Views: 909 UDC 159.9 DOI 10.25688/2223-6872.2020.35.3.8
D. V. Ivanov, NSPU, Novosibirsk, ivanovdirkutsk@yandex.ru
The present article is a continuation of the study devoted to the analysis of systemic ideas and concepts in Russian science of the XVIII – mid-XIX centuries. It examines the main psychological ideas of one of the prominent figures of the Russian Enlightenment — I. M. Kandorsky, known to readers under the pseudonym of «Ivan Mikhailov, Pagkratievsky deacon». Being a teacher by nature Kandorsky tried to encourage people to know their own Soul. He is the author of a number of theological, philosophical and psychological works in the style of a treatise. His psychological work «The science of the soul» (1796) is an important milestone in the history of the formation and development of the Russian psychological thought. This treatise can be acclaimed as one of the significant works comparable in ultimate importance to Aristotle’s «On the soul» or Avicenna’s «On the Science of the Soul: a synopsis», and it is emphasized the creative activity of Russian psychological thought. The purpose of Kandorsky’s work was to systematize psychological issues and explain to people some of the basic ideas of the «science of the soul». In accordance with the Rationalist tradition, I. M. Kandorsky recognized the mind as the most important basis for human behavior. I. M. Kandorsky, while expressing sympathy for the empirical principle, that makes it possible to see him as a sensualist, also noted the importance of the senses in cognition.The basic concept of the treatise is the idea of the development of a person including developing personal qualities of independent thinking and control over own feelings. Kandorsky insisted on the idea of the importance of formation of the human in a person. His struggling man knows himself and is able to regulate his own personal growth. The theoretical foundation of research is based on a historical method and method of psychological reconstruction together with bibliographic method as well as psychological interpretation method of the ideas and views of the Russian Enlightener.
Keywords: “spiritual rank”; systemic ideas; psychology; soul; brain; rationalism; sensationalism; feelings; struggle; struggling man.
For citation: Ivanov D. V. System ideas in psychological thought in Russia in the end of the XVIII century. I. M. Kandorsky // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2020. № 3 (35). P. 102–118. DOI 10.25688/2223- 6872.2020.35.3.8
Ivanov Denis Vasilievich, PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor. Associate professor at the Department of General Psychology and History of Psychology of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail: ivanovdirkutsk@yandex.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-2478-1468
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