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DOI 10.25688/2223-6872.2020.36.4.7
I. V. Gorbunova, USPU, Yekaterinburg, gorbunova-priemnaya@mail.ru
System analysis is one of the methods of the system approach used in modern psychology and is the sequence of actions to establish structural links between variables or elements of the system under study, relying on a complex of general scientific, experimental, natural science, statistical, mathematical methods. This reseach uses the system analysis to study the activities of heads of educational organizations. The study was conducted in general education organizations of the city of Perm and the Perm region. The activities of heads of general education organizations were diagnosed using the Head Teacher Activity Style Questionnaire, the validity and reliability of which has been confirmed many times. Based on the results of diagnostics, the heads of general education organizations, using cluster analysis, were divided into groups depending on the level of success in their professional activities. The characteristics of the activity of each of the selected groups of heads of general education organizations were factorized, which made it possible to establish the features of the structure of the activity of each group. On the basis of a systematic analysis the features of the structure of the main activities, the relationship of the structural elements of activity and a system function of the individual elements of activities, depending on the level of success of activity of educational institutions heads are revealed It has been established that the selected groups of heads of general education organizations differ in the structure of the main areas of activity and the system-forming function of the main areas of activity. The groups of general education organizations heads identified in the study, depending on the level of success, are designated as “strategists”, “tacticians” and “conformists”.
Key words: systems analysis; performance indicators; heads of the general education organizations; groups; symptomocoplexes of properties; strategists; tactics; conformists. For citation: Gorbunova I. V. Systems analysis of activity of the general education organizations heads // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2020. № 4 (36). P. DOI 10.25688/2223-6872.2020.36.4.7.
Gorbunova Irina Viktorovna, Director of the Lyceum №. 9 of Perm, graduate student of the Department of Educational Psychology of the Institute of Psychology of the Ural State Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg, Russia. Е-mail: gorbunova-priemnaya@mail.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-2185-3219
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