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Системная психология и социология » Английская версия журнала » Journal 34 » T. V. Ledovskaya, N. E. Solynin, PSYCHOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF COMMUNICATIVE ABILITIES IN PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY STUDENTS |
![]() ![]() UDC 159.9 DOI 10.25688/2223-6872.2020.34.2.05
T. V. Ledovskaya, YSPU, Yaroslavl, N. E. Solynin, YSPU, Yaroslavl,
The article substantiates the relevance of the studied problem due to the fact that in science mainly analytical approaches to the study of communicative abilities are implemented. In the study the authors applied a systematic approach laid down by V. D. Shadrikov. The results of the development of a theoretical model of the psychological structure of communicative abilities (PSCA) are presented. It is shown that PSCA has the following components: General abilities (learning ability), personal characteristics (Self-concept, empathy, sociability), and communication skills. Selected and tested psychodiagnostic techniques that allow you to study the individual psychological qualities included in the structure. The empirical study was carried out in groups of students of a pedagogical University. The sample size is 87 people. Component and structural analysis of communicative abilities of students of pedagogical higher education is carried out. It is established that the psychological structure of communicative abilities is a complete psychological structure of individual psychological qualities that have relationships. The largest number of connections is present between the block of communication skills and the block of personal characteristics, which means that the level of development of sociability, empathy and self-esteem depends on the development of communication skills and abilities, as well as the choice of position in communication. The internal frame structure, which is the basis for the development and compensation of other qualities that make up communicative skills (factor knowledge of the conduct), communication skills (competent position to communicate); empathy (the emotional channel of empathy, installation, promote empathy); sociability (arginate, stanchest, internality, externality, sociocentricity, comprehension). A comparative analysis of the psychological structure of communicative abilities in students of different training profiles is carried out and its structural and component differences are established.
Keywords: abilities; communicative capacity; students; pedagogical university; communicative competence; structure; communicative skills. For citation: Ledovskaya T. V., Solynin N. E. Psychological structure of communicative abilities in pedagogical university students // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2020. № 2 (34). P. 59-68. DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2020.34.2.05
Ledovskaya Tatyana Vitalevna, PhD in Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Pedagogical Psychology of the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky, Yaroslavl, Russia. E-mail: karmennnn@yandex.ru; ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3134-1436
Solynin Nikita Eduardovich, PhD in Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Pedagogical Psychology of the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky, Yaroslavl, Russia. E-mail: SoNik7-39@yandex.ru; ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6896-0479
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