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Системная психология и социология » Английская версия журнала |
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Psychological Researches
Rumyantseva Z. V. The system of acmeological guidelines in the psychology of music education Kotovskaya S. V. Systemic features of emotional burnout in extreme specialists
History of Psychology and Psychology of History
Ivanov D. V. Psychological image of the hero in Russian culture: system analysis
Sociological Researches
Tkachenko A. V. A system approach in sociological works of P. A. Sorokin and A. Toynbee
Authors of the Journal «Systems Psychology and Sociology», 2021, № 3 (39) Author Guidelines
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UDC 316.2 DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2021.39.3.9
A. V. Tkachenko, MCU, Moscow, TkachenkoAV@mgpu.ru
The article considers sociological concepts of two great scientists of the XX century P. A. Sorokin and A. Toynbee. Both sociologists left hundreds of works devoted to the analysis of various social processes. They were interested in both the past and the present, and even the future of mankind. When describing the trends of social development, they used a system approach more widely than most modern thinkers. In human society P. A. Sorokin and A. Toynbee saw the social system that has been functioning for thousands of years according to its own system laws. All the processes occurring within this system have been studied by two scientists on the example of particular subsystems, or civilizations. Independently of each other, P. A. Sorokin and A. Toynbee applied a system approach to the analysis of the evolutionary path passed by the Western and other subsystems, and came to similar conclusions about the development of all major communities to the culmination point, after which the disintegration of internal connections and the degradation of any subsystem begin. Both P. A. Sorokin and A. Toynbee equally linked the formation and decline of subsystems with the approval of certain ideas and both assumed the cyclical nature of this process, when a new community comes to replace a dying one. The article provides a comparative analysis of the positions of great sociologists, on the basis of which both general and original provisions of their concepts are distinguished. The interest of P. A. Sorokin and A. Toynbee in global and local social processes, their knowledge of the history, culture and religion of different peoples, the systematization of information from various humanities characteristic of their concepts allow them to analyze these scientists theories from the standpoint of a systematic approach.
Keywords: social system; social subsystem; system approach; P. A. Sorokin; A. Toynbee; civilization; social development; society.
For citation: Tkachenko A. V. A system approach in sociological works of P. A. Sorokin and A. Toynbee // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2021. № 3 (39). P. 105–115. DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2021.39.3.9
Tkachenko Alexander Vladimirovich, PhD in Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the University Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Institute of Humanities of the Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: TkachenkoAV@mgpu.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-5271-3665
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UDC 159.9 DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872. 2021.39.3.8
E. Yu. Korzhova, Herzen University, St. Petersburg, elenakorjova@gmail.com, A. S. Stebenev, Herzen University, St. Petersburg, stebenev@inbox.ru.ru
The article is devoted to the study of the formation of history of Russian psychology in the context of the widespread penetration of European scientific concepts into the spiritual life of Russian society. The development of psychological thought in Russia is an attempt to use new methods in order to return to the main problem – learning of the human soul. At the same time, a systemic analysis of the formation of psychological thought in theological institutions can contribute to a holistic understanding of the history of psychological knowledge development in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The article examines such insufficiently known facts of the history of Russian psychology as its formation and teaching within the walls of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy. It was here that for the first time among the theological educational institutions in the Russian Empire, a separate department was formed, and teachers began to use practical classes in psychology as a necessary stage of studying the subject. The logical continuation of this process was the organization of the Student Psychological Society in 1900. The role of the student initiative in the creation of the society, headed by Professor V. S. Serebrenikov, was noted. The rules of the organization of the society, some features of writing and discussion of reports are briefly described. The topics of abstracts and reports were devoted to the study of subjects developed within the framework of various psychological trends of that time. Some topics of the reports that were discussed at the meetings of the society in different years of its work are given. During the period of its existence, the society has collected a library of psychological and philosophical literature, which allowed its members to be aware of modern achievements in psychology, to make presentations at the meetings. Some of the society reports have been published in periodicals. The reasons for the closure of the student psychological society in 1906 are described. In conclusion, the positive results of the society’s activities and the continuation of practical classes within the framework of theological educational institutions.
Keywords: system analysis; psychology; St. Petersburg Theological Academy; V. S. Serebrenikov; student Psychological society.
For citation: Korzhova E. Yu., Stebenev A. S. Psychological thought of Russia of the late XIX – early XX centuries: student psychological society of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2021. № 3 (39). P. 93–104. DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2021.39.3.8
Korzhova Elena Yurievna, doctor of psychological sciences, professor, Head of the Department of Human psychology at the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: elenakorjova@gmail.com ORCID: 0000-0002-1128-1421 Stebenev Alexander Stanislavovich, postgraduate student of the Department of Human psychology at the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: stebenev@inbox.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-2938-8032
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UDC 159.9 DOI 10.25688/2223-6872.2021.39.3.7
D. V. Ivanov, NSPU, Novosibirsk, ivanovdirkutsk@yandex.ru
The psychological image of the hero, understood as a “struggling man”, has its own expression in Russian culture. Struggle as a phenomenon is unique both for a person and for the society, therefore, the idea of a hero-fighter, presented in the realities of everyday life, has been especially carefully studied for centuries by many thinkers, recorded in various “cultural” texts important for the history of Russian psychology, reflecting the achievements of Russian culture, which is its integral and important part. In the heritage of Russian culture, one can observe the genesis of philosophical and methodological argumentation, evidence of the value of struggle for a person from private, single statements to the “three-dimensional” perception of the meanings and semantics of confrontation, visibly manifested in the archetypes of bravery, dominating over modern heroes-fighters. The struggle determines the general structure of a person’s thoughts and feelings, his behavior, helps to identify the main contours of the system of values and norms that allow him to socialize in a group. A systemic analysis of the creative heritage of Russian thinkers of various eras, their “texts” that have entered Russian culture allows us to note that the morphology of struggling, its meanings, causality, motivation and description of various struggling actions, which served as the content of the model characteristics of the hero — the man fighting, are reflected here.
