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Ju. Shulekina,

MCU, Мoscow


It is shown that polycode texts are popular texts in the primary classroom, particularly in the initial stages of schooling. A vivid example polycode text (hypertext) is the textbook, the availability and the efficiency with which in speech therapy and educational psychology are shown in single studies. At the same time, in the didactic literature for preschoolers found a lot of options of polycode texts (comics, diagram, rebus, etc.), but there is a total deficit in the methodological developments concerning their application in teaching children. This makes the researchers face the fundamental task to study the processes of understanding a variety of polycode texts by preschoolers with disabilities to ensure the educational process new technologies of work with the educational text material.

The article discusses the possibilities of integration polycode technologies in methodical device of special support of students with disabilities. Known types of polycode texts are considered as effective means of the special educator and psychologist in the training of preschool and primary school children this category to master academic competencies.

The author presents the latest experimental data on the specifics of understanding polycode texts by children with general speech underdevelopment, shows how the text’s types(fiction and educational) impact on the natureof the semantic perception of its polycode shell and a transcript of its contents, and also proves the existence of significant differences in the perception and understanding polycode texts in preschoolers with normal  development, and in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment.


Keywords: polycode text; commix; text comprehension; mental-speech strategies; general speech underdevelopment; learning competences; special education.


For citation: Shulekina Ju. A polycode text comprehension in preschoolers // Systems psychology and sociology. 2018. № 1 (25). P. 36–44.




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