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L. I. Bershedova,

L. P. Nabatnikova

MCU, Moscow


In the article the light is focused on the problems of moral and spiritual achievements and transformation of personhood basing on exploration of real story of life and oeuvre of the talented writer A. I. Kuprin whose life years have come to the time of dramatic social-historical cataclysms of the first triens of the 20th century.

Psychological understanding of personal and creative image of A. I. Kuprin is built on the analysis of his emotional and social world in the domain of family, society, epoch, exploration of complex and comprehensive diversity of his attitude to himself, to people and oeuvre on different stages of his life. Application in the investigation of biographical method as the alternative of getting into hidden sources of personality transformations allows on the one hand enveloping in common logics the writer’s brightest life situations, meaningful, trustworthy relationships and images of childhood, his emotional stresses and shocks, love and disappointments, life-changing events of his adulthood and сreative success, and on the other hand it allows building on this basement the causative-consecutive range of formation of A. I. Kuprin’s moral-spiritual stand as well as his actual perceptions of himself, family, life and implementation thereof in his oeuvre and in building-up of his own destiny.

Considerable attention is paid to Kuprin’s meaningful life periods in this article. The most important issue to emphasize here is the period of his childhood, which social situation of development is set by peculiarities of the family structure, its social status, financial standing, emotional atmosphere of child-parental relations, content of moral-ethical requirements. The time of building-up the own family during the first marriage reflects complex emotions of love and suffer, creative success and growth of readiness to change the life.

Love as the event comes to the writer during his second marriage and it changes the palette of his emotional world and the content of his oeuvre, which is centralized and focused on “life enlightening” feeling of love.

Social cataclysms are the source of the writer’s severe disappointments and refusal of new reality that results finally to immigration. The last life-stage of the writer is full of stress, internal disorder and nostalgia for his home country. Complex mix of feelings, events, relationships and disappointments in life and destiny of A. I. Kuprin give to the writer’s prose the unfading freshness and are the source of development of remarkable acumen that allows penetrating the inward of different people, the mystery of love to a woman, to a human and to the motherland.


Keywords: family; system; family values; marriage and family choice; love; emigration; personality; biographical method.


For citation: Bershedova L. I., Nabatnikova L. P. A psychological aspect of a family in Kuprin’s destiny and creative activity // Systems psychology and sociology. 2018. № 1 (25). P. 88–94.




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