Keywords: system analysis; image; hero; man struggling; struggle; archetypes of bravery; philosophical and methodological argumentation; model characteristics.
For citation: Ivanov D. V. Psychological image of the hero in Russian culture: system analysis // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2021. № 3 (39). P. 82–92. DOI 10.25688/2223-6872.2021.39.3.7
Ivanov Denis Vasilievich, PhD in Pedagogical Sciences. Associate Professor at the Department of General Psychology and History of Psychology of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail: ivanovdirkutsk@yandex.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-2478-1468
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UDC 159.9.07 DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2021.39.3.6
S. V. Kotovskaya, MSUHE, Moscow, s.marunyak74@mail.ru
The article is devoted to a systemic study of the problem of emotional burnout in extreme specialists. The burnout syndrome has a phase structure. Now, the issue of identifying the systemic features of the formation of the exhaustion phase of the burnout syndrome, depending on the length of professional activity, remains poorly studied. The need for a systemic study of indicators of emotional burnout determines the relevance of this work and is the purpose of the study. To realize the purpose of the study, a survey of 679 extreme specialists was conducted. Among them: doctors of the disaster medicine service, military personnel, dispatchers, pilots, sailors, firefighters, specialists in the disposal of spent nuclear fuel, fishermen of the trawl fleet, participants in hostilities. Respondents were offered: the author’s socio-psychological questionnaire and the method for diagnosing the level of emotional burnout by V. V. Boyko. All the subjects were divided into 7 groups depending on the length of professional activity. As a result of the conducted research, it was found that during the service and work activities of extreme subjects, there is a permanent tendency to increase cynicism in interpersonal interaction and leveling of established norms, building protective barriers, as well as an increase in psychosomatic and psychovegetative disorders, due to somatization of emotional states. Emotional detachment and overwork among specialists whose activities include an extreme component at the content level is revealed in the first 10 years of professional activity, and the need to build protective barriers in the process of interpersonal interaction is more evident after 10–20 years of professional experience.
Keywords: systemic features; emotional burnout; exhaustion phase; professional experience; extreme specialists; emotional deficit; emotional detachment; depersonalization; psychosomatic and psychovegetative disorders.
For citation: Kotovskaya S. V. Systemic features of emotional burnout in extreme specialists // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2021. № 3 (39). P. 72–81. DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2021.39.3.6
Kotovskaya Svetlana Vladimirovna, PhD in Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology at the Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics, Moscow, Russia. Е-mail: s.marunyak74@mail.ru ORCID: 0000-0001-7832-2702
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UDC 159.9.07 DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2021.39.3.5
T. V. Belashina, NSPU, Novosibirsk, tatyanabelashina@mail.ru
The article is devoted to the study of the systemic features of personality motivation. An empirical study, the purpose of which is to identify the relationship between motivation and the dominant mental state, is presented. Motivation diagnostics was carried out using the “Dominant Motivation” technique of V. N. Kolutsky – I. Y. Kulagina and T. Ehlers tests for motivation to success and motivation to avoid failures. To measure the dominant mental state, the method of determining the dominant mental state of L. V. Kulikov was used. The study involved 100 employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Novosibirsk region. 50 of them are men and 50 of them are women. Data analysis has shown that EG-1 subjects (male employees) are more characterized by the manifestation of an active life position, which largely depends on the comfort of the situation and the circumstances of performing a particular official task. The subjects of EG-2 (female employees) are distinguished by their desire to achieve personal merits in their professional activities and establish effective relationships in the service team. The EG-3 subjects (employees with less than five years of service experience) are more characterized by a high level of activity, the desire to respond in a timely manner to emerging difficulties, a sense of inner concentration, reserve of strength and energy. EG-4 respondents (employees with more than five years of professional experience) tend not to take any particular risks in order to achieve certain goals, but they may take a conscious risk if this allows them to receive financial remuneration, increase their status or position in the team. The study of the relationship between the parameters of motivation and the dominant mental state showed that male employees, despite a sufficient level of self-confidence and their capabilities, prefer to behave with sufficient restraint and caution, especially in high-risk situations. Female employees tend to demonstrate confidence in their own abilities and capabilities. Also, with an increase in the length of professional activity, the tendency to preserve one’s own emotionally stable attitude, adequacy and effectiveness of mental self-regulation by avoiding those situations that can lead to failures in personal and professional terms, the desire to experience positive states was found.
