
Ryzhov B. N. The system of motivational oppositions as the basis of psychological individuality

Preuss F., Perevozkina Yu. M. Interconnection and types of social relations of role socialization system formation: metasystem approach

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Kondratyev V. M. The Problem of Balance between Morality and Law in Human Education (with a Translation into English)

Ryzhov B. N. Psychological Age of Civilization (translated into English by L. A. Mashkova)

Aleksander T. A Review about Old Age and Disability (translated into English by A. Diniejko and into Russian by О. Leszczak)

A. A. Zych Silver University as an alternative for the polish solutions

B. N. Ryzhov THE PSYCHOLOGICAL AGE OF CIVILIZATION: the XV century, the North Renaissance

Yu. M. Perevozkina, V. G. Fedosov, F. Prusse Functional organization of impasa-role socialization of youth: metasystemic approach

T. Macho, I. V. Lebedeva, M. M. Bicharova. Migration in Europe as systemic phenomenon of the contemporary society

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B.N. Ryzhov - Sistem psychology




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A. B. Karpov,

NPF Materia Medica Holding, Moscow


The article is devoted to the problem of work engagement, it provides the literature review on this issue.

The analysis of the literature reveals the discrepancy between a large number of different theories of motivation for the needs of modern organizations, the absence of a single universal theoretical model of work motivation, and a methodology that can measure the degree of work motivation for a particular activity in an organization.

All this would allow the employer to create organizational mechanisms stimulating high labor efficiency.

The concept of work engagement as a factor of high productivity of workers is introduced.

The article presents the results of the study of work engagement of the employees of the pharmaceutical company LLC “NPF “Materia Medica Holding”. According to the results of the study there is a discussion of the patterns of the work engagement factors, subjective perception of the engagement of colleagues and objective engagement in different functional groups, as well as the relationship of engagement with the effectiveness of the employees and turnover in different divisions in the period before and after the research.


Keywords: engagement; work motivation; satisfaction; labor efficiency; turnover; business indicators; organizational loyalty; effectiveness.


For citation: Karpov A. B. Employee engagement — a factor of work motivation // Systems psychology and Sociology. 2018. № 3 (27). P. 74–83.




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