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Yanysheva V. A., Senkevich L. V. The questionnaire “The experience of existential crisis”: a short version

Английская версия журнала » Journal 37 : Yanysheva V. A., Senkevich L. V. The questionnaire “The experience of existential crisis”: a short version
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UDC 159.9.07

DOI 10.25688/2223-6872.2021.37.1.8



a short version


V. A. Yanysheva,

IIPPAD, Moscow,


L. V. Senkevich,

RSSU, Moscow,



The article is devoted to approbation of a short version of the methodology “The experience of existential crisis”. The need to create a diagnostic tool that allows you to obtain reliable information about the psychological state of the client in a short time determines the purpose of this work. The individual life path of each person is a time continuum filled with conflicting desires, conflicting ideas, the need for meaningful existence, which together creates existential difficulties for a person. The search for answers to existential questions can transform into insurmountable existential problems and be accompanied by a special uncomfortable psychological state — an existential crisis.

The developed short version of the methodology “The experience of existential crisis” consists of 36 statements grouped into 6 scales, which were selected from 10 scales of the full version of the questionnaire: dissatisfaction with oneself; dissatisfaction with your present; meaninglessness of social connections; loneliness; insecurity; despair, suffering and guilt.

The obtained correlation coefficients of each statement with the score of its scale (from 0,428 to 0,815, p ≤ 0,001) indicate the homogeneity of the questionnaire. The correlation coefficients of the same scales from the short version and the full one of the questionnaire (from 0,899 to 0,970, p ≤ 0,001) indicate the almost complete identity of the two versions. Spearman’s correlation coefficients (from 0,846 to 0,937, p ≤ 0,001) confirm retest reliability. The α-Cronbach coefficients on each scale (from 0,725 to 0,872, p ≤ 0,001) confirm the internal consistency of the questionnaire. The correlation coefficients of the scales of the short version and the scales of the test of meaningful life orientations (from –0,432 to –0,695, p ≤ 0,001) indicate convergent validity. The number of points on all scales among respondents means low existential crisis. The short version can be used for diagnostic purposes, in particular, to determine the psychological state of the client before starting a psychotherapeutic course and after passing it.


Keywords: existential crisis; existential experiences; existential problems; meaning sphere; meaning of life.


For citation: Yanysheva V. A., Senkevich L. V. The questionnaire “The experience of existential crisis”: a short version // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2021. № 1 (37). P. 95–108. DOI: 10.25688/2223- 6872.2021.37.1.8


Yanysheva Vera Aleksandrovna, PhD in Psychology. Director of International Institute of Psychology and Psychotherapy of the Auto-order Direction, Moscow.

Е-mail: v_yanisheva@mail.ru

ORCID: 0000-0001-8391-5254

Senkevich Lyudmila Viktorovna, PhD in Psychology, Assoc. Prof. Associate Professor of the Department of Social, General, and Clinical psychology, Russian State Social University, Moscow.

Е-mail: lvsenkevich@mail.ru

ORCID: 0000-0001-8147-7692




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