S. M. Valyavko, MCU, Moscow
Since the last century the problems of gender equality or even leveling of gender boundaries have been actively discussed in society. Often some publications report that there is a real «gender war». Many scientific branches are seriously considering the abolition of gender division. Psychologists insist upon a different point of view on gender differences, pointing to the existing features of gender behavior. Modern science distinguishes the terms «sex» and «gender». Sex (i. e. the biological features) refers to the main psychological and social differences between women and men. Gender or gender-marked representations is referred to signs of gender culture that a person learns and reproduces. There is no doubt that the biological characteristics of sex are refracted in the individual consciousness through the social representations, i. e., in the process of education and socialization of the individual through the assimilation of gender stereotypes prevalent in society and social institutions: family, the mass media and etc. Gender socialization is represented by two strategies in the modern society: traditional (differentiated by sex) and alternative (egalitarian, the result of gender socialization). But they are also variable: there are different variants of male identity — masculinity and different variants of female identity — femininity. The article considers the problem of the development of a gender identity in older preschool age children with normal and impaired speech development. According to the study, the assimilation of gender standards in boys with speech dysontogenesis is faster than in girls. This allowed the author to form a hypothesis that compensation of speech defects goes through the other non-speech representations, in particular, by showing signs of typical gender behaviour.
Keywords: gender; gender identity; gender differences; gender behaviouг; age and sex identification; psychological age; senior preschoolers; speech disorders; general underdevelopment of speech.
For citation: Valyavko S. M. The development of a gender identity in children of preschool age // Systems psychology and sociology. 2018. № 3 (27). P. 39–49. |
E. S. Romanova, L. I. Bershedova, MCU, Moscow
In the article the problem of information and psychological security for adolescents is considered on the basis of a system-psychological analysis that assumes the definition of not only the essential characteristics of the phenomenon of information-and-psychological security, but also the psychological mechanisms of its development. Information and psychological security is defined as a psychological characteristic of the individual, designed to ensure the security of adolescents in the information environment. The content characteristics of the child’s IPI are derived from an understanding of the threats to information impacts, their mechanisms and the consequences of negative impacts, external and internal hazards. As external, manipulative effects on the adolescent’s personality, his consciousness and emotional-volitional sphere, sources of “illusory reality”, resources propagating cruelty and violence, cyberbullying are singled out. Internal sources of danger are analyzed in the context of individual and personal characteristics and characteristics of adolescents’ self-awareness. To a special group of risk are adolescents with signs of trouble in interpersonal relationships and communication. On the basis of these data, the IPS is defined as a systemically organized entity that reflects the aggregate of three components — object, subject, intersubject, whose interaction and coherence determines the measure of the protection of children from the negative influences of the information environment. The materials of the article cover the issue of psychological mechanisms of development, which allow initiating an increase in the protective functions of information and psychological safety of adolescents. The structural and functional system of psychological mechanisms reflects the main problems of the development of information and psychological safety for adolescents and is constructed taking into account the activation of mechanisms at all levels — universal, generalized and specifically acting in a particular situation. The choice of psychological mechanisms was carried out on the basis of age characteristics of adolescents and those problems that hinder their effective protection from negative information impacts. The final part of the article presents a conceptual model of the development of information and psychological safety for adolescents, whose versatility allows in a schematic form to reproduce the process of formation of information and psychological safety of adolescents in the aggregate of functionally interrelated components and mechanisms of their development as an integrated system.
Keywords: information-psychological security; psychological mechanisms of development; a conceptual model of information-psychological security.