Keywords: system features; motivation; personality; dominant mental state; system analysis.
For citation: Belashina T. V. Systemic features of personality motivation in the context of the manifestation of a dominant mental state // Systems psychology and sociology. 2021. № 3 (39). P. 61–71. DOI: 10.25688/2223- 6872.2021.39.3.5
Belashina Tatiana Valentinovna, PhD in Psychology, Associate professor of the Department of General Psychology and History of Psychology of Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail: tatyanabelashina@mail.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-4656-0439
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UDC 159.923 DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2021.39.3.4
Z. V. Rumyantseva, KSU, Kostroma, rumschmus@mail.ru
The article describes the system of acmeological aspects of music education psychology and personal development. The purpose of the study is to determine and systematize the main guidelines for the musical and psychological development of the individual in the mainstream of acmeological science. The achieving of the productivity of music and pedagogical education depends on overcoming a number of external and internal problems under the direct influence of acmeological guidelines in the search for solution of the progressive functioning problems. The definition of acmeological guidelines contributes to improving the content of music and pedagogical education quality and contributes to the achievement of the highest stage of individual development of the personality. The results of the conducted system-analytical research show that the acmeological guidelines for the professional training of teachers-musicians include: the implementation of intonation and sensory education of the individual; the expansion of the field of psychological knowledge in the direction of understanding the specifics of the musical activity content; the study of the creative development nature of the individual; ensuring the research orientation of a teacher-musician professional activity. Following acmeological guidelines as target settings, promoting self-development, self-improvement and self-realization of future teachers-musicians is a necessary condition for the systematic formation of their psychological competence in the process of professional activity.
Keywords: psychology of music education; acmeological guidelines; system analysis; principles of acmeological development of personality; musical and performing art; artistic and creative self-development of personality; intonation education; sensory education.
For citation: Rumyantseva Z. V. The system of acmeological guidelines in the psychology of music education // Systems psychology and sociology. 2021. № 3 (39). P. 52–60. DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2021.39.3.4
Rumyantseva Zoya Vasilievna, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor of Music Department at the Institute of Culture and Arts of Kostroma State University, Kostroma, Russia. E-mail: rumschmus@mail.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-4499-206X
![]() ![]() UDC 159.9 DOI 10.25688/2223-6872.2021.39.3.3
A. G. Danilova, VINITI RAS, Moscow, a_g_danilova@mail.ru, O. V. Mitina, MSU, Moscow, omitina@inbox.ru
The article is devoted to the system analysis of value orientations of Russian culture, represented in the power discourse of the XVI–XX centuries, from the point of view of their dynamics. In foreign studies of value orientations, constructs representing the sub-dimensions of the basic value orientations of culture, identified by G. Hofstede, are theoretically predicted and empirically obtained. The content analysis of historical texts, based on the criteria of behavior and value preferences proposed by Hofstede, consistently shows a factor structure consisting of 16–20 factors. At the moment, it is relevant to study the stability of the structure of the basic dimensions of cultural value orientations and the conditions for their formation. The article analyzed the structure of value orientations reflected in the texts of the domestic power discourse for the XVI–XX centuries, traced the time dynamics of values by factors. The analysis includes Russian and Soviet historical documents reflecting value orientations of representatives of the Russian government for 1500–2000 years. (chronicles, judicial records and legal documents, official and private correspondence). The content analysis of documents according to the characteristics of behavior patterns and cultural norms proposed by G. Hofstede was carried out. The data of the factor analysis are generalized over time periods of 25 years, graphs of time dynamics are constructed. A categorical structure corresponding to the constructs theoretically predicted in social psychology and reproduced the dimensions previously obtained on the material of historical texts is obtained. The temporal dynamics of value orientations by factors has the character of a complex oscillatory process. The independent temporal dynamics of individual subfactors included in the basic Hofstede factors is revealed.
Keywords: historical psychology; system analysis; content analysis; discourse analysis; power discourse; Russian historical texts of the XVI–XX centuries; the structure of the basic values of G. Hofstede; facets of basic dimensions.
For citation: Danilova A. G., Mitina O. V. System analysis of value orientations of Russian culture according to the historical documents // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2021. № 3 (39). P. 32–51. DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2021.39.3.3
Danilova Anna Gennadievna, Editor of the abstract journal “Psychology”, senior researcher at theAll-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: a_g_danilova@mail.ru ORCID: 0000-0003-3548-372X Mitina Olga Valentinovna, PhD in Psychology, Associate professor. Leading researcher at the Laboratory “Psychology of Communication” at the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: omitina@inbox.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-2237-4404
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UDC 159.9.072 DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872. 2021.39.3.2
Yu. M. Perevozkina, NGPU, Novosibirsk, per@bk.ru, T. Yu. Petrovskaya, NGPU, Novosibirsk, element_t@mail.ru
The article proves the importance of researching the system of personal qualities of the psychological profession representatives. Attention is focused on the insignificant representation of early maladaptive schemes (RDS) as an important personal predictor of professional development and the lack of empirical studies of the RDS system of psychologists. The early maladaptive schemes as important system-psychological characteristics of representatives of the psychological profession are analyzed. Schemes are considered as a risk factor that reduces the adaptive potential of a specialist in the profession and the effectiveness of his activity, and therefore they are an important unit of analysis in the field of labor psychology. The empirical study was conducted with 166 students of psychological training areas and specialties, 83 of them are men and 83 women, with the usage of psychodiagnostic tools: the questionnaire “Diagnosis of early maladaptive schemes of J. Yang” (YSQ S3R). The research established the existence of significant differences between the RDS system of male and female psychologists. The severity of the schemes in both groups of respondents has a common core, consisting of self-sacrifice, inflated standards, grandiosity and abandonment; and there are differences: for men, the expectation of use, for women — punitivity. The idea of the schemes characteristic of this professional group representatives will make it possible to contribute to the development of more comprehensive programs of career guidance, training of future psychologists, support of their work activities, as well as measures for the prevention and correction of professional disorders.
