33.1.05
E. V. Sinbukhova, N. N. Burdenko NMRCN, Moscow, ESinbukhova@nsi.ru, A. N. Zankovsky, IP RAS, Moscow, D. N. Protsenko, N. I. Pirogov MU, Moscow, ProtsenkoDN@zdrav. mos.ru N. I. Sinbukhova, CP JSC «Russian Railways», Moscow
Anesthesiology and intensive care are the most stressful medical disciplines, subjecting physicians to high responsibility daily in stressful situations such as managing life-threatening scenarios. The aim of the study: to study the effect of burnout on vigilance in decision-making among intensive care physicians and anesthesiologists. This study involves 280 physicians (including 140 anesthesiologists, 140 intensive care physicians). Maslach Burnout Inventor (MBI), Melbourne decision making questionnaire (MDMQ), L. Mann, P. Burnett, M. Radford, S. Ford — is a personality questionnaire aimed at diagnosing individual decision-making style. The questionnaire is the result of an approbation of the earlier questionnaire Flinders' Decision Making Questionnaire (DMQ) (to the Russian language it was validated by T. V. Kornilova). According to the MBI high burnout scores of all three subscales have anesthesiologists and intensive care physicians. High rates of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduction of professional achievements have anesthesiologists, intensive care physicians respectively. Regression analysis confirms in anesthesiologists, emotional exhaustion has a significant relationship with on vigilance in decision-making and procrastination. In intensive care physicians, emotional exhaustion has a significant relationship with on vigilance in decision-making, and the reduction of professional achievements with procrastination. However, it should be noted that vigilance in decision-making and procrastination cannot be explained only by emotional exhaustion and reduction. Conclusion intensive care physicians and anesthesiologists maintain an adequate level of vigilance in decision-making despite the high prevalence of burnout and depression.
Keywords: stress; fatigue; burnout; emotional exhaustion; medical staff; doctors; procrastination; decision making; vigilance. For citation: Sinbukhova E. V, Zankovsky А. N., Protsenko D. N., Sinbukhova N. I. Vigilance in Medical Decision Making and Burnout in Doctors // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2020. № 1 (33). P. 64-73. DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2020.33.1.05
Sinbukhova Elena Vasilyevna, Medical Psychologist, Neuropsychologist at the N. N. Burdenko National Medical Research Center for Neurosurgery, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: ESinbukhova@nsi.ru
Zankovsky Anatoly Nikolayevich, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Labour Psychology, Ergonomics, Engineering and Organizational Psychology at the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: azankovsky@gmail.com
Protsenko Denis Nikolaevich, PhD in Medicine, Chief physician of the City Clinical Hospital № 40 of the Moscow Healthcare Department, Assosiate Professor at the Department of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine of the N. I. Pirogov Medical University, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: ProtsenkoDN@zdrav.mos.ru
Sinbukhova Nadezhda Ivanovna,, Neurologist at the Central Polyclinic JSC «Russian Railways (RZhD)», Moscow, Russia. |
Просмотров: 613 UDC 316.6 DOI 10.25688/2223-6872.2020.33.1.04
Yu. M. Perevozkina, E. V. Veterok, O. B. Ganpantsurova, NGPU, Novosibirsk, per@bk.ru, severus.snegg.1997@gmail.com, olgana74@mail.ru
The article presents a systematic approach to determinate soft skills for psychology students. The soft skills definition discussed in the article. International studies consider soft skills through interpersonal skills that characterize a person's relationships with other people. In the workplace, soft skills represent abilities, which refer to a person's knowledge and occupational skills. This article proposes the use of a systematic approach to assess soft skills. The methodological basis for understanding individually-oriented interpersonal communication skills was the metasystem approach, which reveals the interaction of the mental system with the external social system. In the framework of the metasystem approach, any systemic education is presented in the form of five hierarchical levels: elemental, component, subsystem, general system and metasystem. Exploratory factor analysis and multiple regression analysis are used to illustrate the approach. The five factors model was obtained. All integral factors correspond to five levels of the system: elemental, component, subsystem, system-wide and metasystem. Five integral factors used as predictors in regression models are also discussed. The empirical study shows that specific substructure components comprehensively determine a superstructure of soft skills. The study supports that the determination of soft skills can be considered as a structure within the systematic approach.
Keywords: soft-skills; system; structural determinations; interpersonal communication; psychological and pedagogical education; students. For citation: Perevozkina Yu. M., Veterok E. V, Ganpantsurova O. B. System Determinations of Individual-Oriented Skills of Interpersonal Communication in Students of Psychological and Pedagogical Fields Of Study // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2020 № 1 (33). P. 51-63. DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2020.33.1.04
Perevozkina Yuliya Mihaylovna, PhD in Psychology, Professor, Head of the Department of Practical and Special Psychology at the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail: per@bk.ru; ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4201-3988
Veterok Ekaterina Vladimirovna, PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor at the Department of Practical and Special Psychology at the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail: severus.snegg.1997@gmail.com; ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4303-1985
Ganpantsurova Olga Borisovna, a Lecturer at the Department of Practical and Special Psychology at the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail: olgana74@mail.ru; ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8884-4851 |