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V. A. Medintsev,

G. S. Kostiuk

Institute of Psychology of the National Academy

of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev


One of the possible prospects for the development of psychological science is the integration of the knowledge accumulated in it and the creation of a universal methodology for theoretical and experimental studies.

The article briefly outlines the modern scientific context of integration in psychology, emphasizes the its implementation difficulties. The presented methodological positions of G. A. Ball and the author of the article concern with integrative problems and the prospect of the nearest stage of research. It is shown that research on the integrative-personal approach, the cultural function of psychological science and the systemic nature of psychological knowledge can become a theoretical basis for the methodological development of a complex problems of psychological knowledge integrating. The main results are embodied in the developments of: a system of concepts for describing culture as a modi structure and personality as characteristics of a personal psychological modus; theoretical and methodological tools for a formalized description of the interaction of psychological science as a culture modus with its other modi; method of the set-theoretical description for processes (ST-method) and its applications in psychological research. In order to substantiate and develop the concept of psychological knowledge integration on this methodological basis, it is necessary to solve a number of research problems. Among the priorities: to overcome the difficulties on universalization of the representation of scientific-psychological knowledge; to propose a version of the synthesis of the results obtained within the framework of the natural-science and humanitarian paradigms. The main question that must be answered when carrying out these studies is formulated: what methodological tool for a universal description of the objects of psychological research and the presentation of scientific-psychological knowledge may be acceptable to the psychological community.


Keywords: natural-science and humanitarian paradigms; psychological science; culture; modus of culture; formalized descriptions in psychology; psychological knowledge integration.


For citation: Medintsev V. A. Questions of psychological knowledge integration in the context of systemic description of culture // Systems psychology and sociology. 2018. № 4 (28). P. 14–25.




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