Английская версия журнала » Journal 31 : Yu. A. Shulekina, SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT OF SYMBOLIC ACTIVITY IN YOUNGER STUDENTS |
Yu. A. Shulekina, MCU, Мoscow,
The article considers the problem of reading textbook as the most important component of the system organization of educational activities of primary school children. Studying of its psychological platform (symbolic activity) is necessary for the understanding of the difficulties arising in students of different classes, as well as the modeling of psychological and pedagogical assistance to such children. A questionnaire developed by the author and tested on a large sample of recipients was chosen as a tool for studying the symbolic activity of younger students. The study is based on the hypothesis: every year at the stage of primary General education students improve various components of symbolic activity, which is a necessary condition for the development of educational activities, and as a result, expands the opportunities of students in mastering educational competencies. The results of the surveys are the material of empirical nature on the problem of the attitude of students in grades 1–4 to reading the textbook as a specific symbolic activity. The data obtained in the course of this study made it possible to trace the development of certain components of symbolic activity in primary school students. The most important conclusion was that the development of symbolic activity is uneven, which indicates the different readiness of children to quickly adapt to the changing requirements of the information and educational environment, including multimodal nature. However, by the end of primary General education, students fully assimilate the traditional model of learning activities: their experience and skills allow them to solve problems in accordance with the learning objectives. At the same time, students do not fully use the multimodal resources of the textbook, often referring to their semiotic noise, and sometimes directly avoiding them.
Keywords: symbolic activity; reading the textbook; learning activity; learning skills to operate the tutorial; specific skills to operate the tutorial; multimodal literacy; younger students. For citation: Shulekina J. A. Specific development of symbolic activity in younger students // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2019. № 3 (31). P. 46–54. DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2019.31.3.05
Shulekina Juliya Alexandrovna, PhD in Pedagogics, docent, docent at the Department of the Speech therapy at the Institute of special education and comprehensive rehabilitation of the Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Juliah@mgpu.ru
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