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Английская версия журнала » Journal 23 : RyzhovB. N. A SYSTEM STRUCTURE OF PERSONALITY
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MCU, Moscow

The article is devoted tothe justification of a system model of human personality, and this unified methodological viewpoint gives a description of its most important structural components. The author proposes a model of person’s social and biological status presenting a socio-biological ring or a run-up to personality providing the most important influence on all the processes occurring in it.

As a matter of fact, the personality structure can be represented as a series of concentric spheres concluded its intellectual, emotional-and-volitional and value-motivational characteristics. Each of these spheres contains several interacting layers in turn. The external layer is a component generated over the person’s lifetime and is accessible to his conscious control and regulation. The deep inside component consists of unconscious motives and genetically certain inclinations of mental characteristics of a person.

The first personality structure is the intellectual sphere of a person that is available to outside observers. It combines a number of hierarchical subordination of layers or levels, where there is the most profound level — the level of genetically certain system-psychological characteristics or inclinations and abilities. The next one is the level of aptitudes, skills and general and special abilities necessary to develop the skills, then the level of accumulated human knowledge is followed.

The following structure is the emotional-volitional sphere of personality. The volitional processes constitute the outer layer in this structural composition and that is directly associated with the intellectual sphere, while the emotional processes constitute the inner layer and these processes only partly amenable to conscious control.

However, the deepest level of the personality is the motivational sphere included values, interests, needs, hobbies and aspirations of a person and their underlying basic structure of personality — its motivational core. Temperament and character fasten together all these structures through intra - and inter-sphere components.

 Being built on a unified theoretical basis the system model of personality opens the possibility of creating a universal complex of psychodiagnostic methods with the uniform assessment criteria that allows to obtain comparable results.

Keywords: system psychology; system structure of personality; socio-biological ring; intellectual sphere; emotional-volitional sphere; motivational core of personality; intra-intrasphere personality formations; mental potential.

 For citation:

Ryzhov B. N. A system structure of personality// Systems psychology and sociology. 2017. № 3 (23). P.  


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