Keywords: system of early maladaptive schemes; professionally important qualities; professionally negative qualities; beliefs; professional activity; profession; psychologist; individual psychological characteristics.
For citation: Perevozkina Yu. M., Petrovskaya T. Yu. Features of the system of early maladaptive schemes of psychologists depending on gender // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2021. № 3 (39). P. 21–31. DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2021.39.3.2
Perevozkina Yulia Mikhailovna, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Practical and Special Psychology of Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail: per@bk.ru ORCID: 0000-0003-4201-3988 Petrovskaya Tatyana Yuryevna, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Social Psychology and Victimology of Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail: element_t@mail.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-6243-9487
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UDC 159.9.07 DOI 10.25688/2223-6872.2021.39.3.1
E. S. Romanova, MCU, Moscow, RomanovaES@mgpu.ru B. N. Rizhov, MCU, Moscow, RyzhovBN@mgpu.ru, O. V. Kotova, MCU, Moscow, KotovaOV@mgpu.ru
The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of the indices of four sociocentric types of motivation: self-realization, morality, reproduction and altruism, obtained by the results of the motivation system profile test (SPM) and self-assessment of these types of motivation in the youth sample. In this paper, the term “I-real” is used to denote the motivation indices obtained using the methodology for assessing the motivational profile of a person (SPM). To denote these indices obtained using the methodology of self-assessment of the motivational profile of the individual, the term “I-ideal” is used. The purpose of the work is to study the gender and age characteristics of the dynamics of the I-ideal sociocentric motivations in the era of adolescence and youth. The materials presented in the article are the continuation of the systemic study of the gender and age characteristics of the motivational and value sphere of personality2 . The survey was conducted in the period 2020–2021. The total number of subjects was 252 people of both sexes aged 17 to 36 years. As a result of the study, significant differences in the ratio of the I-real and the I-ideal in male and female samples were revealed. In the female sample, throughout the studied period, the self-esteem of the indices of motivation for self-realization and morality significantly exceeds the corresponding indices of the I-real. At the same time, the self-esteem of the indices of reproductive and altruistic motivation both in adolescence and youth is significantly lower than these indices of the I-real. In contrast, in the male sample, the self-esteem of most indices of sociocentric types of motivation has no significant differences with the indices of the I-real. The exception is the indicators of moral motivation in adolescence (17–24 years) and late youth (30–36 years). In these age ranges, the indices of the motivation of the I-ideal morality in men significantly exceed the corresponding indices of the I-real. In general, the data obtained indicate a higher social pressure to which women’s self-assessment of motivation in comparison with men’s is subjected in adolescence and youth.
Keywords: system psychology; self-esteem; I-ideal; I-real; sociocentric types of motivation; gender and age characteristics; self-realization; morality; reproduction; altruism.
