E. S. Romanova, B. N. Ryzhov, MCU, Moscow,
The rapid development of space and military technologies in the second half of the XXth century caused the development of new scientific approaches that allow to consider the human and machine as a single system. The timely answer to the challenge of time was proposed by outstanding Russian scientist Boris Fedorovich Lomov, and this year is marked by the thirtieth anniversary from the day he passed away (1927–1989). The book «The human and technologies (essays on engineering psychology)» by B. F. Lomov was published in 1963, and this book in fact was the country’s first monograph on engineering psychology. Remaining relevant, this book presented the theoretical foundations of the human interactions with technologies and other automated tools for technical process management, and also a program for further development of this direction was outlined. A new conceptual model of psychology, based on a number of principles, that form the core of the system approach was proposed by Lomov B. F. Among them there were the following principles: a multidimensionality, diversity, multi-level nature and system determination of mental phenomena. These principles were set out for the first time in B. F. Lomov’s article «On the system approach in psychology» (1975). Later he significantly developed and expanded the ideas of the system approach in the monograph «Methodological and theoretical problems of psychology» (1984). The multifaceted talent of B. F. Lomov appeared in the organization of experimental studies in the field of general, pedagogical, engineering psychology, management psychology and the implementation of the results of these studies in practice. He was at the origin of a number of new areas of psychology in Russia such as engineering psychology, psychology of management, space psychology. An important B. F. Lomov’s contribution to the development of Russian psychology was the creation of the country’s first Psychological faculty of Leningrad University (St. Petersburg) in 1966, as well as the country’s leading scientific psychological center — the Institute of psychology of Academy of Sciences of the USSR (now it is the Russian Academy of Sciences).
Keywords: B. F. Lomov; engineering psychology; system approach in psychology; organizational psychology; system psychology; Psychological faculty of Leningrad University (St. Petersburg); Institute of psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. For citation: Romanova E. S., Ryzhov B. N. Boris Fedorovich Lomov — a scientist who became the embodiment of his time // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2019. № 2 (30). P. 53–65. DOI: 10.25688/22236872.2019.30.2.05
Romanova Evgeniya Sergeevna, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Acting director of the Institute of Psychology, Sociology and Social Relations at the Moscow City University, Head of the Department of General and Practical Psychology at the Institute of Psychology, Sociology and Social Relations of the Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: RomanovaES@mgpu.ru Ryzhov Boris Nikolayevich, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogical, Developmental and Social Psychology at the Institute of Psychology, Sociology and Social Relations of the Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: RyzhovBN@mgpu.ru |
Просмотров: 837 FATIGUE AS AN INDICATOR OF SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGICAL AGE OF PERSONNEL The scientific research was carried out with the financial support of RFBR as part of a research project № 19-013-00910
L. N. Zakharova, Z. H.-M. Saralieva, I. S. Leonova, A. S. Zaladina, National research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod,
The results of the study of fatigue as a central phenomenon of the subjective well-being of enterprises staff of different-age and as an indicator of socio-psychological age are presented. The relevance of the study is due to contradictions in the perception in society of pension reform and problems of preserving the workplace by older employees as a result of the exposure of a significant proportion of employers to age bias stereotypes. The study is based on the methodological ideas of relativity of chronological age and the impact of organizational culture on the socio-psychological age of employees. The respondents were employees of technologically backward and innovative enterprises — young up to 35 years old, average from 36 to 50 years old for women and 55 years old for men, and older. The methods used to diagnose the organizational culture of K. Cameron and R. Quinn, as well as the author’s questionnaire, aimed at identifying fatigue from work, organizational conditions and domestic work, age self- esteem, well-being in the team and managerial assessment of the age of employees are used. For the calculations, the non-parametric criteria of Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon were applied. It is shown that irrespectively of age group and gender, enterprise personnel with an organizational market-hierarchical culture with a pronounced innovation component have a younger social and psychological age, characterized by less fatigue from organizational conditions up to two times in a young group and up to 1.6 times in an older group age, younger age self-esteem according to self-assessments and estimates of managers than the personnel of an enterprise with a hierarchical-clan model of organizational culture. Up to 70 % of the backward enterprise staff feels older, reaching an excess of chronological age of up to 12 years in self-assessments, both in the group of young and senior staff. Up to 70 % of the personnel of an innovative enterprise feel younger, reaching in self-evaluations a reduction of chronological age by 8 years in the group of young respondents, up to 16 years in the older group. Recommendations for improving the management of subjective well-being of staff are offered.
