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D. V. Ivanov,

N. A. Galyuk,

NSPU, Novosibirsk


The article deals with the ideas of philosophical and psychological nature in the creative heritage of the major Russian educators of the early XIX century. The philosophical and psychological thought of the Russian educators, among them — the philosopher and lawyer A. P. Kunitsyn, the poet, critic and the philosopher P. A. Vyazemsky, the writer and diplomat A. S. Griboyedov, the historian and journalist M. P. Pogodin, contains the results of a serious methodological reflection about human nature, man, his place in the world. In their views, a person is a holistic entity, capable of assessing himself and his capabilities in his own life and creative work. Man is virtuous and intelligent, he is moral, capable of fighting for ideals and the possibility of self-manifestation. Positions in philosophical and psychological thinking of the Russian enlightenment can be seen and reconstructed in the context of cardioprotective principle and the principle of self-improvement, traditional of Russian thought, indicating a significant potential in the development of man and his moral, purely human nature. In their reflections, the Russian enlighteners of the early XIX century use the existing system of psychological concepts.Therefore, their heritage has become a kind of contribution to the domestic human studies, moral psychology, the very history of psychological thought in Russia, emphasized the «dialogue» conducted «through the centuries» by Russian thinkers about man.

Creative heritage of Russian educators of the early XIX century shows a deep interest in philosophical and psychological problems in Russia, where issues related to the understanding of human nature remain until our time in the focus of methodological reflection.


Keywords: human nature; rationality; virtue; labour; fighting; a fighting man; cardiogenetics principle; the principle of self-improvement in psychology; humanities; moral psychology; system of psychological concepts.


For citation: Ivanov D. V., Galyuk N. A. Psychological idea in philosophical and publicistic works of russian educators from the beginning of the XIX century // Systems psychology and sociology. 2018.№ 4 (28). P. 84–99.




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