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D.V. Ivanov,

NSPU, Novosibirsk,



The article discusses the leading ideas of one of the prominent figures of Russian enlightenment A. Lubkin, who contributed to the development of Russian psychological thought in the early 19th century, in the formation of the system of psychological concepts in Russia. In his creative work there are two major stages. The first of them (1792–1801) is associated with his formation as a philosopher and philosophizing psychologist, passing apprenticeship and testing himself as a teacher and mentor. The second stage (1801–1815) is, when he has an opportunity not only to generalize his hilosophical and psychological ideas and views, but also to present them textually to a wide audience.

Lubkin worked on the creation of a holistic concept that can explain the world, able to determine the place of man in the world, to solve the problem of rational and sensual. Psychological questions were the basis of this concept, they gave it completeness. In their psychological reasoning he followed the tradition that came from the philosophical century (A. S. Pushkin), together with the creation of V. N. Tatishchev, M. V. Lomonosov. IA. P. Kozelsky, N. I. Novikova, A. N. Radishchev. Lubkin, who is the successor of the sensualist theory of world perception, himself formed the tradition of critical consideration of the achievements of the world philosophical (and psychological) thought, in particular, the Kantian methodological assumptions that did not allow to reach the level of building a materialistic-oriented psychological theory.

In his works Lubkin uses the concept of psychology, firmly introducing it into the professional thesaurus of his time. He refers to the description of psychological phenomena (sensations, perception, ideas, memory, imagination, attention, thinking, emotions, will, speech).

A system of concepts typical of the time is traced there. An important concept of Lubkin’s system of psychological views is human thinking, mental cognition. The educator was looking for ways to improve the organization of thinking and the development of correct thinking.

Lubkin is confident in the very idea of the development of thinking from the simplest beginnings to the deep and true conclusions in human reasoning. It is also significant that the thinker notes clear individual differences in people with different natural potential in the manifestations of memory, imagination, thinking, etc. According to the views of Lubkin, man is able to fight for the implementation of his own life, to achieve true good, corresponding to his spiritual nature. The moral improvement of their own human nature becomes criterion and condition for the fight.

The article uses historical and psychological reconstruction, bibliographic method, as well as psychological interpretation of the ideas and views of the Russian educator to systematize the main materials and sources.


Keywords: psychology; cardiodiagnostic principle; nature; human nature; human potential; a system of psychological concepts; the concept; disputations; fighting; man fighting; true prosperity.

For citation: Ivanov D. V. Psychological thought in russia in the early XIX century. A. S. Lubkin // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2019. № 3 (31). P. 76–93. DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2019.31.3.08


Ivanov Denis Vasilievich, PhD (pedagogics). Docent at the department of General Psychology and History of Psychology of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia.

E-mail: ivanovdirkutsk@yandex.ru





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