
Ryzhov B. N. The system of motivational oppositions as the basis of psychological individuality

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Kondratyev V. M. The Problem of Balance between Morality and Law in Human Education (with a Translation into English)

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Aleksander T. A Review about Old Age and Disability (translated into English by A. Diniejko and into Russian by О. Leszczak)

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T. V. Pryakhina,

RANEPA, Moscow,

G. A. Mishina,

RSUH, Moscow,


Introduction. Since the middle of the last century, the issue of the influence of emotions on the work of cognitive processes studied in psychology. There are two types of studies: the processing of emotionally stimuli and other research is the influence of emotions on attention, categorization, or creative thinking.

As a result, there is the idea that processes such as processing emotional information can be mediated by the current emotional state of a person. This hypothesis confirmed, for example, in people with depression there is a shift in attention toward anxious stimuli in comparison with healthy people. Psychologists use various methods to assess the processing of emotional information (the paradigm of «rapid visual sequential  presentation», «dot-probe task», etc.).

Methodology. In our study, the hypothesis of the influence of the current emotional state (happy or sad) on the processing of emotional information (dot-probe task) is tested. During the experiment, the participants divided into two groups: each group was induced a certain emotional state with the help of an autobiographical method (people were asked to recall the «joyful» or «sad» event from his life), then it was suggested to pass the «sample with a dot» technique, emotional state was given a self-report.

Results. With the help of statistical analysis, the differences between groups were calculated; however, none of the hypotheses was confirmed. However, the results obtained may be because the significance of this effect is weak and static power is not high.

Conclusion. The autobiographical method of inducing the necessary emotional state is effective. This method may be used in further studies. It is worth noting that the procedure is simple for the experimenter.

The use of dot probe procedure allowed us to develop a computer version of this paradigm, which makes it possible to further apply it. Obviously, the development of such experimental techniques is necessary because it allows us to study the role of emotions in cognition.


Keywords: emotions; emotional processing information; emotional attention; effect of congruency; task dot probe.

For citation: Pryakhina T. V., Mishina G. A. Tthe influence of the emotional state on the processing of emotional information // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2018. № 4 (28). P. 55–63.




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