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I. V. Martynenko,

National Pedagogical University named after M. P. Dragomanov, Kiev, Ukraine,

S. V. Kondukova,

Kindergarten № 37 at the JSCo «RZD», Moscow


The article presents theoretical and experimental approaches to the concept of «communicative readiness», its content characteristics regarding the children of senior preschool age with system speech disorders (SSD) of primary genesis. The findings of the experimental study of the communicative activity in children of this category are described in the article. The review of the obtained results allowed the authors to conclude that the following components of communicative readiness for the school education were insufficiently developed: means of communication and communicative skills, stable structurally organized communicative activity, and personal communicative arsenal of the children with SSD. For the purpose of systemic intervention, the directions, stages and content of psycho-correctional work aimed at the development of communicative readiness of children with system speech disorders were defined.

The authors also provide theoretical background for correctional and educational work with children directly, and with the teachers and their parents indirectly.

Correction and developmental influence on the communicative development of children with system speech disorders of senior preschool age was carried out with the help of the three-component psychocorrectional work system, involving five stages of implementation: informative and activating; motivational and developing; productive and activity; verbal and reproductive; creative and transformative. Each stage is presented with detailed description of its content and administrative features concerning cooperation with the teachers, parents and children.

The proposed psycho-correctional technologies were used to improve and develop structurally organized communicative activity of children of senior preschool age with system speech disorders combining its operational (communication skills) and personal (communicative features) components. The complex of the described components allowed providing comprehensive influence on the communicative development of the children with SSD, which, in the authors’ opinion, will allow the children to communicate successfully not only within trained situations, but also in the informal environment with peers and adults


Keywords: communicative activity; communicative readiness for school; children of the senior preschool age; the General underdevelopment of the speech; psychocorrection work.


For citation: Martynenko I. V., Kondukova S. V. Special features in development of communicative readiness for schooling in preschoolers with system speech disorders // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2018. № 3 (27). P. 63–73.




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