For citation: Romanova E. S., Ryzhov B. N., Kotova O. V. Gender and age features of self-assessment of sociocentric types of motivation // Systems psychology and Sociology. 2021. № 3 (39). P. 5–20. DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872. 2021.39.3.1
Romanova Evgeniya Sergeevna, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor. Head of the Department of general and practical psychology, Head of the Laboratory of Social-and-Psychological Researches in Education at the Institute of Special Education and Psychology of the Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: RomanovaES@mgpu.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-9032-6869 Ryzhov Boris Nikolayevich, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor of the Department of General and Practical Psychology at the Institute of Special Education and Psychology of the Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: RyzhovBN@mgpu.ru ORCID: 0000-0001-8848-3622 Kotova Olga Viktorovna, Expert in the Laboratory of Social-and-Psychological Researches in Education at the Institute of Special Education and Psychology of the Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: KotovaOV@mgpu.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-4399-4274
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Theory and Method of Systems Psychology
Psychological Researches
Alekseenko M. S. Model of system psychological support of flight activity
History of Psychology and Psychology of History
Authors of the Journal «Systems Psychology and Sociology», 2021, № 2 (38) Author Guidelines
![]() ![]() UDC 159.9 DOI 10.25688/2223-6872.2021.38.2.10
D. V. Ivanov, NSPU, Novosibirsk, ivanovdirkutsk@yandex.ru
The article examines the systemic ideas of one of the major figures of the Russian enlightenment — P. D. Lodiya, which allow us to speak about his contribution to the development of Russian psychological thought at the beginning of the XIX century, to the formation of a professional scientific thesaurus, a system of psychological concepts in Russia. There are three major stages in the life of this educator. The first, which lasted from 1779 to 1803, included “apprenticeship and the foreign stage of teaching activity”. The second from 1803 to 1819 became a period of “flourishing and scientific rise”, the demand for socio-pedagogical experience of teaching and leadership, a systemic presentation of psychological views. The third stage in life from 1819 to 1829 — is the gradual completion of the creative path against the background of a changing ideological reaction in Russia, the sunset of the ideas themselves, going away with their bearer. Lodiy’s psychological ideas and views allow us to note his commitment to the psychological principle of improvement, development of the human nature and society. Lodiy considered the nature of man without mythologizing his psychology. The enlightener’s views on the psychic reality of human existence are systematized. He believed that the external world is sensually perceived by man, regardless of “spiritual forces”. In the ideas of the thinker special attention is paid to the issues of individual features and differences identified in people. He notes natural capabilities of a person and the ways of education and interaction with him as conditions for development and improvement. He draws attention to the relationship between a person and the socio-historical environment that acts as a conductor of education. Lodiy’s “struggling man” is a historically and socially conditioned hypostasis of an individual who is ready for active social actions, overcoming and eliminating various obstacles standing in the way of perfection. The article uses historical and psychological reconstruction, bibliographic technique, psychological interpretation of the ideas and views of the thinker of the Russian Enlightenment, contained in a number of authentic sources at the time of their writing.
Keywords: P. D. Lodiy; systemic ideas; nature; feeling; understanding; temperament; education; instruction; semiotics of the mind; gymnastics of the mind; a struggling person.
For citation: Ivanov D. V. Systemic ideas in the psychological thought of Russia at the beginning of the XIX century: P. D. Lodiy // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2021. № 2 (38). P. 110–126. DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2021.38.2.10
Ivanov Denis Vasilievich, PhD in Pedagogical Sciences. Associate Professor at the Department of General Psychology and History of Psychology of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail: ivanovdirkutsk@yandex.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-2478-1468
![]() ![]() UDC 159.9 DOI 10.25688/2223-6872.2021.38.2.09
M. S. Alekseenko, RISRI (AKM and VE), Moscow, ulitsapesen@gmail.com
The article is devoted to the problem of the system organization of psychological support for the professional activity of civil aviation pilots. Psychological support of flight activity is a set of measures aimed at studying flight activity, maintaining the professional longevity of flight personnel by evaluating the qualities that determine professional suitability and efficiency of the pilot, as well as correcting emerging psychological conditions reducing the reliability of his professional activity. The tasks of psychological support include improving the effectiveness of flight crew training methods, searching for reserves of the human psyche necessary to overcome difficult situations in flight, selecting aviation personnel, evaluating and improving the psychological climate in the structural divisions of the airline, as well as directly in the flight crew itself. The scientific and practical methods of professional support include: analysis, forecasting, training. The main importance for psychological support is the system of longitudinal professional psychological selection. A longitudinal study of professionally important qualities of flight personnel in the aviation training center for civil aviation, conducted in the period from 2006 to 2020, showed that the success of mastering the flight profession did not so much depend on the absolute values of the development of professionally important qualities, as on the ratio of studied qualities and the dynamics of their development in the process of flight training. In this article the study of professionally important qualities of pilots is considered from the standpoint of operational efficiency and is the continuation of the research of D. V. Gander, G. M. Zarakovsky, D. A. Leontiev, V. A. Ponomarenko, etc. Prolonged selection of flight personnel should be carried out at every stage of the pilot’s professionalization, including the stage of advanced training and in the process of periodic ground training. This paper presents the analysis of the data obtained at the stage of retraining pilots for a new type of aircraft and commissioning as an aircraft commander.
Keywords: psychological selection of pilots; training of civil aviation pilots; system psychology; professionally important qualities; flight safety; personal potential; medical and flight expert commission (VLEK); professional suitability.
For citation: Alekseenko M. S. Model of system psychological support of flight activity // Systems psychology and sociology. 2021. № 2 (38). P. 97–109. DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2021.38.2.09
Alekseenko Maria Sergeevna, PhD in Psychology, Senior Researcher of the Research Institute of the Scientific Research Institute (AKM and VE). Teacher of the Aeroflot School and S7 Training aviation centers. Specialist in professional psychological selection of military pilots and civil aviation pilots, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: ulitsapesen@gmail.com ORCID: 0000-0003-0152-7026
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UDC 37.025.7 DOI 10.25688/2223-6872.2021.38.2.08
N. E. Veraksa, MSU, Moscow, neveraksa@gmail.com, Z. V. Airapetyan, MSU, Moscow, zlata.a.v@yandex.ru, O. V. Almazova, MSU, Moscow, almaz.arg@gmail.com
The purpose of this article is, firstly, to describe the diagnostic technique “Cycles”, assessing children’s understanding of developmental processes expressed cyclically; secondly, in highlighting the peculiarities of understanding the developmental processes in girls and boys 5–7 years old; thirdly, in the presentation of norms for the implementation of the “Cycles” methodology for boys and girls 5–7 years old. The article presents the theoretical foundations for the application of the “Cycles” methodology, shows the results of its use and the obtained norms for girls and boys 5–7 years old. Data were obtained on the understanding of developmental processes by older preschool children and on the differences between boys and girls in the success of solving a dialectical problem aimed at assessing the development process. The article attempts to generalize the results of research about understanding developmental processes in children, and also considers the methodology developed within the framework of the structural-dialectical approach to assess the ability to understand developmental processes.
