
Ryzhov B. N. The system of motivational oppositions as the basis of psychological individuality

Preuss F., Perevozkina Yu. M. Interconnection and types of social relations of role socialization system formation: metasystem approach

Ryzhov B. N. The actual-self, ideal-self and hidden-self (with Translation into English by L. A. Mashkova)

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Kondratyev V. M. The Problem of Balance between Morality and Law in Human Education (with a Translation into English)

Ryzhov B. N. Psychological Age of Civilization (translated into English by L. A. Mashkova)

Aleksander T. A Review about Old Age and Disability (translated into English by A. Diniejko and into Russian by О. Leszczak)

A. A. Zych Silver University as an alternative for the polish solutions

B. N. Ryzhov THE PSYCHOLOGICAL AGE OF CIVILIZATION: the XV century, the North Renaissance

Yu. M. Perevozkina, V. G. Fedosov, F. Prusse Functional organization of impasa-role socialization of youth: metasystemic approach

T. Macho, I. V. Lebedeva, M. M. Bicharova. Migration in Europe as systemic phenomenon of the contemporary society

G. Gross, J. S. Frolova From London to Moscow coronations: perceptions of monarchy

Simons G. Tangible threats through intangible means: aspects of BRICS information and communication security

Ryzhov B. N., Mashkova L. A., Stolyarova G. I. Dynamics of motivational indicators in high school

B.N. Ryzhov - Sistem psychology




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T. I. Kuzmina,




The article is devoted to the study of self-consciousness in individuals with impaired intelligence of adolescence and adulthood. The impact of self-consciousness as a regulator of social behavior on the formation of an adequate field of socialization of persons of this category is very large and, first of all, is important for the organization of dialogical relations of the subject with the outside world, which involves a situational request from the communication space and the subject’s response in the form of an act.

It is very difficult for a person with mental retardation to be in dialogical relationships with the outside world. His behavior is most often not conscious, but impulsive, reactive. It is not possible to talk about true awareness of behavior in relation to persons with intellectual disabilities, however, they can understand the causes and consequences of their own actions, especially with specially organized self-knowledge. At the same time, certain helplessness in solving real situational problems related to everyday life, but requiring orientation, evaluation and decision-making from the subject, including the moral plan, is noteworthy.

The author presents the diagnostic methodology “Situations” (stimulus material and criteria-parametric assessment base), which allows to study individual aspects of self-consciousness of persons with mental retardation in the context of solving situational tasks (a case study technology) and substantiating their potential actions in connection with the proposed problems.

The study involved 48 individuals with mild mental retardation aged 17 to 29 years, students and graduates of special (correctional) schools. The results of the study demonstrated the peculiarities of situational self-know ledge of mentally retarded persons at all thematic levels: 1) perception of the situation and potential behavior in it; 2) emotional attitude to the situation; 3) analysis of the individual basis of the act; 4) determination of the context of the act, its causes and consequences.


Keywords: situational diagnostics; case study; persons with mental retardation; intellectual disabilities; self-awareness; self-knowledge; self-concept; age; socialization; special-needs school.

For citation: Kuzmina T. I. Exploring the Self-Consciousness in Persons with Intellectual Disabilities using Case Study Technologies // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2019. № 4 (32). P. 39–51. DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2019.32.4.04.


Kuzmina Tatyana Ivanovna, PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor at the Department of Special Psychology and Rehabilitation of the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Moscow, Russia.

E-mail: ta-1@list.ru




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