Keywords: personnel; chronological age; socio-psychological age; organizational culture; fatigue; subjective well-being; age self-esteem; control. For citation: Zakharova L. N., Saralieva Z. H.-M., Leonova I. S., Zaladina A. S. Fatigue as an indicator of socio-psychological age of personnel // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2019. № 2 (30). P. 36–52. DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2019.30.2.04
Zakharova Ludmila Nikolaevna, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Psychology of Mana gement at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. Е-mail: zlnnnov@mail.ru Saralieva Zaretkhan HajiMurzaeva, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Ge neral Sociology and Social Work at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. Е-mail: zara@fsn.unn.ru Leonova Irina Sergeevna, PhD in Sociology, Doctoral student at the Department of General and Social Psycho logy at the National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. E-mail: Irina.leonova@unn.ru Zaladina Anna Sergeevna, Assistant at the Department of Psychology of Management, Post-graduate student at the Department of Psychology of Management of the National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. E-mail: zaladina.a.s@mail.ru |
S. M. Valyavkо, MCU, Moscow,
Modern psychodiagnostics, according to a number of foreign representatives of this branch of psychology, is experiencing a deep crisis. A similar systemic crisis is observed in Russia. Modern scientists identify a number of causes of this phenomenon, including the methodological impasse, and the decline of experimental psychological research. The implementation of the humanitarian paradigm in special education in Russia often occurred, yielding to the requirements of the non-professional community, including the substitution of nosological diagnoses and professional defectological vocabulary blurred definitions, rejection of specialist surveys, rejection of testing of children, test critics, etc. However, at the beginning of the XXI century there was a number of methodological studies of American scientists — methodologists, which proposed specific steps to the validation of individual scales and tests. Given the great scientific importance of this area, the article offers a review and discussion of the most important methodological aspects of diagnostic techniques used in practice. «Intuitively-empirical attempts» (according to V. I. Lubovsky) of standardization and interpretation of some little-formalized techniques, especially pictorial, did not give the desired result. This has long been a serious obstacle to scientific progress in this area. Despite the environmental friendliness of the drawing tests and their ease of use, the difficulties and ambiguity in the interpretation of the results significantly reduced all the advantages of their application. The attitude to them as to insufficiently reliable diagnostic tools has become common. At the same time, drawing tests continued to remain in the Arsenal of domestic and foreign researchers. The catalog of these methods is gradually supplemented and detailed. Continuation of the relevant work on the theoretical and methodological basis of drawing tests and especially on their standardization is an urgent task of psychodiagnostics. For the psychology of development and special psychology its solution is of particular importance, as the diagnosis of young children and persons with disabilities has special requirements for psychometric instruments. The article also proposes a new algorithm of formalization of drawing techniques, which is based on improving the method of interpretation through the introduction of quantitative evaluation procedures. The work on approbation of the proposed algorithm is described and its results are discussed.