Keywords: dialectical thinking; cyclical representations; preschoolers’ conception development; preschoolers; the “Cycles” task.
For citation: Veraksa N. E., Airapetyan Z. V., Almazova O. V. Developmental processes understanding among preschool children: the “Cycles” task // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2021. № 2 (38). P. 87–96. DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2021.38.2.08
Veraksa Nikolai Evgenievich, Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Department of Educational Psychology and Pedagogy at the Faculty of Psychology Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: neveraksa@gmail.com ORCID: 0000-0003-3752-7319 Airapetyan Zlata Valerievna, Junior Researcher of Department of Educational Psychology and Pedagogy at the Faculty of Psychology Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: zlata.a.v@yandex.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-4466-9799 Almazova Olga Viktorovna, PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor of the Department of Age Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: almaz.arg@gmail.com ORCID: 0000-0001-8852-4076
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UDC 159.9 DOI 10.25688/2223-6872. 2021.38.2.07
O. A. Svilina, KFU, Kazan, leon316@yandex.ru, M. R. Safiullin, KFU, Kazan, c.p@tatar.ru
The article provides a system empirical analysis of the motivating factors that affect the motivation of an athlete. The field of sports is unique in its nature in terms of tools and methods of motivating athletes. Conducting a comprehensive analysis of the psychological characteristics of the athlete’s motivation settings and effective mechanisms of influence on the psyche, the study of his value orientations - all this is the key to the successful disclosure of the athlete’s potential, as well as its implementation at the highest possible level. This, in turn, ensures the achievement of high results in the sport by the individual himself, the sports school to which he belongs and, finally, will determine the probability of the national sport success at the international level. The high degree of relevance of the research topic predetermined its choice and implementation mechanisms, including, among other methods of questionnaires and continuous interviews of athletes. The purpose of the study is to identify the current settings of the motivational framework of the athlete at the present stage of the development of the society (followed by a comparative analysis with similar parameters characteristic of the past historical period) on the basis of the developed mechanisms and tools for quantitative measurement of basic motivational factors. The results obtained made it possible to identify the value orientations and motivational settings of modern athletes, to identify their changes over time, which served to develop directions for the possible development of the theory and practice of sports psychology.
Keywords: motivational framework of the athlete; motivation index; process-dynamic approach; system analysis; material components of motivation; spiritual components of motivation; psychological impact; psychological adjustment.
For citation: Svilina O. A., Safiullin M. R. Psychology of motivation of an athlete nowadays: system empirical analysis // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2021. № 2 (38). P. 78–86. DOI: 10.25688/2223- 6872.2021.38.2.07
Svilina Olga Alekseevna, Post-graduate student of the Department of General Psychology of the Kazan Federal University, psychologist at the Sports Training Center of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Russia. E-mail: leon316@yandex.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-4580-7890 Safiullin Marat Rashitovich, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of Management at the Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia. E-mail: c.p@tatar.ru ORCID: 0000-0003-3708-8184
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UDC 159.9 DOI 10.25688/2223-6872. 2021.38.2.06
T. V. Ehksakusto, SFedU, Taganrog, etv01@yandex.ru, I. A. Kibal´chenko, SFedU, Taganrog, kibal-irina@mail.ru
The article is devoted to the systematization of scientific data regarding success, based on the identification of the crystallised, core foundation of its actualization in various spheres of life. The system analysis carried out in the research showed that success is based on the complex of intellectual and personal predictors including cognitive structures (such as intelligence, cognitive style, cognitive attitude, etc.) to social and psychological peculiarities (e.g., communication resource, social activity, etc.). At the same time the research figures that a wide range of intellectual and personal predictors and success factors contravene the lack of scientific facts about universal/stable intellectual and personal structure which is studied from the point of view of being a core of real and potential success. We supposed that mental representations can become the basis of this intellectual and personal structure. Thus, hypotheses were put forward: in the diversity of the occurrence of the concept of “success” in different contexts, the tendency of the interrelationships of its intellectual and personal markers will stand out; and that the starting point of modeling the picture of success and the result of integrating the intellectual and personal capabilities of its achievement are mental representations of a person’s success. To test the suppositions the content analysis of 1043 studies on the subject of intellectual and personal predictors of success was held. Three main groups of publications with significant differences in the frequency of the corresponding success markers, where the subject of the study is differentiated between personal and socio-psychological prerequisites for success, where integrated groups of intellectual and personal prerequisites are described, and where the interrelationships of different signs of mental representations of success with personal and intellectual characteristics are studied, were identified. In the process of content analysis and factorization of its results, the co-directional component of intellectual and personal predictors and mental representations of success in contrast with incoherent/differentiated personal and social and psychological ones was revealed. Just a few researches (out of the analyzed ones) study mental representations as the crystallizing basis of personal success being closely interrelated with its intellectual and personal predictors. Consequently, the system empirical study of intellectual and personal predictors of success reflected in its mental representations is of great importance and scientifically significant nowadays.
