Journal_eng » Journal 36 : Е. R. Artamonova, Е. V. Lobanov, SYSTEM IDEAS IN THE CREATIVE HERITAGE OF P. P. BLONSKY |
Views: 929 UDC 159.9 DOI 10.25688/2223-6872.2020.36.4.8
Е. R. Artamonova, VSU, Vladimir, art1960.2@yandex.ru,
Е. V. Lobanov, MSUMD, Moscow, lobanov.evg@inbox.ru
The article analyzes the contribution of P. P. Blonsky to the development of systems ideas of psychological science. The article describes the actual problems of developmental and educational psychology, which are reflected in the fundamental works of the author. The dialectical-materialistic approach used by him to the solution of the main methodological problems of psychology is considered. The conceptual model of solving the problem of mental development of a child is covered. A theoretical analysis of a wide range of the problems touched upon by the author is carried out: the study of the question of the importance of childhood, of the historical change in the pace and content of various age stages of human development, the identification of various stages of age development and specific transitions between them, as well as the formulation of the problem of psychological age and the development of a specific historical direction its solutions. It is noted the presence of innovative ideas in Blonsky's works, which served as the foundation for the emergence of systemic concepts in order to understand the foundations of human mental development. Particular attention in the article is paid to those views of Blonsky on issues of developmental and educational psychology, which retain their scientific and practical interest to the present. Blonsky's creative heritage gives modern researchers the key to understanding the psychological and pedagogical laws of the formation of the personality. In his works, ideas of psychophysiological unity sound, as well as the need to increase the role of genetic research in considering the mechanisms of age-related development. At the same time, the importance of active involvement in age-appropriate activities is emphasized as a necessary condition for the harmonious development of the child's personality is emphasized. All this testifies to Blonsky's understanding of the need to apply the principle of consistency to the study of mental phenomena. In Blonsky's works, the ideas of the systemic relationship of mental processes are expressed. He postulates the basic principles of organizing the study of the child. The author's views on the psychological characteristics of teaching and upbringing of difficult schoolchildren, as well as Blonsky's provisions concerning the specifics of the intellectual development of children, are of keen interest.
Keywords: P. P. Blonsky; system ideas; pedagogical psychology; age-related psychology; dialectical materialistic approach; activity; patterns of development; game theory; psychological and pedagogical laws. For citation: Artamonova Е. R., Lobanov Е. V. System ideas in the creative heritage of P. P. Blonsky // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2020. № 4 (36). P. DOI 10.25688/2223-6872.2020.36.4.8.
Artamonova Elena Romanovna, PhD in Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of General and Educational Psychology of the Vladimir State University named after A. G. and N. G. Stoletovs, Vladimir, Russia. E-mail: art1960.2@yandex.ru ORCID: 0000-0003-1714-3625
Lobanov Evgeniy Valeryevich, postgraduate student at the A. I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: lobanov.evg@inbox.ru ORCID: 0000-0003-2249-004X
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