Keywords: psycho-diagnostics; psychodiagnostics technique; the process of developing procedures formalization of diagnostic tests; validity; reliability; standardization and unification; interpretation; non-effective methods; projective drowing tests. For citation: Valyavkо S. M. The Possibility of Formalization of Drawing Techniques in Special Psycho logy: Problems and Prospects // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2019. № 2 (30). P. 24–35. DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2019.30.2.03
Valyavko Svetlana Mikhaylovna, PhD in Psychology, Docent, Docent at the Department of Clinical and Special Psychology at the Institute of Psychology, Sociology and Social Relations of the Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: ValyavkоSM@mgpu.ru |
Yu. L. Arzumanov, О. V. Korotina, А. А. Аbakumova, The Serbsky NMRC PN, Moscow,
Numerous clinical studies show that drug addicts, using synthetic psychoactive substances, quickly formed social maladjustment, higher risk of intoxication psychosis, often manifest emotional and personal disorders and violations of volitional processes, as well as more intensively manifested a number of negative consequences in the cognitive sphere, which are accompanied by systemic specific violations of attention, perception, memory, thinking. This study aims to identify the emotional-personal characteristics of drug addicts who use synthetic psychoactive substance methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV) in comparison with the group of healthy individuals on special scales short version of the Minnesota multi-factor personality questionnaire MMPI — method «Mini-mult». It is revealed that the dependents are dominated by primitive everyday thinking, social maladjustment, indifferent attitude to their own lives, low productivity of mental activity, dysthymia. The data that show significant differences in the emotional and personal sphere on the profile scales of depression, psychasthenia and schizoid in drug addicts from psychoactive substance MDPV and healthy subjects. On a scale of «Depression» in dependent people performance is higher than in healthy individuals. This may be due to a high level of personal anxiety, growing sense of fear, panic, thoughts of death, low self-esteem, stigmatization of the disease of drug addiction and the formation of the personality of a drug addict. On the scales of «Psychasthenia» and «Schizoid» in people who use the drug, with a high degree of reliability, the indicators are lower than in healthy people. The decrease in the indicators on the scale of «Psychasthenia» in dependent people reveals such features as cowar dice, suspicion, distrust, caution, a tendency to lie, lack of will, a tendency to manipulation. Evaluation of the results on the scale of «Schizoid» indicates such traits as scarcity of thinking, a tendency to fantasize, resonance.
Keywords: psychoactive substances; synthetic cathinone; methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV); drug dependent personality; personal sphere; willpower. For citation: Arzumanov Yu. L., Korotina O. V., Abakumova A. A. Personal Sphere Peculiarities in Persons with Synthetic Psychoactive Substance Dependence // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2019. № 2 (30). P. 13–23. DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2019.30.2.02
Arzumanov Yuriy Leonidovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences (MD), Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Clinical Neurophysiology at the National Scientific Research Institute for Addictions — a Branch of the Serbsky National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Narcology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: arzumanov42@mail.ru Korotina Olga Viktorovna, medical psychologist of the highest qualification category, Researcher at the Department of Psychotherapy and Medical Rehabilitation in Outpatient Setting at the National Scientific Research Institute for Addictions — a Branch of the Serbsky National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Narcology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: ole4ka_koroti4@mail.ru Abakumova Alla Alekseyevna, PhD in Biology, Senior scientist at the Laboratory of Clinical Neurophysiology at the National Scientific Research Institute for Addictions — a Branch of the Serbsky National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Narcology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: abakumova46@mail.ru |
B. M. Kogan, MCU, Moscow, A. Z. Drozdov, The Serbsky NMRC PN, Moscow,
By auto-aggressive behavior in modern clinical psychology and psychiatry is understood as conscious or non-comprehensible actions aimed at inflicting self-harm in both the physical and mental spheres. In the profile literature, this behavioral phenomenon is considered by many authors as one of the destructive mechanisms of psychological defense. Moreover, auto-aggressive behavioral acts can phenotypically manifest in self-incrimination, including the formation of a complex of guilt and sinfulness, self-humiliation, often reaching the neurotic self-flagellation syndrome, inflicting varying severity of injuries, often suicidal attempts, alcohol abuse, or other psychoactive substances paraphilic forms of sexual behavior, the desire to participate in extreme sports competitions, the preference of dangerous for Hur and professions of life. But manifestations of auto-aggression, of course, cannot be interpreted only by a clinical masochistic interpretation. The article presents the results of studying the hierarchy of psychological defense mechanisms and personal characteristics of 104 somatically and mentally healthy girls, most of whom used auto-aggressive behavior in the anamnesis to overcome frustration caused by psycho-emotional stress. In conclusion, the authors discuss the identified features of the use of girls with non-suicidal selfdamaging behavior in the history of psychological defense mechanisms and their personal characteristics in terms of understanding this anti-stress action as a special destructive coping strategy and pathological soil for the formation and development of specific addiction.
