
Ryzhov B. N. The system of motivational oppositions as the basis of psychological individuality

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Preuss F., Perevozkina Yu. M. System analysis of role-based socialization in the youth environment

Английская версия журнала » Journal 37 : Preuss F., Perevozkina Yu. M. System analysis of role-based socialization in the youth environment
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UDC 159.9

DOI 10.25688/2223-6872.2021.37.1.2





F. Preuss,

EMAU, Greifswald, Germany,


Yu. M. Perevozkina,

NSPU, Novosibirsk,



The article is devoted to the definition of aspects related to modern problems of conceptualization of socialization in general and role socialization of young people in particular. For this purpose, a system analysis of the problems of role theories is carried out, and then a discussion on how modern definitions of roles, role expectations and role conflicts resonate with empirical research is also carried out. From the point of view of the meta-system approach, role-based socialization can be represented as a system complex including three system formations: personality, culture, and society.

Based on the concepts of the meta-system approach and based on role theories, a system analysis of empirical studies of young people role socialization in four spheres of life: family, professional, informal contacts and intimate-sexual is made. The problems of role development in the sexual sphere are associated with double standards, blurred expectations in relation to gender identity. In the field of informal contacts, the interaction of young people is mostly mediated through social networks, which are a platform for mastering social roles. The article presents data on the influence of the attitude of young people to gender roles on the transformation of the contemporary family, the change in the role models of the family, which are closely correlated with the values of society. In the professional sphere, the role socialization of young people is considered through the relationship between the individual’s subjective expectations and beliefs about his role and how these beliefs affect his behavior at work.

The use of the meta-system approach allows us to consider changes in the perception and integration of roles by young people comprehensively, to analyze their relationship with role expectations and personal characteristics. This approach allows us to describe in detail the role-based socialization of young people not only in a meaningful way, but also in a procedural way. The model is relevant for various fields of research that uses the role construct.


Keywords: system analysis; meta-system approach; system complex; role; role-based socialization; spheres of life.


For citation: Preuss F., Perevozkina Yu. M. System analysis of role-based socialization in the youth environment // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2021. № 1 (37). P. 28–38. DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2021.37.1.2


Preuss Franz, Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor. Professor at the Institute of Philosophy, Psychology and Pedagogy of the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University, Greifswald, Germany.

E-mail: franz@pruess.eu

ORCID: 0000-0001-9433-2046

Perevozkina Yulia Michaylovna, PhD in Psychological Sciences, Professor. Head of the Department of Practical and Special Psychology of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia.

E-mail: per@bk.ru

ORCID: 0000-0003-4201-3988




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