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B. M. Kogan,

T. G. Kulikova,

MCU, Moscow


This work describes an analytical overview of contemporary world studies complex symptoms, United by the notion of low cognitive tempo (SCT, sluggish cognitive tempo). Currently, the syndrome of low cognitive tempo different researchers or is considered as one of the subtypes of Add (attention deficit disorder without Hyperactivity) or as a separate disorder, children with different diagnostic groups, and also children with normative development. SCT is characterized by the following manifestations: fixity on their views, often fantastic content, lightheaded, decreased motor activity, immobility, poludremotnoe status, etc. Neuropsychological analysis reveals the primarily the problems of maintaining optimum functional State (nejrodinamicheskij deficiency), reducing the speed of information processing and concentration. In the article, based on an analysis of world literature highlights the main indicators that separate symptom low cognitive tempo from the syndrome of hyperactivity with attention deficit (ADHD) already at pre-school age. A separate series of investigation revealed that \a low cognitive tempo is associated with a number of external correlates, including difficulties mastering the child training skills, the presence he has anxiety and or depression, difficulties in social communication with peers and adults. Submitted by analytical overview brings together existing research results at the moment, shows the need for SCT syndrome more detailed examination of the SCT, as a separate infringement, providing meaningful impact on learning processes and activities in all spheres of life, as well as highlights important areas for future research.


Keywords: low cognitive tempo; attention deficit disorder; attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity; Special psychology; Neuropsychology; nejrodinamicheskij deficiency; slowness; Dreaming awake; Inattentiveness; the speed of information processing; the concentration of attention; learning difficulties; depressivnost; anxiety; communication; social interaction and adaptation.


For citation: Kogan B. M., Kulikova T. G. Current research of low cognitive tempo in children: an analytical overview // Systems psychology and sociology. 2018. № 2 (26). P. 47–58.




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