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Е. A. Ponomareva,

MCU, Moscow,


D. I. Ponomareva,

MAI, Moscow,



The article outlines the main stages of the creative biography of an outstanding Russian psychologist, Academician Alexei Danilovich Glotochkin (1925–2007) — a famous scientist who made a significant contribution to the development of the military, social and penitentiary Russian psychology. Methodological approaches of A. D. Glotochkin in modern conditions are in demand, being embodied in the research of a new generation of scientists.

Doctor of Psychology, professor, retired Major General A. D. Glotochkin was among those unique practitioners who began to explore the essence of the socio-psychological factors of interpersonal interaction in military teams. His personal military experience, combined with the talent of a scientist, was of great importance for the actualization of psychological problems studied in the army. Already in peacetime, more than ten years working as head of the military-pedagogical faculty of the Military-Political Academy. V. Lenin, he enjoyed a well-deserved prestige among his colleagues as a person possessing invaluable baggage of professional competencies. He was one of the developers of the system of methods for effective psychological preparation of personnel for combat operations, as well as procedures for professional psychological selection in the army. A. D. Glotochkin conducted a large-scale monitoring of the socio-psychological aspects of interpersonal and professional interaction in military units and subdivisions. The data obtained, first presented in a doctoral dissertation, in a generalized and structured form, became a unique scientific and methodological platform for writing textbooks and monographs [2; 12]. Many generations of cadets and trainees had the opportunity to obtain system knowledge in the field of the psychology of military teams, as well as military psychology and pedagogy.

Along with this, the work on the creation of a conceptual basis of the penitentiary theory and practice was of great scientific interest for Alexey Danilovich. Over the years, written in co-authorship, textbooks for students of higher educational institutions of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs on corrective labor psychology have been widely demanded in the educational process of training highly qualified employees of the domestic penitentiary system. The USSR Ministry of Justice highly appreciated the work of scientists.

Textbooks and methodic manuals, monographs, articles and popular science essays by Academician A. D. Glotochkin are still relevant for specialists of different profiles. His science works, translated into many languages of the world, have been published in the USA, countries of Europe and Latin America, Asia and Africa.


Keywords: military team; military psychology; interpersonal relations; corrective-labor psychology; psychological support; deviant behavior; adolescent aggression; mental health; teachers.

For citation: Ponomareva E. A., Ponomareva D. I. A. D. Glotochkin’s contribution to the development of the Russian psychological science // Systems Psychology and Sociology. 2019. № 3 (31). P. 68–75. DOI: 10.25688/2223-6872.2019.31.3.07


Ponomareva Elena Alekseevna, PhD in Psychology, docent, docent at the Department of pedagogical, developmental and social psychology at the Institute of psychology, sociology and social relations of the Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia.

E-mail: PonomarevaEA@mgpu.ru

Ponomareva Diana Igorevna, PhD in Psychology, docent at the Department of sociology, psychology and social management at the Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia.

E-mail: Di37tap1@mail.ru





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