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Nozikova N. V. Principles of modeling in the experimental study of a psychosemantic object: system approach

Journal_eng » Journal 38 : Nozikova N. V. Principles of modeling in the experimental study of a psychosemantic object: system approach
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UDC 159.9

DOI 10.25688/2223-6872.2021.38.2.02





N. V. Nozikova,

PNU, Khabarovsk,



The article presents the rationale for the application of the methodology of the system approach in modeling the results of the study of a holistic psychosemantic object. Modeling using the procedures of mathematical processing of the results of an experimental study is a universal epistemological form of the research. Main theoretical provisions of the application of modeling methods in a psychological research are summarized. The existing models that reveal the semantic space as a system of signs of a certain reality are considered.

It is proposed to use in a psychosemantic research the epistemological version of the methodology of the system approach — the “algorithm of system research” by A. V. Karpov, which allows us to construct a conceptually complete model of an object in the integrity of its ontological, structural, functional, genetic and integrative plans. The experimental research on the methodological basis of an interdisciplinary and system approach, the psychosemantic paradigm and the theory of similarity will allow us to identify a complex object in the semantic space that is subordinate to a specific goal, perform its analysis, establish its system organization and propose a conceptual model of a complete psychosemantic prototype object. The application of a systematic approach to the cognition of complex psychosemantic objects will allow us to establish and reveal new patterns in human psychology.


Keywords: system approach; system research algorithm; model; psychosemantics; semantic space; psychosemantic system; family purposefulness; family; values.


For citation: Nozikova N. V. Principles of modeling in the experimental study of a psychosemantic object: system approach // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2021. № 2 (38). P. 14–22. DOI 10.25688/2223- 6872.2021.38.2.02


Nozikova Natalya Valentinovna, PhD in Psychology, associate professor. Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology at the Pacific State University, Khabarovsk, Russia.

E-mail: nv_nozikova@bk.ru

ORCID: 0000-0002-3467-0729




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