Keywords: non-suicidal self-damaging behavior; psychological defense mechanisms; impulsivity; mental disorders; physical disability; auto-aggressive behavior; personality characteristics. For citation: Kogan B. M., Drozdov A. Z. System Links between Psychological Defense Mechanisms and Personality Characteristics in Girls with Non-Suicidal Self-Damaging Behavior // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2019. № 2 (30). P. 5–12. DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2019.30.2.01
Kogan Boris Mikhaylovich, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Clinical and Special Psychology at the Institute of Psychology, Sociology, Social Relations of the Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: KoganBM@mgpu.ru Drozdov Alexander Zosimovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory at the Serbsky National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Narcology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: alex00582@yandex.ru |
B. M. Kogan, MCU, Moscow, A. Z. Drozdov, The Serbsky NMRC PN, Moscow,
By auto-aggressive behavior in modern clinical psychology and psychiatry is understood as conscious or non-comprehensible actions aimed at inflicting self-harm in both the physical and mental spheres. In the profile literature, this behavioral phenomenon is considered by many authors as one of the destructive mechanisms of psychological defense. Moreover, auto-aggressive behavioral acts can phenotypically manifest in self-incrimination, including the formation of a complex of guilt and sinfulness, self-humiliation, often reaching the neurotic self-flagellation syndrome, inflicting varying severity of injuries, often suicidal attempts, alcohol abuse, or other psychoactive substances paraphilic forms of sexual behavior, the desire to participate in extreme sports competitions, the preference of dangerous for Hur and professions of life. But manifestations of auto-aggression, of course, cannot be interpreted only by a clinical masochistic interpretation. The article presents the results of studying the hierarchy of psychological defense mechanisms and personal characteristics of 104 somatically and mentally healthy girls, most of whom used auto-aggressive behavior in the anamnesis to overcome frustration caused by psycho-emotional stress. In conclusion, the authors discuss the identified features of the use of girls with non-suicidal selfdamaging behavior in the history of psychological defense mechanisms and their personal characteristics in terms of understanding this anti-stress action as a special destructive coping strategy and pathological soil for the formation and development of specific addiction.
Keywords: non-suicidal self-damaging behavior; psychological defense mechanisms; impulsivity; mental disorders; physical disability; auto-aggressive behavior; personality characteristics. For citation: Kogan B. M., Drozdov A. Z. System Links between Psychological Defense Mechanisms and Personality Characteristics in Girls with Non-Suicidal Self-Damaging Behavior // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2019. № 2 (30). P. 5–12. DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2019.30.2.01
Kogan Boris Mikhaylovich, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Clinical and Special Psychology at the Institute of Psychology, Sociology, Social Relations of the Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: KoganBM@mgpu.ru Drozdov Alexander Zosimovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory at the Serbsky National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Narcology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: alex00582@yandex.ru |
Просмотров: 1082 «SYSTEMS PSYCHOLOGY AND SOCIOLOGY» AUTHORS, 2019, № 1 (29)
ROMANOVA Evgeniya Sergeevna — Doctor of Psychology, full professor. Acting director of the Institute of Psychology, Sociology and Social Relations at the Moscow City University. Head of the department of General and Practical Psychology at IPSSR at the Moscow City University. Honorary Teacher of the Russian Federation, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation. Laureate of the President of the Russian Federation Education Award in 1998. Laureate of the Russian Federation Government Education Award in 2009. Honorary Professor of the Moscow City University, member of the Presidium of Educational and Methodological Consolidation of the Universities of the Russian Federation. Honorary Worker of Higher School of the Russian Federation. E-mail: RomanovaES@mgpu.ru |
A. V. Tkachenko, MCU, Moscow
