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B.N. Ryzhov - Sistem psychology




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V. P. Sheinov,

Republican Institute of Higher Education,

Minsk, Republic of Belarus


Victimness — the tendency to become a victim of crime, accident, intentional actions of other people; victimization — an event of violence or experience of experiencing violence, the process of turning a person into a victim of criminal assault, and the result of this process. The purpose of this study was to develop a reliable and valid test to assess the psychological risk factors of victimization. Tasks for the corresponding questionnaire, which differentiate the degree of manifestation of victimization, are obtained by using a combination of external, deductive and inductive strategies. In the pilot study, two contrasting groups of subjects, numbering 389 and 400 people, participated, comparing the indicators of which allowed to select differentiating tasks. It is shown that the constructed victimization risk test satisfies three standard reliability criteria (internal consistency, reliability of test parts, retest stability). The developed test is valid because it meets all known validity criteria: validation in the process of test design, validity of meaningful, «obvious», current and prognostic, consensus, constructive, convergent, contrast, gender. The scales (subtests) of the test diagnose seven types of victimization: general and realized victimization, propensity to aggressive, self-destructive, dependent and uncritical type of victim behavior and the degree of insecurity from manipulation. Victimization diagnosed with this test is positively correlated with a propensity for risky behavior, with anxiety, depression and low self-esteem and is negatively associated with assertiveness — all this corresponds to the essence of victimization. Standardization of the developed test was carried out on a representative sample of 563 men and 513 women. Representativeness of samples in the study is provided by a wide representation of the subjects by sex, age, education, profession, job position, social status, region of residence and is confirmed by the normal distribution of test results.


Keywords: psychological factors; risk of victimization; reliability; validity; risk behavior; anxiety; depression; self-esteem; assertiveness; men; women.


For citation: Sheinov V. P. Development of the test «Psychological factors of the risk of adult-individual victimization» // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2018. № 3 (27). P. 14–25.




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