Просмотров: 1212 CONTENTS
Psychological researches
Valyavko S. M. Analysis of formation of senior preschool children self-esteem Lubovsky V. I., Valyavko S. M., Knyazev K. E. Lost, but not forgotten test Staroverova M. S. Features of the mother interaction with children having autism spectrum disorders Sheinov V. P. Self-reliance and psychological gender
History of psychology and psychology of history
Ryzhov B. N. Psychological age of civilization (the 13th – the beginning of the 14th centuries)
Sociological researches
Authors of the journal «Systems psychology and sociology», 2016, № 3 (19) |
V. M. Ananishnev, A. V. Tkachenko, MCU, Moscow V. V. Fursov, RNRMU, Moscow
The article provides an overview of international practice in assessment of quality of higher education institutions. Using the analysis of foreign approaches it proposes some criteria for assessing the activity of Russian universities. Key words: criteria and indicators of university activities, monitoring of universities, international rating of universities, quality of education, educational indicators. |
D. V. Ivanov, NSPU, Novosibirsk
The article deals with the idea of a prominent leading figure of the Russian Enlightenment I.P. Pnin, who has made a significant contribution to the development of Russian psychological thought at the beginning of the XIX century. The article uses the historical-psychological reconstruction, bibliographic method that promotes ordering of basic materials and sources, as well as the psychological interpretation of Russian educator’s representations about a man and human nature, a struggle and principles that have allowed him to describe the psychological phenomena. Keywords: moral psychology, human nature, the system of psychological concepts, struggle, struggling people, intelligence, sensitivity, righteousness. |
Просмотров: 1485 PSYCHOLOGICAL AGE OF CIVILIZATION (THE 13TH – THE BEGINNING OF THE 14TH CENTURIES) B. N. Ryzhov, MCU, Moscow The article is a continuation of the study on the system periodization for the development of the modern European civilization with the further stages comparing of the civilization development with the relevant periods of human life. The beginning of the study was published in № 14-15-17 of the journal «Systems psychology and sociology» and it was included the description of the psychological development analogies between the child from the birth to seven years and the development of civilization during the 5th and 12th centuries. This part is devoted to the study of the psychological congruence between a primary school age child and the period of the 13th – beginning of the 14th centuries in the history of European civilization. Key words: system development periods, childhood, primary school age, visual-creative thinking, art, gothic, universities, crusade, scholasticism. |
Просмотров: 1781 SELF-RELIANCE AND PSYCHOLOGICAL GENDER V. P. Sheinov, Republican Institute of Higher Education, Minsk, Belarus The article shows that a person’s self-reliance significantly depends on the proportions of the components of the own psychological gender. Men are more confident when they have all the components of their self-reliance (a general self-reliance, a social courage, an initiative in social contacts) describing in masculine qualities, in so-called “masculinity”, together with the total number of masculine and feminine characteristics (a total gender amount). The masculinity has also a positive impact on women in all three components of self-reliance, as well as a total gender amount impacts on a general self-reliance and an initiative in social contacts. It is also observed that women (unlike men) were very sensitive to their parents’ estimates in their childhood and this fact effects more strongly on women’s self-reliance. Key words: self-reliance, psychological gender, social boldness, initiative in social contacts, male, female. |
Просмотров: 1533 FEATURES OF THE MOTHER INTERACTION WITH CHILDREN HAVING AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS M. S. Staroverova, MCU, Moscow The article is dedicated to the research of peculiarities of interaction between mothers with children having autistic spectrum disorders. Mother emotional contact necessity is emphasized as a condition of children’s progression in this category, as well as disability of providing the contact from mothers’ side. It contains description of the character of mother and children with autistic spectrum disorders interaction depending on the severity and character of children affective progression. Key words: children with autistic spectrum disorders, affective disorder, emotional contact, mothers’ personal deflection. |
L. P. Nabatnikova, MCU, Moscow A.A. Golubnichenko, Inventiv Health Clinical, Moscow
The article describes some features of the personal self-determination in high school students with different severity of the shyness. Empirical study shows the specific differences in values and in a self-fulfillment, a goal-setting and planning of shy high school students’ future life in comparison with their peers without shyness suffering. The impact of shyness on personal self-determination has beeninterpreted and justified. Key words: personal self-determination, shyness, high school student, values, meaning of life, self-fulfillment, planning your own life, career choices. |
Просмотров: 1573 MUSIC-AND-EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN PRIMARY SCHOOL CHILDREN IN THE PROCESS OF CREATIVE ART WORK N.K. Baklanova, MCU, Moscow L.V. Danilova, MSI of Culture, Moscow The article emphasizes the necessity and reveals theoretical aspects and technology of children’s emotional development in the process of creative work. The potential role of an improvisational game and the ways of organization of creative work in the process of a fairy-tale opera staging are described, tasks focusing on main types of creative work are given. Main requirements for a teacher of an additional qualification course are presented. Key words: emotional development, dramatization game, creative work. |
Просмотров: 1742 LOST, BUT NOT FORGOTTEN TEST V. I. Lubovsky, S. M. Valyavko, K. E. Knyazev. MCU, Moscow The article examines an empirical attempt to improve efficiency of the "Wartegg drawing test". On the basis of modern psycho-diagnostics approaches and achievements of computer statistics the authors consider that it is possible to make this drawing test more objective and with this in view the comparative data of its reliability and validity results are presented. Key words: psychodiagnostics, validity, reliability, interpretation, drawing tests, Wartegg drawing test, WZT. |
Просмотров: 1937 THE PSYCHOLOGY OF INFERNAL DOPPELGANGER OF THE HERO IN THE NOVEL BY THOMAS MANN THE “DOCTOR FAUSTUS” G. R. Konson RSSU, Moscow The article analyzes the psychology of infernal Doppelganger of the hero in the novel “Doctor Faustus”. The Doppelganger is a liar distorting the essence of the objective phenomena, despite of his efforts to look truthful and positive. Simultaneously the image of the Doppelganger is shown as a very erudite psychologist and cynic with schizophrenic thinking. And he is a whole treated not as an independent phenomenon, but as a product of depersonalize human consciousness. This split personality is specifically depicted by T. Mann in order to be able to “see” the antagonist living inside the man and study the psychology of such antagonist. Key words: Thomas Mann, “The Doctor Faustus”, Adrian Leverkiihn, Doppelganger, character, psychology, philosophy, culture, art, music, Nietzsche. |