A. A. Tyukov, MCU, Moscow
Introduction. Development prospects of the modern general anthropology are driven by attempts to reach a consensus for subject positions in the study of the human being phenomenon. As a basis for such a consensus, the authors consider the system analysis of the status and contents of the original categories and notions derived from the disciplines that comprise a complex of sciences of a human being. Methodology. The article investigates the prospects of integrating the methodology of systemic and integrative approaches to the system psychological sciences. In light of the modern systematology, systemic psychology by B. N. Ryzhov (1999) and the concept of integrative development psychology by А. А. Tyukov (1998), the article focuses on the contents and technologies of systemic analysis in all spheres of the psychological knowledge. The methodological principle of a systemic psychological analysis underpins a statement of the integrated perception of personal, mental and activity-related characteristics of a human being in their joint development and manifestation. In the systemic analysis, in terms of the interpretation logics, there appear layers and levels that are on a mutually reflexive basis reflected in the theoretical description of the system. The systemic analysis includes a description of processes, on the one hand, and of structures, morphology and material as a mechanism constituting the processes described, on the other hand. The essence of the psycho is determined as an endogenous, internal and subjective activity of an individual. Thus, individuality should be analyzed as an integral characteristic of a specific individual in the dialectical view of its development from birth to death. The idea of narrative psychology aims to offer a generalized systemic characteristic of the life history of a man. In addition, the tasks of such generalized suppose that a typological classification should be applied to identify specific individual features of a person. Conclusion. It has become possible to postulate a categorical nucleus of general psychology due to the applied psychometry of personal attributes of a man, its mind and abilities at every stage of its ontogenesis. Systemic typology of life activities, typology of mental activity in terms of mind scale, scope and speed, and typology of abilities for life activity as mastered and interiorized means of communication finally give a psychological characteristic of a real human individuality.
Keywords: System as an organic integrity; layers of systemic analysis; categorical nucleus of development psychology; systemic typologies; category of life activity; motivation; targeting; individuality as a notion of scientific psychology.
For citation: Tyukov A. A. System analysis of subject categories in the human-sciences // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2018. № 4 (28). Р. 5–13. |
Просмотров: 993 «SYSTEMS PSYCHOLOGY AND SOCIOLOGY» AUTHORS, 2018, № 3 (27)
ROMANOVA Evgeniya Sergeevna — doctor of psychology, full professor. Deputy Director of the Institute of Psychology, Sociology and Social Relations at the Moscow City University. Head of the department of General and Practical Psychology at IPSSR at the Moscow City University. Honoured Teacher of the Russian Federation, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation. Laureate of the President of the Russian Federation Education Award in 1998. Laureate of the Russian Federation Government Education Award in 2009. Honorary Professor of the Moscow City University, member of the Presidium of Educational and Methodological Consolidation of the Universities of the Russian Federation. Honoured Worker of Higher School of the Russian Federation. E-mail: RomanovaES@mgpu.ru |
Yu. M. Perevozkina, V. G. Fedosov, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, F. Prusse, Ernst-Moritz-Aredt University, Greifswald, Germany
The work develops the problem of impasa-role socialization of youth, being the most active part of society, ensuring progress and innovational transformations. The article purpose is determination of functional organization of impasa-role socialization of youth. The youth socialization is viewed in terms of symbolic interactionism. The particulate case of socialization — impasa-role socialization — is expected to be a system with integrated metasystemic level. A hypothesis resides in the fact that the wider and more sensible the complex of role imposits (basic role models) in the personality structure is represented, the more effective the social functioning of youth is. The experimental research which supposes studying of the experimental program influence (the purpose of which was the expansion of role repertory) on the effectiveness of social functioning of the youth with unsuccessful socialization is planned in order to provide the model empiric evidence. The research was performed on a number of students (N = 400). 98 students with unsuccessful socialization were selected on the basis of cluster analysis, and then were divided into two groups — control (N = 49) and experimental (N = 49). Their age range was varied from 17 to 25 years old. The methods for studying of the special features of socialization and role functioning of youth were used as the research methods. The data about statistically important changes in the display of role direction, coherence, position constriction, role conflict and special features of subjective well-being, social frustration in the experimental group before and after the influence of p < 0,05 (Student t-test and χ2 McNemar test) is provided. It is stated that youth role repertory expansion increases the social opportunities of the subjects in successful social functioning, which reflects the increase of general well-being, social involvement and subjective well-being. The impasa-role socialization is the system with open metasystematic level, which the unique role compositions determine the individual role functioning at is concluded on the basis of the results obtained.
Keywords: youth socialization, role imposits, role behavior, metasystem, role conflict locus, subjective well-being.
