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Системная психология и социология » Английская версия журнала » Journal 29 » V. P. Sheinov SOCIAL INTERACTIONS OF ASSERTIVE INDIVIDUALS WITH PEOPLE AROUND THEM |
V. P. Sheinov Republican Institute of Higher School, Minsk, the Republic of Belarus
Assertive behaviour is a constructive alternative to manipulation and aggression, so it is crucial to study a wide range of topics related to assertiveness. From the theoretical standpoint, it is paramount that assertiveness includes a relationship among values, opinions and behaviour. It demonstrates itself in practically important aspects of social interactions of assertive people with people around them. The tasks of this investigation are to identify: 1) possible links between one’s assertiveness and the following features: a chosen strategy in a conflict; communicative self-control; degree of satisfaction with one’s job, marriage and life in general. 2) mental differences when comparing the received results with similar results received by foreign researchers. In total, 421 respondents took part in the test, including 228 males and 193 females, aged 21-77. In this experimental research the relationship between assertiveness and other things have been identified, the latter including individual ways of behaving in conflict, communicational self-control, satisfaction with job, the life in general and marriage. Most of these connections are of a different nature compared to those identified in foreign research. Herewith, the results for males and females are significantly different. The common patterns of behaviour in conflict situations for both genders are a positive relation of assertiveness and rivalry; a negative correlation with strategy of obliging, no relation to strategy of integrating in conflict. An average value for choosing a behaviour of rivalry for males is significantly higher than for females, while female’s strategies of obliging and integrating within conflict are higher than male’s.
Key words: assertiveness; individual; social interaction; strategies of conflict handling; communicative self-control; satisfaction with job; life and marriage; men; women.
For citation: Sheinov V. P. Social interactions of assertive individuals // Systems psychology and Sociology. 2019. № 1 (29). P. 47-57
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