For citation: Romanova E. S., Bershedova L. I. Information and psychological security for adolescents: systemic and psychological analysis // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2018. № 3 (27). P. 26–38. |
V. P. Sheinov, Republican Institute of Higher Education, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
Victimness — the tendency to become a victim of crime, accident, intentional actions of other people; victimization — an event of violence or experience of experiencing violence, the process of turning a person into a victim of criminal assault, and the result of this process. The purpose of this study was to develop a reliable and valid test to assess the psychological risk factors of victimization. Tasks for the corresponding questionnaire, which differentiate the degree of manifestation of victimization, are obtained by using a combination of external, deductive and inductive strategies. In the pilot study, two contrasting groups of subjects, numbering 389 and 400 people, participated, comparing the indicators of which allowed to select differentiating tasks. It is shown that the constructed victimization risk test satisfies three standard reliability criteria (internal consistency, reliability of test parts, retest stability). The developed test is valid because it meets all known validity criteria: validation in the process of test design, validity of meaningful, «obvious», current and prognostic, consensus, constructive, convergent, contrast, gender. The scales (subtests) of the test diagnose seven types of victimization: general and realized victimization, propensity to aggressive, self-destructive, dependent and uncritical type of victim behavior and the degree of insecurity from manipulation. Victimization diagnosed with this test is positively correlated with a propensity for risky behavior, with anxiety, depression and low self-esteem and is negatively associated with assertiveness — all this corresponds to the essence of victimization. Standardization of the developed test was carried out on a representative sample of 563 men and 513 women. Representativeness of samples in the study is provided by a wide representation of the subjects by sex, age, education, profession, job position, social status, region of residence and is confirmed by the normal distribution of test results.
Keywords: psychological factors; risk of victimization; reliability; validity; risk behavior; anxiety; depression; self-esteem; assertiveness; men; women.
For citation: Sheinov V. P. Development of the test «Psychological factors of the risk of adult-individual victimization» // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2018. № 3 (27). P. 14–25. |
B. N. Ryzhov, L. B. Smolovskaya, MCU, Moscow
The article is devoted to the description of a new psychodiagnostic technique SETA (Self-apprasal of emotional tone and activity), designed to assess the important components of the emotional state — an emotional tone and its accompanying activity. To represent these indicators, the form of two orthogonal axes (with two scales — «Рleasure» and «Еxcitement») was chosen. It allows to visualize a set of possible emotional states as a two-dimensional array of data or a matrix of states (the dimension is 8 × 8), each element of which corresponds to a certain point of qualitative orientation and intensity of the emotion experienced. The test procedure is as follows: a person should fix his current appropriate state and fill it in the relevant cell of the test area. In accordance with the methodological terms of V. Wundt’s emotions theory, the SETA technique can be used both in a blank version or in a modern computer application program version — it can be downloaded to a smartphone or computer. To assess the effectiveness of the use of the SETA method in 2018, a pilot study was conducted, and 62 people participated in it — 30 men and 32 women, aged 18–28 years. They were asked to watch four video episodes, supposed to provoke different emotional states. After watching each video episodes, the subjects were asked to assess their emotional state according to SETA technique and SAN technique. The results of the study have been fully confirmed by the internal validity and reliability of the SETA technique. A comparative analysis of SETA and SAN methodologies showed that there is a correlation between the «Fun» and «well-being» scales (r = 0,417), and between the «Excitation» and «Activity» scales (r = 0,527), indicating external validity of the technique SETA. The simplicity and convenience of the SETA technique in use for both the subject and the interpreter as well as the possibility of its repeated use together with a short testing time allows us to recommend a technique for a rapid diagnostics of the emotional state of a person and his emotional reactions under the influence of various emotional stimuli. The SETA technique can be applied in the field of education and social protection as well as in ergonomic and marketing researches.
Keywords: emotional tone; emotional state; activity, excitement; calm; pleasure; displeasure; self-diagnosis.
