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E. N. Rychikhina

MCU, Moscow


The growth of conflicts at schools leads to a necessity to develop the conflict resolution skills of all parties involved into the education process, and school mediation services play the main role in this activity. This article reviews educational capabilities of counselling and its role in forming the conflict resolution competency.

The urgency of this article is in its review of a new area in Russian education — the area of school mediation services. The author has analyzed the functioning of

school counselling in Russia and showed its unstable development. Based on the monitoring results the author sees the necessity to develop a conflict resolution competency for all parties involved into the education process.

A level of teacher’s conflict resolution competency is critical for school mediation service development. Also the author reviews circumstances that help to increase a teacher’s role in school mediation service. If teachers’ conflict resolution competency is formed properly, that will allow them to use the school mediation service to work closely with students and their parents to advance their conflict resolution skills.

The author shows how to form the conflict resolution competency using the process of recovery mediation. The article highlights the importance to involve the students into the school mediation service work, where they could have an experience to work with conflicts, receiving the theoretical and practical knowledge of rules regulating conduct in conflict situations.

This article identifies and describes the components of conflict resolution competency that includes legal, social, psychological, communicatory and conflict resolution components. The author describes the heuristic model to develop the conflict resolution competency that consists of two approaches: theoretical and practical. Each approach has its own methods of education. The main advantage of this model is a distinct differentiation of theoretical and practical approaches during the educational process.

This article pays special attention to methods used in the process of forming the conflict resolution competency and conflict resolution education. The author highlights the main component of the conflict resolution competency — the interactive methods of education. At the end, the author makes a conclusion that the usage of various forms and methods of the school mediation service allows to improve the possibility to educate teachers, students and their parents.

The review of data and system-oriented analysis allowed the author to highlight the importance for schools to employ a professional conflict resolution specialist with a mediation tra

Keywords: school mediation services; remedial mediation; teacher’s professional competency; conflict resolution competency; methods of education.


For citation:

Rychikhina E. N. The role of the school mediation services in the conflictological education // Systems psychology and sociology. 2017. № 3 (23). P.





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