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Ryzhov B. N. Psychological Age of Civilization (translated into English by L. A. Mashkova)

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Journal_eng » Journal 36 : A. B. Karpov, M. V. Smirnova, EVOLUTION OF SYSTEM IDEAS ABOUT LABOR MOTIVATION
    Views: 856

UDC 159.9

DOI 10.25688/2223-6872. 2020.36.4.6




A. B. Karpov,

NPF «Materia Medica Holding», Moscow,



M. V. Smirnova,

NPF «Materia Medica Holding», Moscow,



The article provides an overview of the most significant theories that have affected the formation of approaches to the study of labor motivation over the past century. The presented review of theories combines both psychological concepts developed by the authors from the position of personality psychology, social and age psychology, and the development of sociologists and economists. A number of these theories are based on abstract ideas about motivation, many of them take as a base large-scale long-term studies of practical aspects of work motivation.

Based on the review of the main principles of each of these theories, a systematic analysis of how the subject of study has changed and how the definition of work motivation has evolved is carried out. According to the results of a summary analysis of the evolution of the concept, the correspondence of the main postulates of the theories to the peculiarities of the historical period in which they were developed:  socio-economic processes, stages of industrial production, and the development of technologies is revealed. There are 4 stages of emergence of labor motivation theories. It is noted that with the completion of the last stage, the focus in the study of labor motivation began to shift to behavioral manifestations of motivation in the organization. The attention of researchers gradually began to switch to the study of employee satisfaction, loyalty and engagement.

One of the key ideas of the article is the conclusion about the need for a systematic approach to the work of a psychologist in an organization, which allows on the one hand  to create the most effective systems that stimulate high productivity, taking as a bases  the development of scientists in the field of labor motivation and on the other hand — using modern methods of assessing engagement, loyalty and satisfaction — to create the system for evaluating and managing behavioral manifestations of employee motivation. The prospects of studying work motivation from the perspective of system psychology are considered.


Key words: labor motivation; system approach; system psychology; involvement in work; meaningful theories of motivation; procedural theories of motivation; organizational psychology.

For citation: Karpov A. B., Smirnova M. V. Evolution of system ideas about labor motivation // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2020. № 4 (36). P. DOI 10.25688/2223-6872.2020.36.4.6.


Karpov Alexey Borisovich, PhD in Psychology, Executive Master of Business Administration. Head of organizational development and human resources department of the scientific and production company «Materia Medica Holding», Moscow, Russia. 

E-mail: karpovab@yandex.ru

ORCID: 0000-0001-5437-3265


Smirnova Margarita Vyacheslavovna, senior HR manager of the scientific and production company «Materia Medica Holding», Moscow, Russia.

E-mail: khokhlovamv@gmail.com

ORCID: 0000-0003-0671-439X





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