For citation: Ryzhov B. N., Smolovskaya L. B. The technique for self-appraisal of emotional tone and activity SETA // Systems psychology and sociology. 2018. № 3 (27). P. 5–13. |
Просмотров: 960 «SYSTEMS PSYCHOLOGY AND SOCIOLOGY» AUTHORS, 2018, № 2 (26)
ROMANOVA Evgeniya Sergeevna — doctor of psychology, full professor. Director of the Institute of Psychology, Sociology and Social Relations at the Moscow City University. Head of the department of General and Practical Psychology at IPSSR at the Moscow City University. Honorary Teacher of the Russian Federation, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation. Laureate of the President of the Russian Federation Education Award in 1998. Laureate of the Russian Federation Government Education Award in 2009. Honorary Professor of the Moscow City University, member of the Presidium of Educational and Methodological Consolidation of the Universities of the Russian Federation. Honorary Worker of Higher School of the Russian Federation. E-mail: RomanovaES@mgpu.ru |
G. Gross, King’s College London University, United Kingdom (England), London, J. S. Frolova, Caspian Institute of Sea & River Transport, Nizhny Novgorod
This article draws comparison between perceptions of monarchy in Great Britain and Tsarist Russia with special reference to coronations. It examines examples from Elizabethan England and Muscovy to the two cousins — George V and Nicholas II. Particular focus will be given to ideas of Divine Right and of the country as a New Jerusalem. The introductory analysis here, is part of a wider project on British coronations and ceremonial, that in its second stage, will explore in depth, global coronation history. Much work has been done on Romanov and British ceremonial. In this case, we take the next step, by exploring the surprising similarities and differences from Westminster Abbey to the Kremlin. Historians are often drawn to see parallels closer to home. Why not compare the crowning of English monarchs to those at Reims in France? We do not seek to reject this important scholarship, but rather to extend such work further afield. Whilst there were obvious differences — the common law, constitutionalism and a radically contrasting structure to society — there was nevertheless, much in common and worth further enquiry. Crucially, contemporaries did not shy away from more distant links, they travelled far and wide, setting up trading posts and correspondence from the Muscovy Company; the trend setting firework displays of London coronation festivities that influenced the grand celebrations of Elizabeth I of Russia in 1742; to the shared holidays of the grandchildren of Queen Victoria. Had Elizabeth Tudor married Tsar Ivan, this work would need no justification at all.
Keywords: Coronation; Divine Right; New Jerusalem; Byzantine; Sacerdotal; Kingship; Muscovy; British.
For citation: Gross G., Frolova Ju. S. From London to Moscow coronations: perceptions of monarchy // Systems psychology and sociology. 2018. № 2 (26). P. 97–110. |
T. Macho, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany, Berlin, I. V. Lebedeva, M. M. Bicharova, Caspian Institute of Sea & River Transport
The article is devoted to the issues of cultural security in modern Europe, and the policy of multiculturalism. It is also considered as a systemic issue of a contemporary society. There a lot of problems of European society such as: a of lack of understanding between the migrants and their host community, the desire to preserve the own identity, not dissolve in the “melting pot” of cultural diversity, are considered today in a new context. The article also considers the problems in the context of PRGIDA movement (patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West), which blames immigrants for most the problems which we have nowadays. Heads of State have to put a lot of effort to maintain intercultural interaction and balance between “the own” and “the stranger” in a multicultural and multiethnic society which makes the basis of European cultural security today. This problem is typical for many European countries but the example of Germany in outstanding as it has more migrants than other countries. That is why we give a lot of examples in the context of the situation in Germany. The opinion of the European citizens and their attitude to migrants is also quite different. However, most people in Europe, expressing their opposition to the flow of migrants to their countries also voiced against the PEGIDA movement and draw parallels with fascism.
Keywords: policy of multiculturalism; migrants; the movement PEGIDA; Islamophobia; a stranger; the other; the elite; the cultural security. For citation: Macho T., Lebedeva I. V., Bicharova M. M. Migration in Europe as systemic phenomenon of the contemporary society // Systems psychology and sociology. 2018. № 2 (26). Р. 82–88.
