Lemish V. V. The system of ideas about an old person among social workers at the initial stages of professional development
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Views: 372 UDC 159.9.07 DOI 10.25688/2223-6872.2021.37.1.7
V. V. Lemish, Dostoevsky OmSU, Omsk, verlem2004@yandex.ru
In the article, the system of ideas about an old person is considered to be a key aspect of the interaction of a social worker with a client, which sets the direction and nature of professional actions, which ultimately determine the effectiveness of social work. The aim of the research is to analyze the content of ideas about old people. The research uses the author’s psychosemantic methodology aimed at assessing the system of psychological manifestations: cognitive, affective, regulatory, communicative and personal. The respondents, social workers, were at different stages of professional development: students (adepts) and social workers starting their labor activity (adapters). The total number of subjects is 80. Among them: 40 people — students of 2–4 courses of the direction “Social work” aged from 19 to 24 years; 40 people — employees of complex centers of social services for the population with a professional experience of no more than 5 years aged from 26 to 32 years. It was revealed that the image of an old person in both groups of respondents is heavily loaded with negative connotations, which indicates a significant influence of old age stereotypes on the formation of the system of ideas. It is quite stable, especially when it touches upon the ideas about personal and communicative qualities. At the same time, direct involvement in professional activity contributes to a partial transformation of the system of ideas about an old person in the positive direction. The most significant changes have occurred in the perception of an old person’s ability to regulate his behavior. In general, changes in the system of ideas about an old person are associated not only with an increase in positive assessments, but also with softening of negative ones: social workers are less categorical in their negative assessments of an old age.
Keywords: systematic approach; presentation system; an old man; students; Social worker; professional development.
For citation: Lemish V. V. The system of ideas about an old person among social workers at the initial stages of professional development // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2021. № 1 (37). P. 81–94. DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2021.37.1.7
Lemish Vera Vasilievna, PhD in Psychology, Assoc. Prof. Associate professor at the Department of Social Work, Pedagogy and Psychology of the Dostoevsky Omsky State University, Omsk, Russia. E-mail: verlem2004@yandex.ru ORCID: 0000-0001-7165-5248
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