Keywords: success; system analysis; intellectual and personal predictors; mental representations of success; concept characteristics; content analysis.
For citation: Ehksakusto T. V., Kibal´chenko I. A. Intellectual and personal prerequisites of success: system analysis and researches prospects // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2021. № 2 (38). P. 65–77. DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2021.38.2.06
Ehksakusto Tatiana Valentinovna, PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Psychology and Life Safety at the Institute of Computer Technologies and Information Security of the Southern Federal University, Taganrog, Russia. E-mail: etv01@yandex.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-6862-2063 Kibal´chenko Irina Aleksandrovna, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of Psychology and Life Safety at the Institute of Computer Technologies and Information Security of the Southern Federal University, Taganrog, Russia. E-mail: kibal-irina@mail.ru ORCID: 0000-0001-7730-7172
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UDC 159.9.07 DOI 10.25688/2223-6872.2021.38.2.05
E. Yu. Korzhova, Herzen University, St. Petersburg, elenakorjova@gmail.com, I. N. Kormacheva, PC “Iris”, Novosibirsk, irina@kormacheva.ru
The article examines the problem of procrastination in the context of activity based on two systemic theories: A. A. Volochkov’s model of educational activity and P. Steele’s theory of temporary motivation, which considers procrastination in the educational and professional sphere. An empirical study, the purpose of which is to determine the role of procrastination in the structure of learning activity is presented. Respondents: 209 students aged 18–36 (M = 23.3). The study uses path analysis. The following methods are used: P. Steele’s procrastination scale, A. A. Volochkov’s students Learning Activity questionnaire. The empirical data were processed using IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0 and the Amos 24.0 application. As a result of the study, a model that reflects the role of procrastination in the structure of educational activity (the share of dispersion of educational activity is 94 %) was built. According to the obtained empirical model, the following independent variables make a statistically significant contribution to learning activity: procrastination (β = –0,163), dynamic component (β = 0,349), activity potential (β = 0,337), effective component (β = 0,524). A negative relationship between procrastination and the components of learning activity: activity potential, effective and dynamic components was found. According to the results of the study, the following conclusions were drawn: procrastination is included in the structure of educational activity as an element negatively interrelated with other elements and “takes the place” of the regulatory component with a “–” sign; procrastination affects the decrease in the potential of educational activity, which includes educational motivation and psychophysiological characteristics of the student; procrastination reduces the indicators of the dynamic component (“speed” characteristics of the performance realization of activity and the dynamics of modification of educational activity); procrastination contributes to a decrease in the indicators of the effective component (weak results of educational activity; inadequate satisfaction with the results of educational activity). The effect of procrastination on this component stops the process of self-reproduction of learning activity.
Keywords: system approach; procrastination; path analysis; educational activity; components of educational activity.
For citation: Korzhova E. Yu., Kormacheva I. N. Role of procrastination in the structure of learning activity: system approach // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2021. № 2 (38). P. 56–64. DOI: 10.25688/2223- 6872.2021.38.2.05
Korzhova Elena Yurievna, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor. Head of the Department of Human psychology at the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: elenakorjova@gmail.com ORCID: 0000-0002-1128-1421 Kormacheva Irina Nikolaevna, Head of the Psychological Center “Iris”, Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail: irina@kormacheva.ru ORCID: 0000-0001-9208-0922
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UDC 159.9.07 DOI 10.25688/2223-6872.2021.38.2.04
V. P. Sheinov, NIHE, Minsk, Republic of Belarus, sheinov1@mail.ru, A. S. Devitsyn, BSU, Minsk, Republic of Belarus, a.dziavitsyn@gmail.com
The article touches upon the question of the need to create a reliable and valid questionnaire aimed at identifying dependence on social networks. Nowadays many people prefer online communication to traditional forms of interaction. The use of social media is growing rapidly and has already reached over a third of the world’s population. Social media addiction has become one of the most widespread non-medical addictions. At the same time, in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, people began to spend more time on social networks, which now even more influence on the lifestyle and psychology of people, study and work. All this made it very relevant to system research this phenomenon and its influence on all aspects of modern life. Numerous experimental results on the dependence on social networks and its relationship with the states and personal qualities of their overactive users have been obtained in a large number of foreign studies (carried out in the USA, Germany, Great Britain, China, the Republic of Korea, Israel, Turkey, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, etc.) using questionnaires that diagnose this addiction. The lack of such a tool among Russian-speaking researchers is a serious factor hindering the conduct of similar research in the Russian society. Therefore, the purpose of this work is to develop a questionnaire for dependence on social networks. The article shows that the developed questionnaire is reliable and valid. It meets the standard reliability questionnaire requirements, and the key criteria for validity. The proposed questionnaire is standardized: the norms for women and men, which allow us to express the difference between the individual result and the average in units of standard deviation are given. The initial data for the study were obtained by an online survey conducted using an automated system developed by the authors for processing tests and promptly communicating their results to the subjects in an anonymous mode. The social media addiction diagnosed by the questionnaire is positively correlated with anxiety, depression, loneliness, extraversion, female sex, and negatively correlated with self-esteem, life satisfaction and age. The dependence on social networks among women is highly statistically significantly higher than that of men. A factorial model of dependence on social networks has been built, including 3 factors: «Psychological state», «Communication», «Information».
