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V. P. Ivanova,

Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University,

Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic


The application of a systematic approach to the development of the intellect and personality in their interaction made it possible to discover systemic qualities that were synthesized into a holistic phenomenon, designated as an intellectual culture of the individual. How Intellectual culture, being a psychological phenomenon, is systematically determined, and acts as a relatively independent system and at the same time, it enters as a subsystem in the structure of both the general and psychological cultures. Intellectual culture as a concept is quite often encountered in scientific research, but there is still no generally accepted definition of it, since each author uses it in a certain context (philosophical, methodological, pedagogical), based on his own positions, using his own cognitive abilities in defining his semantic loading.

The study provides a theoretical justification for the category “intellectual culture”. The basis for revealing the psychological essence of intellectual culture was served by separate theoretical positions, which allowed to present it as a holistic phenomenon. The forms and functions of intellectual culture, as well as those based on intellectual resources, personal qualities, acquired mainly in the learning process, are defined and disclosed — all this in its interdependence determines the formation of the intellectual culture of the individual.

A three-level structural hierarchical model is developed in which intellectual resources constitute the energy level as the basis for the emergence and development of intellectual culture, the knowledge level as the realization the previous level and as a result — intellectual and personal qualities.

Intellectual culture is an integral system in which all its components are not only structurally interrelated, but also interdependent, which forms a network that changes even when one parameter is changed. For intellectual culture as a systemic phenomenon is characterized by internal dynamics of system-forming properties, leading to a change in its quality characteristics, that is, changes occur at the level of its essence.


Keywords: system; integrity; personality; intellect; basic intellectual qualities; intellectual culture; students.


For citation: Ivanova V. P. Intellectual culture as a system approach in education // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2018. № 3 (27). P. 99–109.




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