
Ryzhov B. N. The system of motivational oppositions as the basis of psychological individuality

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Aleksander T. A Review about Old Age and Disability (translated into English by A. Diniejko and into Russian by О. Leszczak)

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B.N. Ryzhov - Sistem psychology




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V. P. Sheinov,

BSU, Minsk, The Republic of Belarus,



The article describes the study about the possible links between assertiveness and insecurity of individuals from manipulations with the emotional intelligence of individuals. The methods used are: the author’s assertiveness test, the author’s method “Assessment of the degree of an individual’s vulnerability from manipulative influences”, N. Hall’s test of emotional intelligence. It has been established that assertiveness is positively associated with an integrative indicator of emotional intelligence. Thus, for the Russian-speaking society, the validity of the inclusion of assertiveness in the model of emotional intelligence (ESI) R. Bar-On. Recognizing the emotions of other people is somewhat more strongly associated with assertiveness in girls than in boys. In cadets, assertiveness is positively correlated with an integrative indicator of emotional intelligence, with self-motivation and emotional awareness.

The assertiveness of educators-managers is positively associated with the integrative indicator of emotional intelligence and all its components, except for emotional awareness. Their emotional awareness contributes to protection against the manipulation of boys and girls. Security from manipulation and assertiveness of students are positively related to their satisfaction with the chosen profession, life in general, and academic performance in subjects related to the future profession. Satisfaction of the leaders of pedagogical teams with the choice of the teacher’s profession, their position and life in general are in a strong positive relationship with each other. For girls it is uncharacteristically aggressive, and for boys even more so — passive behavior. The distribution of teachers and female students by type of behavior is very similar.


Keywords: assertiveness; vulnerability from manipulation; manipulations; emotional intellect; individual; students; cadets; teachers.

For citation: Sheinov V. P. Assertiveness, manipulation vulnerability and emotional intellect of individuals // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2019. № 3 (31). P. 38–45. DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2019.31.3.04


Sheinov Viktor Pavlovich, doctor of sociology, full professor, professor at the department of Psychology and Pedagogical Proficiency at the Institute of Higher Education under the auspices of the Belarusian State University, Minsk, The Republic of Belarus.

E-mail: sheinov1@mail.ru





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