Keywords: social networks; addiction; system research; questionnaire; reliability; validity; connections; personal qualities and conditions; men; women.
For citation: Sheinov V. P., Devitsyn A. S. The development of a reliable and valid social media dependence questionnaire // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2021. № 2 (38). P. 41–55. DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2021.38.2.04
Sheinov Viktor Pavlovich, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor. Professor at the Department of Psychology and Pedagogical Mastery of the Republican Institute of Higher Education, Minsk, The Republic of Belarus. E-mail: sheinov1@mail.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-2191-646X Devitsyn Anton Sergeevich, Senior Lecturer, Department of Web Technologies and Computer Modeling, Belarusian State University, Minsk, The Republic of Belarus. Email: a.dziavitsyn@gmail.com ORCID: 0000-0002-2804-4107
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UDC 159.9.07 DOI 10.25688/2223-6872.2021.38.2.03
B. N. Rizhov, MCU, Moscow, RyzhovBN@mgpu.ru, O. V. Kotova, MCU, Moscow, KotovaOV@mgpu.ru
The article is devoted to the system-psychological analysis of the dynamics of sex and age characteristics of motivation in the epoch of adolescence and youth. The motivational structure is a relatively stable system, but different age periods are characterized by the predominance of certain types of motivation. At the same time, the dominance of certain tendencies in the motivational profile of an individual has a socio-cultural and sex-and-age conditionality. The study of the dynamics of sex and age characteristics of motivation structure in the epoch of adolescence and youth was conducted from October 2019 to March 2021 in the Moscow region using the test of the system profile of motivation. The total number of subjects was 385 people aged 17 to 36 years, of which 137 people were men, 248 people were women. In the course of the conducted research, a number of features of motivational dynamics were identified. In particular, in the general sample, the indices of cognitive motivation reach their peak values in the adolescence epoch (17–24 years), and the indices of reproductive motivation reach their peak in the youth epoch (25–36 years). However, in the youth epoch, in the male sample a statistically significant excess of self-realization motivation indices was revealed. At the same time, in the same period in the female sample a statistically significant excess of self-preservation motivation indices was found. The empirical data obtained generally confirm the results of the population study 2006–2011, permitting at the same time to clarify a number of sex and age features in the development of motivational trends.
Keywords: system psychology; motivation; sex and age characteristics; system periodization of development; system-psychological analysis; the epoch of adolescence; the epoch of youth.
For citation: Ryzhov B. N., Kotova O. V. Dynamics of sex and age characteristics of motivation in the epoch of adolescence and youth // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2021. № 2 (38). P. 23–40. DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2021.38.2.03
Ryzhov Boris Nikolayevich, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor of the Department of General and Practical Psychology at the Institute of Special Education and Psychology of the Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: RyzhovBN@mgpu.ru ORCID: 0000-0001-8848-3622 Kotova Olga Viktorovna, Expert in the Laboratory of Social-and-Psychological Researches in Education at the Institute of Special Education and Psychology of the Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: KotovaOV@mgpu.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-4399-4274
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UDC 159.9 DOI 10.25688/2223-6872.2021.38.2.02
N. V. Nozikova, PNU, Khabarovsk, nv_nozikova@bk.ru
The article presents the rationale for the application of the methodology of the system approach in modeling the results of the study of a holistic psychosemantic object. Modeling using the procedures of mathematical processing of the results of an experimental study is a universal epistemological form of the research. Main theoretical provisions of the application of modeling methods in a psychological research are summarized. The existing models that reveal the semantic space as a system of signs of a certain reality are considered. It is proposed to use in a psychosemantic research the epistemological version of the methodology of the system approach — the “algorithm of system research” by A. V. Karpov, which allows us to construct a conceptually complete model of an object in the integrity of its ontological, structural, functional, genetic and integrative plans. The experimental research on the methodological basis of an interdisciplinary and system approach, the psychosemantic paradigm and the theory of similarity will allow us to identify a complex object in the semantic space that is subordinate to a specific goal, perform its analysis, establish its system organization and propose a conceptual model of a complete psychosemantic prototype object. The application of a systematic approach to the cognition of complex psychosemantic objects will allow us to establish and reveal new patterns in human psychology.
Keywords: system approach; system research algorithm; model; psychosemantics; semantic space; psychosemantic system; family purposefulness; family; values.
For citation: Nozikova N. V. Principles of modeling in the experimental study of a psychosemantic object: system approach // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2021. № 2 (38). P. 14–22. DOI 10.25688/2223- 6872.2021.38.2.02
Nozikova Natalya Valentinovna, PhD in Psychology, associate professor. Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology at the Pacific State University, Khabarovsk, Russia. E-mail: nv_nozikova@bk.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-3467-0729