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S. M. Valyavko,

MCU, Moscow


Since the last century the problems of gender equality or even leveling of gender boundaries have been actively discussed in society. Often some publications report that there is a real «gender war». Many scientific branches are seriously considering the abolition of gender division. Psychologists insist upon a different point of view on gender differences, pointing to the existing features of gender behavior.

Modern science distinguishes the terms «sex» and «gender». Sex (i. e. the biological features) refers to the main psychological and social differences between women and men. Gender or gender-marked representations is referred to signs of gender culture that a person learns and reproduces. There is no doubt that the biological characteristics of sex are refracted in the individual consciousness through the social representations, i. e., in the process of education and socialization of the individual through the assimilation of gender stereotypes prevalent in society and social institutions: family, the mass media and etc. Gender  socialization is represented by two strategies in the modern society: traditional (differentiated by sex) and alternative (egalitarian, the result of gender socialization). But they are also variable: there are different variants of male identity — masculinity and different variants of female identity — femininity.

The article considers the problem of the development of a gender identity in older preschool age children with normal and impaired speech development. According to the study, the assimilation of gender standards in boys with speech dysontogenesis is faster than in girls. This allowed the author to form a hypothesis that compensation of speech defects goes through the other non-speech representations, in particular, by showing signs of typical gender behaviour.


Keywords: gender; gender identity; gender differences; gender behaviouг; age and sex identification; psychological age; senior preschoolers; speech disorders; general underdevelopment of speech.


For citation: Valyavko S. M. The development of a gender identity in children of preschool age // Systems psychology and sociology. 2018. № 3 (27). P. 39–49.




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