
Ryzhov B. N. The system of motivational oppositions as the basis of psychological individuality

Preuss F., Perevozkina Yu. M. Interconnection and types of social relations of role socialization system formation: metasystem approach

Ryzhov B. N. The actual-self, ideal-self and hidden-self (with Translation into English by L. A. Mashkova)

Ryzhov B. N., Tarasova А. А. Emotional Perception of Architectural Objects of 1920–1930s by Moscow Students (with Translation into English by L. A. Mashkova)

Kondratyev V. M. The Problem of Balance between Morality and Law in Human Education (with a Translation into English)

Ryzhov B. N. Psychological Age of Civilization (translated into English by L. A. Mashkova)

Aleksander T. A Review about Old Age and Disability (translated into English by A. Diniejko and into Russian by О. Leszczak)

A. A. Zych Silver University as an alternative for the polish solutions

B. N. Ryzhov THE PSYCHOLOGICAL AGE OF CIVILIZATION: the XV century, the North Renaissance

Yu. M. Perevozkina, V. G. Fedosov, F. Prusse Functional organization of impasa-role socialization of youth: metasystemic approach

T. Macho, I. V. Lebedeva, M. M. Bicharova. Migration in Europe as systemic phenomenon of the contemporary society

G. Gross, J. S. Frolova From London to Moscow coronations: perceptions of monarchy

Simons G. Tangible threats through intangible means: aspects of BRICS information and communication security

Ryzhov B. N., Mashkova L. A., Stolyarova G. I. Dynamics of motivational indicators in high school

B.N. Ryzhov - Sistem psychology




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D. V. Ivanov,

NSPU, Novosibirsk


The article deals with the idea of the outstanding figure of the Russian Enlightenment, «unsolved personality»  P. Y. Chaadaev, — who has made contributions to the development of Russian philosophical and psychological thought in the first third of the XIX century. The article uses the historical-psychological reconstruction, bibliographic method that promotes ordering of basic materials and sources, as well as the psychological interpretation of representations Russian educator of man and of human nature, the struggle and the principles that allowed educator describe psychological phenomena.

Keywords: human nature; system of psychological concepts; personality; struggle; struggling people; intelligence; sensitivity; righteousness.



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