For citation: Perevozkina Yu. M., Fedosov V. G., Prusse F. Functional Organization of Impasa-Role Socialization of Youth: Metasystemic Approach // Systems psychology and sociology. 2018. № 3 (27). P. 138–144. |
D. V. Ivanov, NSPU, Novosibirsk
In the history of Russian psychological thought up to the present time there are still many “white spots”, many names without proper coverage of their creative and scientific heritage. At the turn of the XVIII–XIX centuries one of the important figures for the national psychology, staying, however, in the shadow of the ideas of its own socio-political thought is Vasily Fedorovich Malinovsky (1765–1814), a very prominent Russian educator, the author of the famous work “Reasoning about war and peace” (1790–1798). Malinovsky is traditionally considered to be a diplomat and a teacher. He is the first Director of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, teacher and mentor of the Russian genius Alexander Pushkin. The creative ascent of Malinovsky to the heights of life can be divided into three main stages. The first stage of his life is “apprenticeship”, the introduction to the philosophical and psychological traditions of both Western European and national social thought. The second stage is connected with his “service” to his Fatherland in the diplomatic field. The third stage, a small but very significant in the fate of this enlightener period is “mentoring”, where there are still, as the bibliographic analysis of materials about him shows, unnoticed his psychological views and theories, which became the basis for the understanding of human nature, and also his “Tsarskoye Selo” model of education of the individual. Historical and psychological reconstruction and psychological interpretation of Malinovsky’s treatises, articles and letters show the presence of psychological concepts that allow us to point that this educator had psychological views and theories relating to man, his interactions with the society of his kind and with the world. Malinovsky had formed a holistic view of the person, which was not limited to logical conclusions, as it was also based on figurative-emotional, ethnic, historical reflections. Malinovsky is a follower of the national “psychology of the heart” or a cardiognostic principle in Russian psychology, he believes in the virtue of a kind person and the possibility of his appropriate development and education. In human behavior the intelligence, sensibility and will are organically revealed. Human society is able, according to this educator, to form a virtuous world order, which is beyond envy, hostility and war. Malinovsky advocated for the priority of ethic values, where moral ideals and highly moral qualities of people are fundamental. People can fight for their own self-improvement and the society should contribute to it. With his views he supported the ideas of moral psychology, which was developing in the general philosophical and psychological reflection of the Enlightenment. The consideration of the system of Malinovsky’s psychological concepts shows the diversity of positions and interests of Russian enlighteners, helps to create a “smooth fabric” of the history of psychological thought in Russia in the late XVIII – early XIX centuries.
Keywords: moral psychology; cardiognostic principle; human nature; the system of psychological concepts; war; fighting; man fighting; intelligence; sensibility; will; “Tsarskoye Selo” model of education; virtue.
For citation: Ivanov D. V. Psychological Idea in Russia in the End of the XVIII – the Beginning of the XIX Century. V. F. Malynovsky // Systems psychology and sociology. 2018. № 3 (27). P. 110–129. |
V. P. Ivanova, Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
The application of a systematic approach to the development of the intellect and personality in their interaction made it possible to discover systemic qualities that were synthesized into a holistic phenomenon, designated as an intellectual culture of the individual. How Intellectual culture, being a psychological phenomenon, is systematically determined, and acts as a relatively independent system and at the same time, it enters as a subsystem in the structure of both the general and psychological cultures. Intellectual culture as a concept is quite often encountered in scientific research, but there is still no generally accepted definition of it, since each author uses it in a certain context (philosophical, methodological, pedagogical), based on his own positions, using his own cognitive abilities in defining his semantic loading. The study provides a theoretical justification for the category “intellectual culture”. The basis for revealing the psychological essence of intellectual culture was served by separate theoretical positions, which allowed to present it as a holistic phenomenon. The forms and functions of intellectual culture, as well as those based on intellectual resources, personal qualities, acquired mainly in the learning process, are defined and disclosed — all this in its interdependence determines the formation of the intellectual culture of the individual. A three-level structural hierarchical model is developed in which intellectual resources constitute the energy level as the basis for the emergence and development of intellectual culture, the knowledge level as the realization the previous level and as a result — intellectual and personal qualities. Intellectual culture is an integral system in which all its components are not only structurally interrelated, but also interdependent, which forms a network that changes even when one parameter is changed. For intellectual culture as a systemic phenomenon is characterized by internal dynamics of system-forming properties, leading to a change in its quality characteristics, that is, changes occur at the level of its essence.
Keywords: system; integrity; personality; intellect; basic intellectual qualities; intellectual culture; students.
For citation: Ivanova V. P. Intellectual culture as a system approach in education // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2018. № 3 (27). P. 99–109. |
T. N. Brazgun, Moscow State University of Psychology & Education, Moscow, V. V. Tkacheva, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow,
The article deals with the study of functioning of families with disabled children. The birth of a baby with a disability can be a traumatic event for parents and can have profound effects on the entire family. The birth of disabled children may affect such family functioning characteristics as cohesion, emotional bond, satisfaction, roles, communication, etc. It is essential that the specialists should be equipped the variety of measures to examined the interpersonal relationships, so that the psychologist can develop the programs to correct the destructive forms of relations. The authors present the program of family functioning studies and the results of functioning research of the families who are parenting a child with disability. In the study participated 30 families raising disabled children aged 6 to 14 years with moderate to severe mental retardation, motor disorders and autism spectrum disorders. In total, the study involved 98 people. The both of them adults and children completed the diagnostic tests and procedures to assess some general characteristics of family relationships and specific aspects of family functioning, such as dominance-submission, cohesion, communication, satisfaction, roles etc. The results suggest that family functioning when there is a disabled child might be injured as for the individual parameters and combination of parameters.
