
Ryzhov B. N. The system of motivational oppositions as the basis of psychological individuality

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Е. A Ponomareva,

MCU, Moscow,

D. I. Ponomareva,

T. A. Afonskaya,

MAI, Moscow


This article presents a study of the structure of adolescent impulses to clarify the content of the problems and evaluate the effectiveness of psychological treatment of various forms of teenage aggression. The objectives of the present study were: 1) the identification of incentive determinants of aggressive behavior of teenagers whose parents have repeatedly appealed to the clinical psychologist for advice; 2) analysis of the results on the basis of a projective test of L. Sondhi, as well as methods of «personal aggression and conflict» of E. P. Ilin – P. A. Kovalev — before and after the correction of psychological identity of minors. It is the contents the author’s methodology of training for the formation of a constructive (non-aggressive) behavior and the complex psycho-technical exercises for the correction of behavior in stressful situations. The study suggests that the target group at the significant level expressed by the following models of aggressive behavior: negative due to low self-esteem as a specific form of self-denial (vector «self-concept»); affective (paroxysmal vector). In the course of correctional training the most successfully managed to work through extreme variants of negative sexual and vectors; A positive dynamics of decrease on the scale of «intolerance of the opinions of others», «offensive», «obstinacy», «temper», «negative aggressiveness». It is noted that after the application of psycho methods exposure level in the target group of suspicion, vindictiveness, and totals of positive aggressiveness is not significantly changed. These final psychological diagnosis demonstrate the need to develop and apply additional measures of psychological adjustment for the results obtained. The possibility of using projective techniques L. Sondhi the practical psychologist with difficult teenagers allow a detailed assessment of the current state of the sphere of instincts, and to identify motivation — as a reactive nature, arising in response to the needs and frustrations of a teenager in a social environment, and the endogenous nature of having an internal cause genetic or other source that is not associated with the current situation. Methods of psychological correction impact applied during the study may contribute to the formation of teenagers the skills of effective behavior in difficult situations.


Keywords: adolescents; aggressiveness; aggressive behavior; personal determination; motivation; psychological correction; training; conflict; stress; projective method of L. Sondhi.


For citation: Ponomareva E. A., Ponomareva D. I., Afonskaya T. A. The features of personal determination and correction of the aggressiveness in adolescents // Systems psychology and sociology. 2018. № 1 (25). P. 26–35




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