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Valyavko S. M., Volodina O. Yu. Peculiarities of verbal communicative skills of preschoolers with autism disorders

Английская версия журнала » Journal 37 : Valyavko S. M., Volodina O. Yu. Peculiarities of verbal communicative skills of preschoolers with autism disorders
    Views: 411

UDC 159.9.07

DOI 10.25688/2223-6872.2021.37.1.5





S. M. Valyavko,

MCU, Moscow,


O. Yu. Volodina,

MGPPU, Moscow,



The article is devoted to the study of the features of verbal communication skills of preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder. The article reveals the essence and component composition of verbal communication skills in senior preschool children with childhood autism in comparison with their peers who have speech underdevelopment of primary genesis. Understanding the characteristics of communication and speech disorders in children with autism helps to determine the priority areas of correctional work.

The study was conducted on the basis of CRID “Our Sunny World” in the period from October 2019 to February 2020. The study involved children aged 5 to 7 years old with an established diagnosis of autism, not burdened with mental retardation. As a comparative group children attending classes on the development of speech in CRID “Our Solar World” and having a general speech underdevelopment of the III level were taken. Their level of speech development was closely related to the level of children from the childhood autism group.

The results of the research showed that speech retardation in children with autism has similarities with speech retardation in children without autism. At the same time, the communication skills of children with autism spectrum disorders significantly lag behind their level of speech development. The level of development of communication skills in children with autism is significantly lower than that in children with general speech underdevelopment of the III level, while the indicators of speech development of children from the group with autism slightly exceed the indicators of children with general speech underdevelopment from the target sample. The study revealed a direct link between the assessment of the communication and speech skills of children with autism: the lower the indicators of the communicative competencies of children with autism, the lower their speech skills.


Keywords: verbal communication skills; social skills; speech skills; childhood autism; general speech underdevelopment.


For citation: Valyavko S. M., Volodina O. Yu. Peculiarities of verbal communicative skills of preschoolers with autism disorders // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2021. № 1 (37). P. 61–69. DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2021.37.1.5


Valyavko Svetlana Mikhailovna, PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Special Psychology and Psychological and Social Technologies of the Institute of Special Education and Psychology of the Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia.

E-mail: valyavko@yandex.ru

ORCID: 0000-0001-7195-6374

Volodina Olga Yurievna, tutor of the federal resource center for the organization of comprehensive support for children and adolescents, Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University, Moscow, Russia.

E-mail: saint_olga@list.ru

ORCID: 0000-0002-7332-7173




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