Keywords: family functioning; interpersonal relationships; family; disabled children.
For citation: Brazgun T. N., Tkacheva V. V. Issue of dysfunctionality of the families who are parenting children with disability // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2018. № 3 (27). P. 84–98. |
A. B. Karpov, NPF Materia Medica Holding, Moscow
The article is devoted to the problem of work engagement, it provides the literature review on this issue. The analysis of the literature reveals the discrepancy between a large number of different theories of motivation for the needs of modern organizations, the absence of a single universal theoretical model of work motivation, and a methodology that can measure the degree of work motivation for a particular activity in an organization. All this would allow the employer to create organizational mechanisms stimulating high labor efficiency. The concept of work engagement as a factor of high productivity of workers is introduced. The article presents the results of the study of work engagement of the employees of the pharmaceutical company LLC “NPF “Materia Medica Holding”. According to the results of the study there is a discussion of the patterns of the work engagement factors, subjective perception of the engagement of colleagues and objective engagement in different functional groups, as well as the relationship of engagement with the effectiveness of the employees and turnover in different divisions in the period before and after the research.
Keywords: engagement; work motivation; satisfaction; labor efficiency; turnover; business indicators; organizational loyalty; effectiveness.
For citation: Karpov A. B. Employee engagement — a factor of work motivation // Systems psychology and Sociology. 2018. № 3 (27). P. 74–83. |
I. V. Martynenko, National Pedagogical University named after M. P. Dragomanov, Kiev, Ukraine, S. V. Kondukova, Kindergarten № 37 at the JSCo «RZD», Moscow
The article presents theoretical and experimental approaches to the concept of «communicative readiness», its content characteristics regarding the children of senior preschool age with system speech disorders (SSD) of primary genesis. The findings of the experimental study of the communicative activity in children of this category are described in the article. The review of the obtained results allowed the authors to conclude that the following components of communicative readiness for the school education were insufficiently developed: means of communication and communicative skills, stable structurally organized communicative activity, and personal communicative arsenal of the children with SSD. For the purpose of systemic intervention, the directions, stages and content of psycho-correctional work aimed at the development of communicative readiness of children with system speech disorders were defined. The authors also provide theoretical background for correctional and educational work with children directly, and with the teachers and their parents indirectly. Correction and developmental influence on the communicative development of children with system speech disorders of senior preschool age was carried out with the help of the three-component psychocorrectional work system, involving five stages of implementation: informative and activating; motivational and developing; productive and activity; verbal and reproductive; creative and transformative. Each stage is presented with detailed description of its content and administrative features concerning cooperation with the teachers, parents and children. The proposed psycho-correctional technologies were used to improve and develop structurally organized communicative activity of children of senior preschool age with system speech disorders combining its operational (communication skills) and personal (communicative features) components. The complex of the described components allowed providing comprehensive influence on the communicative development of the children with SSD, which, in the authors’ opinion, will allow the children to communicate successfully not only within trained situations, but also in the informal environment with peers and adults
Keywords: communicative activity; communicative readiness for school; children of the senior preschool age; the General underdevelopment of the speech; psychocorrection work.
For citation: Martynenko I. V., Kondukova S. V. Special features in development of communicative readiness for schooling in preschoolers with system speech disorders // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2018. № 3 (27). P. 63–73. |
I. Yu. Berezina, L. I. Sumskiy, A. Yu. Mikhailov, Sklifosovsky Institute for Emergency Medicine, Moscow
To assess the functional state of the basic systems of the brain and structures for the operation of the machines memory in patients with transient global amnesia (TGA) 12 patients (average age — 67,8 ± 9,9 years) with the presence of TGA episodes were examined. The control group consisted of 15 healthy subjects (average age of 30,1 ± 1,8). EEG and auditory event-related potential (P300) were recorded on electroencephalograph “Neuron-Spectrum-5”, the company “Neurosoft” (Russia). To localize equivalent dipole sources abnormal activity and the P300 component was used “BrainLoc 6.0” (Russia) [4]. The study showed that in 75 % cases, EEG in patients with TGA registered paroxysmal activity dominant in the left hemisphere with localization of equivalent dipole sources these oscillations in мedio-basal parts of the temporal lobe on the left, or submitted to bilateral, generalized discharges, mainly “sharp waves” with equivalent dipole sources localization of these oscillations in мedio-basal parts of the frontal and temporal lobes on both sides. According auditory event-related potential associated with the event celebrated the lengthening of the latent period components, N200, P300 and reduction of response amplitude in both hemispheres. Maximum extension of the latent period component P300 and the amplitude decrease was observed in the fronto-temporal leads.
Keywords: transient global amnesia; EEG; auditory event-related potential (P300).
For citation: Berezina I. Yu., Sumskiy L. I., Mikhailov A. Yu. Assessment of memory in transient global amnesia // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2018. № 3 (27). P. 50–62. |