The article deals with the main points of sociology of religion of Auguste Comte, Herbert Spencer and other founders of sociological science. On the basis of the analysis of their scientific-methodological and religious concepts the author puts forward the thesis about the use of the system approach to study of religious phenomena by early positivists. It is emphasized that O. Comte and H. Spencer perceived religion as an integral part of the whole system of interdependent elements. Sociology of religion as a branch of sociology began its development since the emergence of this science. There were Сh. L. Montesquieu, Voltaire, I. Kant, F. Schleiermacher, H. Saint-Simon and other thinkers who lived mainly in the 18th – early 19th centuries among the ideological predecessors of the first sociologists. Their influence on the formation of sociology of religion is briefly described by the article author. At the same time, some little-known borrowings made by O. Comte and H. Spencer from T. Hobbes, A. Turgot and N. Condorcet and the parallels with views on religion of E. Littre, E. Tylor, V. Pareto, E. Durkheim, M. M. Kovalevsky, G. Le Bon, S. Freud and R. Aron are mentioned. There is the most detailed analysis of the contribution to sociology of religion by O. Comte in the present work. It is indicated that the founder of sociology considered society as a system functioning according to the laws of social statics and dynamics. Religion, in his view, as a part of society is subject to these laws and is in a position of a dynamic balance. In turn, this fact means that religion can be transformed. It allowed O. Comte to offer his own version of religion which according to his plan is capable to replace traditional denominations. Then the article analyzes H. Spencer’s sociological theory of religion. The main components of this theory are distinguished: the comparison of religious institutions with parts of an indivisible social organism and the allocation of their inherent social functions. The special attention is paid to the fact that neither O. Comte nor H. Spencer predicted the complete eradication of religion and its replacement by science. In the Conclusions and the Summary of the article the author notes the accordance of the views of O. Comte and H. Spencer with the modern perception of religion from the system approach perspective.
Key words: sociology of religion, the system approach, social system, social subsystem, social institution.
For citation: Tkachenko A. V. The Systems Approach in Sociology by A. Comte, H. Spencer and Other Founders of Sociological Science // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2019. № 1 (29). P. 109-120 |
O. A. Dobrina NSPU, Novosibirsk
This article is an attempt to create a system of concepts for the development of a holistic theory of social risks and threats to self-identity. To this end, we consider the research papers of the British sociologist A. Giddens devoted to the problems of late modernity, social risk and self-identity. The system of concepts presented in the scientific works of late Giddens is mainly attributive, revealing the connections between them; this allows us to present the concept of social risks and threats to identity as a holistic theory. The synthesis of the system analysis of the basic concepts and the interpretative approach is used as the methodological basis of this research. The main explanation of the processes of late modernity E. Giddens considers the process of disconnection, involving the exclusion of the individual in the social space from the relations of the local dimension and in social time – a break with tradition. Introduced by Gidens the concept of "risk environment" is analyzed at the technological, economic, social and information-mental levels. There are three components of the risk environment. The self-identity is interpreted not as a given, but as a construct. It is constantly, almost daily, constructed as a reflexive choice within alternatives: globalization and fragmentation, openness and inaccessibility, trust and uncertainty, individualization and standardization. Constructing self-identity, a person is forced to measure it with socially approved standards of material and mental consumption, creating a coherent and consistent narrative of his identity. The conducted research has allowed to draw a conclusion that works of late Giddens represent a peculiar cycle, basis of construction of the integral theory of social risks and threats of identity. The system of concepts revealed by us can be a methodological basis for their operationalization and search for indicators of future empirical research in the field of sociology of risk and identity.
Key words: late modernity; reflexivity; disconnection; social risk; risk environment; self-identity; identity narrative; trust; protective cocoon; self-trajectory.
For citation: Dobrina O. A. Social risks of modernity and the threats to identity: systematic analysis of the concept of A. Giddens // Systems Psychology and sociology. 2019. № 1 (29). P. 100-108 |