* This article was written with the financial support of the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation, project No. 15-33-11172 «Cultural security in heterotopic conditions». |
D.V. Ivanov, NSPU, Novosibirsk
The article considers basic scientific and psychological views of the great Russian enlightener of the beginning of the XIX century Pyotr Mikhailovich Lyubovsky, whose years of life are still unknown. Very little information has been stored about P. M. Lyubovsky. He is a graduate of Kharkov University, master of philosophy with a broad outlook, studied philosophy, psychology, logic, philology. His outlook was formed on the basis of progressive views of the “philosophical century” (the Enlightenment). He was not only the successor of the ideas of Western European scientists, but also the traditions of the Russian thinkers who contributed to the development of national cardiogenetics and rationalist psychology. The analysis of the creative heritage of the Russian enlightener showed that Lyubovsky made a significant contribution to Russian psychology, writing an interesting treatise, which he presented as a “guide” to the experimental “soul”, emphasizing the difference between rational and empirical psychology. “Dusheslovie” as “the word “about the human soul is one of their interesting directions and” research in the psychological thought of the Enlightenment in Russia. Lyubovsky’s work was interesting for readers, his contemporaries, as it helped identify a number of psychological phenomena and describe them by means of “empirical” research. The 19th century enlightener’s treatise is interesting at the present time as a kind of proof of the independence and originality of the Russian psychological thought, which has passed a long way of its formation and development. The methodological paradigm, according to which the Russian thinker explains the human nature, allowed him to analyze the sensitivity, the potentiality of cognition inherent to an individual, his desires and will. Lyubovsky was interested not only in human feelings, memory, imagination, attention, but also in laws of mental activity of an individual, speech, the ability to cognize an individual himself, the world around him, his feelings and will. The consideration of issues connected with the explanation of human nature by the description of the drives (“physical” and “mental”) as the basal causes of action and activities of an individual are particularly interesting for the author of the psychological treatise. The enlightener investigates the problem of temperaments correctly pointing to their mixing in human manifestations. The explanation of Lyubovsky human in man by his desire to work, his reliance on the principle of perfection, which is a cornerstone for psychological thought from ancient times to the present, becomes very significant. Man himself can be prosperous and ready to fight for independent life implementation. Psychological views and theories of Lyubovsky are connected by internal logic, a single professional thesaurus, find consistency in the presentation. Historical and psychological reconstruction, bibliographic method in this study, along with the psychological interpretation of views, ideas and statements by Lyubovsky allowed to determine his place as significant in the history of Russian psychological thought.
Keywords: human nature; cardiogenetics psychology; rational psychology; sensitivity; intelligence; desire; temperament; will; fighting; man fighting; the system of psychological concepts.
For citation: Ivanov D. V. Psychological idea in Russia in the early XIX century. P. M. Lyubovsky // Systems psychology and sociology. 2018. № 2 (26). P. 69–81. |
Просмотров: 1076 THE PSYCHOLOGICAL AGE OF CIVILIZATION: XV Century, the Early Renaissance
B. N. Ryzhov, МCU, Moscow
The present article is the continuation of research devoted to system periodization of development of European civilization and the comparison of the stages of its development to the corresponding periods of a person’ s life. The beginning of this study published in №№ 14–15 of the journal “System psychology and sociology” includes the description of analogies in the psychological development of a person from birth up to early youth and of the development of European civilization from the V to the XV centuries. The present part of this work is devoted to the continuation of the description of these analogies in the culture of the XV century. In particular, the article addresses the evolution of the sense of comic in a person during the transition from adolescence to early youth and in the culture of European civilization of the XV century. The author notes some similarities between jokes and anecdotes that are so typical for adolescents and a farce flourished in the XV century. The farce was an unprofessional theatrical performance at that time arranged by special comic communities of citizens. In that regard the psychological causes of a peculiar sense of comic as the gallowshumor, appeared in the XV century, are considered here, and the history knows François Villon as one of the greatest master of the gallows-humor. Special attention is payed to the historical background and cultural phenomena of the Early Italian Renaissance that reflected the characteristic features of emotional and personal development of early youth on an equal basis with the Northern Renaissance Art.
Keywords: system periodization of development; psychological age of civilization; centres of European civilization; early youth; psychology of humor; farce; the Early Renaissance; François Villon; Andrea Verrochio.
For citation: Rizhov B. N. The psychological age of civilization: XV century, The Early Renaissance // Systems psychology and sociology. 2018. № 2 (26). Р. С. 59–68. |