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B. N. Ryzhov THE PSYCHOLOGICAL AGE OF CIVILIZATION: the XV century, the North Renaissance

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B. N. Ryzhov, THE PSYCHOLOGICAL AGE OF CIVILIZATION: XV Century, the Early Renaissance

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XV Century, the Early Renaissance


B. N. Ryzhov,

МCU, Moscow


The present article is the continuation of research devoted to system periodization of development of European civilization and the comparison of the stages of its development to the corresponding periods of a person’ s life. The beginning of this study published in №№ 14–15 of the journal “System psychology and sociology” includes the description of analogies in the psychological development of a person from birth up to early youth and of the development of European civilization from the V to the XV centuries.

The present part of this work is devoted to the continuation of the description of these analogies in the culture of the XV century.

In particular, the article addresses the evolution of the sense of comic in a person during the transition from adolescence to early youth and in the culture of European civilization of the XV century. The author notes some similarities between jokes and anecdotes that are so typical for adolescents and a farce flourished in the XV century. The farce was an unprofessional theatrical performance at that time arranged by special comic communities of citizens. In that regard the psychological causes of a peculiar sense of comic as the gallowshumor, appeared in the XV century, are considered here, and the history knows François Villon as one of the greatest master of the gallows-humor.

Special attention is payed to the historical background and cultural phenomena of the Early Italian

Renaissance that reflected the characteristic features of emotional and personal development of early youth on an equal basis with the Northern Renaissance Art.


Keywords: system periodization of development; psychological age of civilization; centres of European civilization; early youth; psychology of humor; farce; the Early Renaissance; François Villon; Andrea Verrochio.


For citation: Rizhov B. N. The psychological age of civilization: XV century, The Early Renaissance // Systems psychology and sociology. 2018. № 2 (26). Р. С. 59–68.




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